But there are not many words to describe the sniveling screaming crying groupie my lil' brother became in the presence of Tayari Jones. Um, he was a bit impressed to say the least...
After she took us out to dinner, I got an earful from Da'Kari...
"Damn, she is hot!"
"She has a serious vocabulary! Did you hear all those big words she used??"
"I sure do like her. She has a nice personality."
"I asked a bunch of questions because I have never met someone who has written books before."
"Lee, she sure is HOT!!"
I have no idea what to do when he talks about women. I just kind of walked away, because I don't like women, and I don't look at them.
Now, I had the honor of taking him to his first book signing and reading, Tayari's reading, that following Saturday after our adventure with Tayari. Usually he would frown at such a thing, but he damn near broke his neck trying to get ready for this event and was anxiously sitting on the sofa, waiting for me to get dressed so that we could leave. We arrived at the event via train, and walked to our destination, the Decatur conference center. He sat there anxiously awaiting for things to begin.
Since we'd gotten there a half hour early, he decided to go out in the hallway and and get a soda from the gift shop...
He returned to his seat all... I don't know... exasperated... with a huge Kool-aid smile.
"I saw Tayari in the lobby, and she has on this red and white dress, and she gave me a hug, and she held my hand, and she called me Milk and Cookies, and she called me a felony..."
I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Well, that's nice," was all I thought to say.
She came in and had a few words with us and several others. Da'Kari was smiling ear to ear still.
There were 2 talks, and the first talk and reading was given by a literary suspense author by the name of Lisa Teasley... She writes some HIGHLY eclectic stuff, some real strange stuff. Her reading was a bit, um... erotic. I almost wanted to place my hands over Da'kari's ears, like I use to do when he was little....
Milk and Cookies kept tugging on my shirt whispering in my ear, "Am I suppose to hear all this? Am I suppose to be hearing all this sexual stuff? Is that what they do at a book reading?"
I basically ignored him.
Well Tayari gave her talk, and people asked questions. Da'Kari was all smug, because he had asked her some of the same questions during dinner with her.
Well, that poor boy... he was in awe after it was over. He said....
"Damn, she make a n**** want to read a book!!"
Wow. She really made an impression on her. Da'Kari does not sit down and read unless forced to.
While I was purchasing one of Lisa Teasley's books, he went on to bug me about an audio book...
"Tayari sure does know how to read! Can I get her voice on tape reading her book?"
"Um, no man," I said. "I don't think so. Usually someone else reads it on tape, not the author."
This thoroughly confused him, so he left it alone. He takes my digital camera and decides to go take a few pictures of her signing books. He is definitely a boy, because he had a few pics of her chest area... I think he did that on purpose. I erased those pics!

I get my book signed and then Kari went behind the table and took a couple of pictures with her. He is embarrassing me with all this touching her and putting his fingers in her hair, while smiling down at the same time. She decides to kiss him on the cheek, which um, made his day to say the least. There was some random white chick on the side, yelling,
"Why don't you give him a real kiss!"
The random white chick almost caught my digital camera in her grill.
Luckily Tayari said no, that that would be a felony, with a minimum 3 to 5 year sentence.
Well, Da'kari and I left, and he was a bit excited to say the least. The boy talked my ear off about the event. We walked around the plaza looking at some of the exibits that were still open... We see people with HUGE gyro wraps and decide to stand in line at a booth selling the wraps.
All of a sudden, Milk and Cookies puts his hands on top of his head, closes his eyes, and starts screaming out of control, like he has been stung by a bee or shot... or something. He really startled me.
"What's wrong, man?" I asked.
"She, she, she..."
"What, boy?"
"She, she, she... She's walking!!!"
Others are looking at him now. I am looking around to see who in the world he is screaming about.
"Who? Where?" I asked.
"Tayari! She's walking. Right there." He points hard in that direction. He stepped like he was about to break out running in that direction.
I was like, oh. Okay.
He continues screaming out of control. People are starting to look at him, and they are looking at me, as if I am suppose to control him.
"Um, well boy, why don't you call her name, and wave or something." I was trying to do something to quiet him down.
He then does something that thorourghly embarrasses me.
He yells what is known as a chickenhead call...
"Coo, Cooooo!! Coo, Coo, Cooooo!!", with intermitent kiss sounds, like he is calling a damn dog or something.
"Oh no you didn't just do that!! Dude, call her name."
She continued walking. He yelled out "Miss T!"
I just shook my head in disgust. "Shorty, act like you got some sense!"
He called her name, and she turned around. He yells,in a high pitch squealy voice...
"Oh Tayari, I'm your number one fan!"
I was a bit embarrassed. Didn't bother her any. She walked over and talked to us. Da'Kari was REALLY ecstatic about that. We took more pics and then we walked to the train station.
I had to hear about this the rest of the day. It was a bit funny to see him all excited like that.
Then he said something that was a bit too true...
"Lee, I have nothing to offer someone like her!! No life experiences, nothing!"
Oh my... what a startling realization he made.
I thought he was going to bust out crying or something. He seem to be a bit upset with himself or something...
I think he realized that he is definitely "Milk and Cookies": a mere snack, something to tide one over until... dinner... LOL!!
So Tayari, know that you have a bonafide groupie for life... one who would probably follow you around on the Greyhound bus from city to city if it wasn't for his doggone military obligations. But he made me promise that I would tell you that if you are in Georgia again, and you need any moral support, feel free to call him. He will be there, and he will bring a cheering section of his army buddies with him...
Now if only I could get that boy to actually pick up a book and read it!!
Poor baby. A mere snack in a man's world.. HA! I want some dinner too! Tell him to just keep living and well reading and he just might be able to obtain his own dinner. And damn, you must have books signed by everybody under the sun.
ReplyDelete"I want some dinner too!"
Now that is funny.
Milk and Cookies wanted me to be SURE to tell you that it isover between you and him. He has officially sat you on the curb. He is no longer sniffing behind you because you will not act right.
LOL! And he is adamant about it, gurl!! HILARIOUS!
And you know I read a WHOLE lot, and I have a lot of books signed, but not that many...it is hard to keep up with authors I like, and you know how trifling I am... I will miss them when they come to town...
@ My personal DJ, The DJ DIVA...
ReplyDelete*Lee taking a sledgehammer and CRUSHING the turntables*
Looka here now, DJ... I already acknowledged a while ago that that was your invented term... I ain't doing it all the time... yeah, and I comandeered it... So what?? I thought we was cool like that... you busta!!
Maybe I will start throwing the copyright symbol next to it, LOL!
Please... i request that you do a post on the term "Milk and Cookies" and its historic origins... that would be useful...
And um... nobody needs to spend time with the Milk and Cookies... he needs to just take his felony butt on down to Fort Benning and concentrate on gaining a few life experiences so he will have SOMETHING to offer SOMEBODY, lol!
Yes ma'am... dinner is a very good thang!! Yes indeed:)
Greetings Ms. Ladylee. I'm a new reader to your blog and just wanted to say I love it! It's entertaining and keeps me laughing. I'll be back here regularly, keep doing your thing. Peace and blessings.
ReplyDeleteA startling realization indeed.
ReplyDeleteHow did he think he got the nickname "Milk and Cookies"?
My son told me about his first kiss a couple of weeks ago and he said, "Don't worry, Mom. There were no tongues involved."
then he said, "How do you do that anyway?"
to which I replied, "I am not going to sit here and tell my 16-year old son how to french kiss!"
ReplyDeleteSince I came up with it...here's your definition
Milk and Cookies: a man that is younger than you by 10 years or more...
Preferably between the ages of 18-25...for all those women in the above 30 category...
the reason for the name milk and cookies is: he's too young to drink alcohol...so when he comes over ....you have to give him Milk and Cookies...
I ran it past Scribe and he does wish to hear about my Milk and Cookies experience LMAO! Too much disclosure LOL
scratch that typo....Scribe does not want to read about it...But let me work on him LOL
ReplyDelete@ the hustleman...
ReplyDeleteShorty... took a tour around your blog... Um, do you hustle what I think you hustle??
Oh my!!
Enough said...
Thanks for, um, stopping by my spot...
@Chele... don't it just trip you out when they want to discuss such things with you??? I have had to deal with such physical questions...All i can do is walk away... Now, as he is getting older, I have to deal with the deeper questions like "Why are you women SO doggone emotional?!?" LOL
It is good that he is discussing these things with you... LOL!
@the DJ...
Dayum DJ... please don't tell me that you have dealt with shorties so young that you had to feed them Milk and Cookies instead of a real drank... My goodness. YOU CRADLE ROBBER!!! THAT IS A FELONY!!
Technically Kari is not "milk and cookies" because he enjoys a good beer every now and then...even though he is too young to drink. But he prefers women in their late 20's for some reason. (Probably why he has been wailing over Serenity23). He DOES NOT like women his age (he says they are too immature)...
And if I ever get my hands on one of those old broads...
*Lee pulling shank(s) out of her NIKE*
let's just say... it is NOT going to be pretty.
Excellent explanation of the term "Milk and Cookies"... now we need a full blog post about it...DJ. That should be WILDLY entertaining.
Tell Scribe that I said go sit on a TACK!! He don't need to read it!
Um, he prefers women my age huh? Has nothing to do with how much "dinner" I have to offer him right? Tell DJ to quit running everything by Scribble. Maybe she should go back to that old hiding place and write that Milk and Cookies post. And for the record, I have never in my life dealt with someone 10 years younger than me. That would really cuase me to go to the pen.
ReplyDelete@ that baby Oldgirl Serenity...
ReplyDeleteYeah he prefers women your age... and especially since he knows you serve up dinner in one of your many pairs of CLEAR HEELS... Yeah I think he would have, um, enjoyed you, homegirl...
Please don't call the Scribe "Scribble"... I don't need DJ busting me upside the head with a turntable... I don't need him running over here either... I hate to have to verbally shank a negro...
DJ... we want a Milk and Cookie post... we need to know how this thing works...
Now, I've never dealt with a younger man, period. I am not trying to teach a a young dude a damn thing!! Plus that is a FELONY!!
aiiight...yall wanna know about my family's history with the snacks? I guess Ima hafta do it...I hope Scribe don't leave me LMAO ...right ...like that's gonna happen....
ReplyDeleteHere is the oringinal Milk and Cookies post where I introduced the term: Milk and Cookies
You do realize that the real M&C reads my blog....I wonder how he would feel reading his story...shoot...I plan to sell that story LOL
@ the DJ...
ReplyDeleteGetting that old archived post from you was like pulling teeth, gal!!! I wasn't gonna go look for it you know...
But we got it...
And I read it...
And it was good...
Now we know and truly understand the true meaning of "Milk and Cookies"!!!
Much obliged!! Leave it to my personal DJ to break it down allll propa-like! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteTayari Jones must have her mojo working... ;-)
Great story! and see, you almost didn't call her!! ;-)
I'm weak at Serenity23's comment. I was cracking up reading this! Gurl, Milk and Cookies is smitten. That boy was acting up something serious! I know you were thoroughly embarassed! LOL I'm cracking up @ Chele's talk with her son about kissing. LOL