Monday, September 06, 2010

Happy Labor Day

'Tis Labor Day!

And I should've worked on this post yesterday.

But I didn't. I slept most of the day away. Aunt Flo is here and has a sister knocked out.

So, I will be talking about my adventure down to the country over the next 5000 posts, lol...

Yes, yes, I attended Cowgirl Cre's family Labor day weekend shindig over yonder in East GA.

I even brought my baby sister along, which meant that I needed to be on my best behavior!

There was plenty of swine!

Plenty of food, drink and wine...

So staty tuned for those million posts this week!

I hope you are enjoying your holiday!


  1. Girl, why you gotta post a pig face for me to look at this early in the morning??

  2. @Chele... Honey, that was AMAZING!! A roasted pig! Never seen one ever. Wish I could've been there when they split it open and gutted it!

    The highlight of the event indeed.

    *lee staring at pigs face*


  3. jennifer10:54:00 AM

    you almost got me spitting out coffee... I was NOT expecting to see ole Porky in all his grilled glory. LOL

  4. Wow! I had a flashback to childhood & opening my aunt's refrigerator. Yup the WHOLE head staring back at me.


Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!