I FINALLY had a face-to-face meeting with one of my Blog Mentors. And she will be the third one that I've met. (The others: Queen Tayari and Serenity23)
Ya'll know I'm a straight up tomboy, but I am 1% Diva... and I, as a Diva, have my own personal DJ who takes care of all my Mixtapes, consults with me on music, all of that (Yeah right)...
The homechick I call My Personal DJ... The Bossy Diva herself:
The one and only unbeweavable one:

***!!!!THE DJ DIVA!!!!***
!!!!THE DJ DIVA!!!!
Yes... the DJ DIVA was in the ATL last week...
And you know me... I gots to tell the story... the whole story. You know how longwinded I am, LOL.
I was sitting in my cubicle buried under a load of paperwork, when I got an email...
"Please call me as soon as you can! At this number 123-555-1234"
Uh... you know, I'm kind of weird. When certain peeps send me emails, I spend much time contemplating it. Like... "What does it mean?"
After a few minutes I picked up the phone and called her. She said she was moving to the ATL and would be up in early August to look around, and that she really wanted to hang out with me.
I leaned back in my chair. "That's cool, Shawty. You got my numbers, holla at me."
But inside my mind I was screaming... "WOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!! AAAAAHHHH!!"
I get ta meet THE DJ DIVA!!!Ya'll just don't understand, man... This is the only chick on the planet who likes music more than me. She know and got every song on the planet in her collection. THIS is who I get in touch with when I have questions about music, or if I need to find a song, or the name of a song...
And then she knows EVERYTHING. I have been known to call her "The Oracle". She's the one we go to when we have a question about current world affairs, world history, biblical history, etc. The chick knows EVERYTHING.
And you know me. I like smart people.
She's the one who organized all of our "batcave" blog activities... You know, where we talk about ish that we all can't talk about on our regular blogs... (We handled MUCH bizness under your watch, DJ.)
DJ is a LEGEND in my eyes.
And I was going to meet her. I, the Original Oldgirl, was going to meet "The Oracle".
So I get a call from her a few days after she arrived.
"Lee, we'll get together at your house. We're out looking for a place to live. I'll call you when I'm on my way."
**LadyLee heart stops midbeat as she falls completely out of cubicle**
I composed myself. I said "Yeah, just give me a call, man."
I sat stunned for a moment. The DJ was coming to my house? Are you serious?? It took a minute to sink in. Then I got my ass up and ran all over the cubicle area yelling...
"I'm gonna meet the DJ DIVA... And she coming to MY house! MY house!"
I was already cleaning up for a meeting I was hosting on Saturday. Let's just say an Oldgirl REALLY went home and cleaned up that day. Almost to the point of getting on my knees and scrubbing the corners out with a toothbrush! LOL
Anyway, she came over. I stood nervously on the front porch with my cellphone. I'd been talking to her, directing her through the back streets of my hood. (There was a Braves baseball game that evening, and since I am near the stadium, most of the easy way to my house is closed off.)
She drove over the hill, parked in the driveway, and who jumps out the car?

We have a huge detailed email thread going during the day at times, where me, Serenity23, The DJ Diva, and the LadyBug Mocha discuss much MUCH stuff in HEAVY detail, sometimes to the point where we straight up get into serious FIGHTS over the email (nothing in the world worse than an email brawl), especially over what one of us is doing, etc...
The discussions are heavy, yet cleansing, like a good enema, ya know!?
DJ met Scribe through the internet back in early 2006. We were all looking at her like she had lost her damn mind. We were running over to his Myspace page looking around, all kinds of stuff. My concern was basically making sure DJ checked in on email everyday. When I think of meeting dudes on the internet, I be thinking of some ol' shady ish...
Like that sucka is the serial killing axe-murderer that the police is out looking for.
So let's just say, we were keeping up with the DJ's every move. If we didn't hear from her for a long period of time (say, 2 or 3 days), she got a, uh, friendly courtesy phone call.
Well she started bragging on dude, which really had us scratching our heads. Then Scribe got a blog, and he was bragging on her.
I was like... "Who is this fool?"
I called him "Scribble" on my blog. Another blogger had called him that, and I ran with it. Dude had the NERVE to have an issha with that. "DJ Diva gave me the name Scribe, Blah, blah, blah!!!"
I was through with him after that. Only called him by his gub'ment name after that. And I can't STAND gub'ment names.
Then I started stomping over to his blog, blowing up his comment section, with stuff like...
"Dude, the DJ really likes you. That's cool. But, if you give her trouble, I will shank your ass!"
*Lee slowly pulling shank out of Nike sneaker*
There was much talk of shanktification. MUCH. I think he got the picture. DJ continued to be happy. I really think it was because of all the threats! LOL!
But I wasn't all that worried about DJ. She said, a couple of years ago, in a blog tag she did...
"I know how to use a knife in a fight."
Plus, she likes to fight in the streets... that type of fighting where you chasing down negros in your fur coat and high heels with various weapons. That type of fighting.
[Update: Yeah DJ, Serenity23 was over on the email thread hollering about your Easter fur coat... She found that picture above. Yeah, we bet you fought some GOOD fights in that fur coat. And still kept it looking nice for Easter Sunday service! Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! ROTFLMAO!!!]
In other words... If dude start acting a jack, she knew how to handle her business.
If dude was gonna bring the drama... she was gonna bring it right back at him.
Long story short... they got married on July 30th. DJ threw up a mini-slide show of the wedding!

DJ jumped out of her ride and walked up on the porch. I almost fell prostrate on the front porch in utter worship of her. I thought I was gonna faint!!
It was kinda like that moment when Celie was standing on the front porch, watching out over the field and realized it was Nettie...
I thought we would break out with a little patty-cake and "You and me will never part"
Well, we hit it off. That ain't like me. Anyone who meets me knows that I am EXTREMELY quiet and observant. I have to watch you for awhile, then MAYBE I'll relax. But we have to be around each other a few more times before I lighten up.
But we hit it off like we'd been knowing each other all our lives. They came in, sat down and we chilled. Scribe called another blogger out in Texas and screamed. "Guess where I'm at!? I'm at LadyLee's house!!"
I am such a celebrity. (Yeah right.)
We went out to dinner. Of course you know we hit The Watershed. We had drinks at the bar (I don't drink, so my "drink" was water with a wedge of lemon). Then we had dinner.
J Diva is very particular about her food. She don't like stuff that she have to do too much work with ("I don't like to fight with my food."). She ordered catfish, which was on the bone. Then proceeded to try to eat it with a fork and knife. I laughed hard at that. It was quite a Diva thing to do, cutting food that should be ate with the hands. She did manage to pull it off. Then she got a bone stuck in her throat. She overcame that quickly. She proclaimed once again that she don't fight with her food.
DJ, you're in the south now, which means you gotta fight with your food!!
We headed back to my place. We played some of her Mixtapes in the car. (**LadyLee cheesing REAL hard like Celie!!**). On the way, we stopped by the liquor store, and Scribe went in to get some drinks. I got a chance to talk to DJ alone:
"You know, Scribe is a really nice guy. I'm glad you are happy. You did good."
Ya'll just don't understand. We gave her pure hell over this relationship. Me, of all people, with all my threatening and trash talking. We were all arguing with her, questioning her down, left and right. And this guy turned out to be MAD cool. (Don't think I didn't grill him. Especially when DJ was not around! Dude got questioned to death! LOL.)
That was my way of apologizing, DJ.
All and all, we hit it off well. I am GLAD she is moving to the ATL. She is too.
"I'm glad I like you, Leezie."
What an endorsement! (Because she impresses me as the type to be QUICK to tell you how stupid you are.)
I'm sure we will be hanging out. Well, I don't really hang out. A trip to the library or Wal-Mart is my idea of hanging out. But I know we'll see each other again. She'll be living less than a half hour away.
And you know what else? I was even helpful to her. Through one of my contacts, she was able to rent a PHAT house. I'm hearing that she is in love with the place! So I was glad to be helpful. This was a house-hunting run for her and Scribe, and she was able to leave a couple of days early so she could get home and pack.So DJ!!!
Glad I got a chance to meet you in person.
You're so freakin' unbeweavable!!!
I was proud of myself. I wasn't all nervous like when I met Serenity23. I actually acted like I had some damn sense!
So DJ! I know you're moving today, so you may not see this post until next week!
You're officially ATLien, hon!! Welcome to my city!
I hope all goes well for you... and let's be sure to hook up again soon:)
LOL! bone in throat! That catfish is da bomb..glad u guys had a good time.
ReplyDeletethe good nurse
LOL...Great story. Diva wrote such cool things about her visit and meeting you that I had to see for myself LOL! It's great when reality exceeds our expectations!
ReplyDeleteDJ Diva lays down the track...hits the lighter..poof flame
ReplyDeleteYou rrrrrr my friend
I never knew it til then
(lyric curtesy of Patti Labelle...the Diva's Diva)
Man...that made me cry. You have such a wonderful way with words leezie...sniff
How cool is it that we posted about each other on the same day???
I wish I could have met everybody...to see the characters you have painted....But I am sooo glad to have met you...You are a remarkable person...I so look forward to having you physically in my life...You challenge me...you enlighten me...and you bless me by just having an interest in my little life.
Just like I believe that at a certain point ...you will learn and pick a suitable mate...you will also learn and choose true friends...and true friendship. I thank God for our crossed paths...the bat cave revelations...the honesty and truthfullness that comes from genuine affection.
I'm so glad I know YOU lee.
oh...and that was my real hair. No more weaves...for a while at least LOL
DJ Diva lays down the track...hits the lighter..poof flame
ReplyDeleteYou rrrrrr my friend
I never knew it til then
(lyric curtesy of Patti Labelle...the Diva's Diva)
Man...that made me cry. You have such a wonderful way with words leezie...sniff
How cool is it that we posted about each other on the same day???
I wish I could have met everybody...to see the characters you have painted....But I am sooo glad to have met you...You are a remarkable person...I so look forward to having you physically in my life...You challenge me...you enlighten me...and you bless me by just having an interest in my little life.
Just like I believe that at a certain point ...you will learn and pick a suitable mate...you will also learn and choose true friends...and true friendship. I thank God for our crossed paths...the bat cave revelations...the honesty and truthfullness that comes from genuine affection.
I'm so glad I know YOU lee.
oh...and that was my real hair. No more weaves...for a while at least LOL
ReplyDeleteMan, how do you eat that good WATERSHED catfish with a fork and knife? I wanted to holler!!
And the bone in the throat! The look on her face was classic!!
Yes, we had a great time...
DJ Diva is mad MAD cool. She REALLY exceeded my expectations! It is so rare to meet peeps that you IMMEDIATELY mesh with. Rare, but ALWAYS a good thing!
Shorty... what is up with all these names? Could you please pick one!!? GEEZ
If you gonna play some Patti, finish that song, mayne!!
and you were here all the Tiiiiime!!!
Man... you gotta be one of the nicest people I've met in a long time. A laid back Diva indeed.
Man, i realized that my speech was all ebonics (you know, I usually clean it up)... and I didn't even care man. You didn't either. And that's a good thing.
And go back up and look at the post... S23 found one of your Easter Sunday fur/fighting fur pictures. HILARIOUS!!!
Don't be a stranger. Please don't.
Awww man! That was such a great post and you could really feel the excitement in your words. I've heard quite a few bloggers really post how great it was to meet another blogger, but never like this. Looks like you've secured a friend for life. Nicely done miss LL! And kudos on expressing yourself so vividly!
ReplyDeleteI AM SO JEALOUS!!! I'm jealous that you got to meet the DIVA and I have not yet. That's okay though, cause I'ma roll down to the ATL and hit both of you sistas with the same rock (ROFLMAO).
ReplyDeleteAlso, my feelings are hurt because I'm a blogger (even if you do keep insisting I am retired ;), and you have met me too! I feel so left out, unappreciated, and unloved but I'll get over it! (HA! HA!)
I'ma cut you some slack though since you met me B4 I was a blogger;)
I have a question for you, so give me a call when you gotta minute.