A phrase that was uttered VERY LOUDLY when a pot of vegetables, neck bones, or anything cooked all day on the stove tasted very good.
"These greens are good. You put your FOOT in those greens!"
I was always perplexed, not understanding how stirring the pot of greens with your foot really made them more tasty. Sometimes, the word "foot" was replaced with the words "hand" or "head". That really confused me. (Yes, I was an overly smart child and pondered such things a bit too much.)
But like I said, I was reminded of that phrase the other day... when I was snapping beans.
A "foot" was in the beans.
It's funny how when there are beans around, Oscar-Tyrone gets all excited.
As I watched him, it made me think of...
"Ladylee, those beans sho nuff were good!! Oscar-Tyrone put his foot in those beans!!
*LadyLee pushes shoebox of beans towards Oscar-Tyrone and snaps beans elsewhere*
I've been perplexed by the whole "foot in" commentary myself...as if the actual placement of a body part would increase the flavor??? Glad you gave OT the beans, not sure if you would have received the same complimentary responses given the feline foot! Just stopping by...had a good laugh as usual...Trina (Your COFII Sistah)
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! Too cute LL. Classic pics too.
ReplyDeleteIt seems you've passed on your overly smart genes to Oscar-Tyrone. Does he eat them too?
ReplyDeleteI never understood using foot either. I said it oneday and my boyfriend said "please say you put your elbow in them b/c foot just doesn't sound to good".
ReplyDeleteYou know, I would think about it a lot as a child, imagining my granddaddy taking off his watch, rolling up his sleeve and stirring the whole pot of whatever with his hand. Use to trip me out. Wonder who came up with all that??
@Rosemarie... no, he don't eat them. He eventually flipped a couple out of that box onto the floor, then played until he got bored. Still not understanding his fascination with beans!
Hey I found your blog through Bossy, and Chokkklitsoul. Very nice :)
ReplyDeleteI love cats. My cats love to eat veggies. Especially corn. Also, if you can spare the time to keep an eye on em' let him/her play with a q-tip. Just toss one at em'. My cat loves them. I don't know why.
@ that southern gal...
ReplyDeleteYes it does sound bad... but not as bad as i heard one time... "You must've put your whole body in that"
What kinda ish is THAT?
Ya found me through my Personal DJ, the bossy diva? OH JOY!! Glad you like, and thank for stopping by:)...
My cats like cucumbers... I found this out one day when one fell out of a grocery bag and was left on the floor overnight... Woke up the next day and it was full of teeth and claw marks... Left it there, and they ended up eating it over a few days time. My old cat also liked cantalope rinds, collard green stems, and applesauce.
No need for expensive toys when you got scraps around, LOL!!
You crazy.
ReplyDeleteGoodness, there is really much worthwhile data in this post!
ReplyDeleteEasy Beef Roll-Ups