Well, I get a call from Tayari... I give her directions to my job, and she gets there. I direct her to park in the gated carpool area, and we walk over to Silk...
Now, while I was directing her into a parking space, a "special" employee (one of a couple we ran up on that day, LOL!) was harrassing me about the usual office politics isshas that we have been discussing for years (goodness!). I wanted to yell "Would you PLEASE give it a rest?!! Do you realize Tayari Jones is walking this way?! I don't want to talk about job isshas right now!!!!"
I swear... some people. That's what I get for being nice to people, ain't it?
Anyway, we headed across the street to Silk.
It was hot that day (60 degrees), and I had on a sweat shirt (because my lab is sometimes a bit chilly)... But with all the running around/pontificating I'd been doing and my nerves being an inch away from being completely shot, mixed with the excitement of my favorite author coming to see me...
LAWD!! It is a wonder that I didn't pass out...
One of my coworkers had said earlier, "Dang LadyLee, two mother brains going to lunch. That's two much brain power for Silk. Ya'll gonna to walk in and the electricity gonna short out or something. The lights are gonna go bzzzz-bzzzzzz-bzzzzz... That's way too much intelligence concentrated in one place. Man!!"
I thought about that... I know, like always, some serious knowledge was gonna be dropped over in Silk... and I think I was a bit antsy about that, too, LOL!!
Anyway, we head over to Silk and are seated at a booth. (Yes, there was no dress code. This was a good thing because I would peering out from behind jail bars instead of writing this post).
We perused the menu. I had no idea what to order. My book club sista, Shunda, had gone there for her birthday, and I meant to shoot her an email earlier asking her opinion on what to order. We didn't talk about it then... Our convo was a bit strange and funny...
LadyLee: "You went to Silk for your birthday? I work across the street from Silk!"
Shunda: "Gurl, it was good. It's foo-foo, but it's good!"
LadyLee: *frowning hard* "Foo-foo?"
Shunda: "Yeah girl! It's foo-foo! "
What the...?
*LadyLee looking at Shunda with great suspicion*
She explained that "foo-foo" meant pretty food. Which to me means NO FOOD. LOL!
Well, we placed our orders, and talked. I was sweating like a dog, because it was HOT in there, and I was nervous, but eventually I calmed down, LOL! We talked about a lot of stuff: family, relationships, life, etc... I was sitting there thinking, "Dang, this is like sitting around talking to LadyTee, except for we are not sitting around joning out and cracking on the people around us."
Tayari ordered a shrimp dish, while I ordered the sea bass and fresh vegetables. I thought she would get that high ass $75 Kobe steak... That would've been cool, because I had a platinum card and three debit cards on me. I almost suggested it, but um, I was thinking that that amount is enough to pay my light bill, LOL!!

All I gotta say... that doggone food was GOOD. I've tried to cook sea bass only once, and um, let's just say, that fish produces a TON of oil. And at 14 bucks a pound, the Oldgirl was leaving that ish alone, and sticking to the cheap trouts and the cheap croakers. But the Sea bass at Silk was GOOD. Tayari enjoyed her food too. I will have to get what she got the next time I go over there!
She was throwing back the coffee, too. What a sight! That was funny... If I would've drank ANYTHING with caffeine... goodness, I would have been a bit too talkative and "special" during lunch!
We also talked about writing... She asked me about my manuscript...
"So what is it about, LadyLee?"
*Ladylee's heart jumping up into her throat, trying her BEST to figure out how to explain the plot.*
Man, I don't even remember what I said. We've never talked about it, and it is some type of cardinal sin from the deepest depths of hell to ask an author to read any of your work, so I've never spoken much about it, out of pure fear of being struck by a bolt of lightning or something. I think I need to go write down a speech and memorize it or something. I just remember my heart beating like a bass drum and my ears getting hot. Her expression was neutral. She nodded a couple of times. That's all I could read. Didn't know if she liked the idea or not, really.
And I wasn't going to ask, either. Hell nawl. If she would've said, "That's stupid, LadyLee!", I would have torched all 950 pages of my manuscript and tossed the remnants into Peachtree street traffic. Shoot, I would have shut down my blog and never write again.
We talked about her manuscript. Now I was trying my BEST to keep from cheesing TOO hard when she was talking about that!! Man, I am waiting on her next book like a crackhead is waiting on the pipe!!!
She had dessert, some chocolate cheesecake thingy with ice cream on top. I wanted some, but I am not eating sweets this month, so, um, I missed out! (DARN IT!).
But you know me, right? You know the Oldgirl... I had to ask some writing questions...
I'd been struggling with creating metaphors and similes something terrible. And since Tayari comes up with teeth shattering, bone crushing, heat scorching, body rocking metaphors and similes, and has the ability to wrap several in one sentence... You know I had to ask her "How DO you DO that?"
She said...
(Now do you REALLY think that I am actually gonna tell you what she said. HELL NO!! If I told ya, I'd have to kill ya!! Ancient chinese secret, babes!!)
We finished up our lunch and talked a little more. Man, if you EVER get a chance to go to Silk, please GO!! At least go for lunch! The prices are reasonable(half of what the dinner prices are), and they give you a good amount of food. We weren't stuffed, but we were pleasantly full!!
And best of all... there's no DRESSCODE for lunch, LOL!!!
I asked her if she wanted a laboratory tour. She said yes, because she'd never seen a working lab before. So I got her all checked in at security and showed her my lab... She met some of my blog characters coworkers, namely the Infamous Hen-Dog, Cowgirl Cre, and my boss The Darth Sista T. She was truly amazed at our set-up and all that we do there. Hen-Dog suggested that I take her down to the filth lab, but um, that would have completely grossed her out (as it does gross me out as it is), and I would probably never see her again! Her eyebrows were raised a bit when I mentioned that I'd set myself on fire before! (I should blog about my fire(s) and my explosions... Not sure if you as non-scientists would get a kick out of it. Us chemists consider that type of stuff hilarious, especially when no one gets hurt! We actually like to do re-enactments of that type of stuff!).
All in all, this was a GREAT visit! It's always good to see her! I didn't realize we had a lot in common. Plus she dropped some serious knowledge on me. I already look at the creation of similes and metaphors MUCH differently... And Tayari, you will be happy to know that I have come up with some pretty good ones for my writing since we've talked. Don't take much for me to see the light, mayne!
I walked her back to her car. I tried to take a parting picture with my camera, but my camera was dead. (There were some serious pontifications/discussions about picture taking earlier between myself and my coworkers, with me killing the convos by yelling "Hell nawl, I ain't taking pictures! I'm not gonna bother her! Ya'll trying to mess me up! I'm not harrassing her with the camera like I did last time! NO! We are going to go and eat, and that's it!!!!").
But she allowed me to use her camera and take a pic as she left...
All in all, I had a great time! How often does ANYONE get to spend time with their favorite author, actor, sanger, or favorite anybody? And this was only the 4th day of the New Year.
Goodness gracious alive!!
Dang, I hope this is an indication of a suprise-filled year!
Come on, 2007!! LOL!
Come back soon, Tayari:) Next time, I'll take you down to the filth lab, Celie!
I'll pass on the filth lab, but let's hang out again. I love hanging out with other writers.
ReplyDeletePlease say hi to all the other folks in the lab. I have been telling everybody about the watercress experiments, the Jiffy Cornbread investigation, and the Peanut Butter mystery.
xx, T
P.S. Next time, lunch is on ME and you WILL have dessert.
@Tayari a.k.a. Celie...
ReplyDelete*Ladylee falling backwards out of chair, sprawled all out on the floor in front of her sister Kentucky's computer*
Ohhhhhh Laaaaawd, she called me a WRITER!!!!!!!
*LadyLee composes herself, jumps up from floor, kicks the cat out of the way, picks up chair, sits down and tries to leave a comment*
Come on!! Come on and go down to the filth lab, gal. I can talk to a couple of chemists down there and arrange a wonderful tour...
LOL!!! Like I told you... there are certain things I don't eat, and let's leave it at that. LOL!
Watercress, jiffy corn bread, and peanut butter... food chemistry is a wonderful thing, isn't it!?! The watercress has some serious, serious problems... geez!
Everyone at the lab enjoyed meeting you, and many frowned and said, "Dang, She is so nice and down to earth!" LOL! (I TOLD them that! I told them that you are NOT stuck up!) We don't get many celebrities coming through these parts!
But thanks for coming through and coming to lunch! And thanks for the writing advice. Man, you wouldn't BELIEVE the metaphors I'm coming up with. I'm getting excited just thinking about it! ha!
Yeah, lunch is on YOU next time...
*LadyLee and Celie walking up to counter*
"I'll have a cheeseburger, small fry, and a coke please! And add a hot apple pie!!"
I just enjoy coming here...
ReplyDeleteReally, I do.
You're a trip. You wrapped that story up quite nicely. I'm so glad ya'll had such a good time with the foo-foo food.
ReplyDelete@ Hassan...
ReplyDeleteWhy I am so glad to have you, my brutha!!:)
@That OG Chele!!
Oh yes, hon, it was quite "foo-foo" indeed!! I'm plan on going back for my birthday, that's for sure!!
Foo-foo-pretty food, huh! I think it was nice of your favorite author to come...
ReplyDeleteI gotta get to ATL so I can crash a Tayari-LadyLee lunch!
ReplyDeleteThat sounded like too much fun. And the food looked good too.
@ Rose...
ReplyDeleteYes, very "foo-foo"... I've got to talk to my book club sista and ask her where she discovered such funky terminology.
Yes, it was nice of her to come by... I have this WEIRD quirk where I DO NOT under ANY circumstances like to bother people. Because the thought of me calling her up? THE HORROR.
Maybe that is changing... who knows?
@the bball Mama...
Yes it WAS fun... It don't take much to get me all worked up. And I must admit, that I am just now, a week later, coming off of my "shell-shockedness", lol...
Better than the last time... I took about 30 pictures and made about 6 movies that last time. I chilled out this time. You would've been proud of me:)!!
Believe...you are the company you keep.
ReplyDeleteTell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are.
Miguel de Cervantes
Spanish adventurer, author, & poet (1547 - 1616)
Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep; for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter.
Paxton Hood
Voice on Miscellaneous Matters
"Part of being a Master is learning how to sing in nobody else's voice but your own." - Hugh Macleod
ReplyDeleteGoodness gracious, Rosemarie!!You got me feeling like I'm in class or something.
I am grasshopper... you are teacher!
All I've got to say to your quotes is...
Really Though.
Well, I don't actually consider this is likely to have success.
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