Dinner with the Iniquitous One. I had dinner last night with one of my faaaavorite

bloggers, the Supastar, the Iniquitous one, Indigo Nikki (pictured to the left- yeah girl, snatched your photo!), who I refer to around these parts as "ATLien Nikki". I've been trying to holler for a minute, since she moved one neighborhood over from me (Yo, Nikki, we live a mile apart, let's hang out, man!) She thought I was playing, but we FINALLY got together...
Now, if you haven't read Nikki's blog, uh, it is a bit explicit, an uuuuhhh... not for the faint at heart. (yeah, that's a nice politically correct way of putting it.) Let's just say, she writes quite a bit of erotic stuff way out there to the tenth degree. Uh, I thought, when I walked into the restaurant, that I would see her swanging butt-naked upside down from one of the chandaliers. Really.
I'm not an erotica reader... but her writing is so good that she writes the ONLY pieces of erotica that I will read, and I don't feel deeply disturbed, confused, or annoyed. (Yes, that means she is good). Plus, many of her posts are deeply honest and self-assessing in nature. She has even written some amazing spiritual pieces. Now THAT right there is why I am DOWN for ya, gal!!
We've been avid readers of each other's blog for a couple of years. So it was nice to meet her in person. We hit Agave Cafe, a Southwestern eatery near our hood. Dinner was great. We both had this very good insanely hot Diablo Crawfish Pasta.
Yeah, mon... dinner was great! The convo was GREATER!
The conversation was unmitigated, beautous, prodigious, formidable, thaumaturgic, quixotic, phantasmagoric, unfeigned, mollifying...
Propitiative, even...
(Yeah, I am trying to impress the ATLien Nikki. She is a lover of words and has an astounding way with them. Yeah gal, I know I messed some of that up! I am trying, with my ol' ebonic self! LOL!!! )
I tell ya... I know one thing. I am learning to REALLY appreciate it when I meet really cool, down to earth, smart people.
And ATLien Nikki? Glad I got a chance to hang out with YOU!!!
Let's hook up again in the future, mayne!!
Coffee Blues. This form is posted on the wall of our breakroom at work.
I stare at it everyday. It is self-explanatory. And as you can see, all bases have been covered- the quick sniff, the big swallow... even the delicate sip. There is a small tin sitting on top of the microwave, where you drop in your 50 cents. There is a list of people on the wall too who have prepaid a 5 dollar fee for coffee.
I find it hilarious. And you know me. I get a kick out of messing with folks. For the past couple of days, I have been telling the CEO ("Coffee Executive Officer"), that I've been getting coffee without paying.
I've learned that I need to stop playing around with the "CEO" like that. Man, the look in her eye when I say that I've taken coffee without paying? Let's just say it's good that she don't pack a pistol, because I am sure she would've taken me down and asked questions later.
Workshop bound. Guess what? I have my first all day writers workshop tomorrow. I also have a Women of Color Creative writing group workshop tonight. Not sure how I feel about all this...It's all like stepping into the unknown, you know? All I know- I have A LOT of material-several stories, a couple of novellas, and a novel manuscript, that I need to work on, and I need a couple of outlets for such. I gotta move forward, and keep growing...
I will let you know how it goes.
Just plain WEIRD. Finally... a funny picture. I was rambling around the kitchen looking for something, and opened a cabinet and saw this.
That dayum picture is worth a thousand words. I am still tripping on the fact that Oscar Tyrone's tail was in the picture. I remember screaming at him (Boy, get your behind out the way!!)My juicer and coffee grinder are both in there. And I'd been looking for the contact shelf paper, and lo and behold-- there it is!!
There are three bottles of B*tch wine there. I have since given one to DJ Diva, and I am holding another for Racer X, the Queen, Miss Celie aka Tayari Jones. I can't seem to find any more bottles of B*tch, and I owe a bottle to one of my book club sistas. I am keeping a bottle for myself... as a souvenir. Next time, I will buy a case of it.
I also like pure cranberry juice. It cost 9 bucks a quart at times... sigh. Let's just say, I know how to stretch it!
I have this thing for pure Aloe Vera gel or juice, every since I found out you can drink it. The ish has some amazing properties. But who woulda thought such a thang. But it costs around 7 bucka a quart. YIKES.
A few years ago, I made my sister Kentucky drink some of it STRAIGHT. ("Here, Kentucky, try it, it's good!"). The look on her face was CLASSIC.
She trembled hard. "It's aesthetic," she mumbled.
Hmm. I didn't have a clue as to what the word "aesthetic" meant... so I looked it up.
Aesthetic: having a sense of the beautiful; characterized by a love of beauty. pertaining to, involving, or concerned with pure emotion and sensation as opposed to pure intellectuality.
I think Kentucky was trying to say it tasted sterile, and she came up with a word that sounded like such. Kentucky, you need to go take an English class, gal. For real, you do.
Alright party people... enough of my shenanigans...
Ya'll have a great weekend!
LMAO@your suggestion for kentucky. hey, she might have been speaking metaphorically...aiight, that was a stretch.
ReplyDeletebtw, i had da BOMB TIME last night. if 'itis' hadn't set in, we'd still be talking! i'm staying away from the crawfish pasta next time. it was good, but i was down for the count ten minutes after i'd finished the plate. lol
it's so funny, cuz i had these expectations that you'd be great and you actually were more than that. i didn't know we had so much in common! and i think we both came away having learned alot. i really hope we get to hang again in the future. :)
thanks again for inviting me and thanks for the treat of a free dinner! next time's on me.
ReplyDeleteMan, trust me... Kentucky said that mess because it sounded good at the time. And she looked like she was about to faint... She was looking at me sideways the rest of THAT day.
And that hot a$$ pasta was GOOD! (Did they shake a whole habernero pepper plant off up in there or WHAT?) I went home, laid across the bed, talked on the phone... next thing I know, I was waking up, and it was midnight, some 4 hours later. I don't remember closing my eyes. "Itis" had settled in and I didn't even know it!
And you were more than I expected... Thought you'd be swanging from the chandalier or dancing atop the bar!! But you were sitting there, enjoying a glass of wine... *crickets*, LOL!!
yeah, we GOTS to hook up again!! GOTS TO!!
I love it when bloggers get together and end up having a great time!!! LL, I don't know you ALL THAT WELL, (you know I mean that outside of the blogosphere I don't know a sista, but I know ya) and I've got to say, if you are vouching for someone, then they MUST be cool.
ReplyDeleteI've seen Nikki around the blogosphere and I've posted on her blog, but it was definitely awhile back. I don't know about the erotic writing part, but I definitely came across a gem of a post one time that she wrote and that's what made me comment. Go Nikki!
Hey LL. If I come to Atl, will you hang out with a brotha too? I've got family down there in some place call, Dracula, Delilah, Debutante... something or some nonsense like that.-lol- my cousin and his family just moved out there from Alpharetta. Hmmm.. alot of cities in Georgia end with "a." Do you Georgians realize that? Enjoy your weekend miss LL!!!
@Frank (Luke Cage, the Urban Knight)....
ReplyDeleteThis the country, man. We got strange names for towns.
Yo, your peeps live in DACULA... That is up in North metro Altanta... Too doggone close to Forsythe county... You go look that up, why don't cha? An Oldgirl don't go nowhere near those parts...
I too don't care much for erotica... Face it, we've all swung from chandaliers, been getting butt-naked and busy on the the kitchen counter AND the bathroom floor (well, at least I know I have, LOL)... don't care to read about it. But Nikki, man... she does some serious tricks with words, and has the most amazing grip on story structure. I have this strange love for word play these days. I gots to "peruse", ya know!! But when she hits those deep "gems", as you say? CLASSIC STUFF indeed!!
Look me up when you are down my way. Nikki and I were talking about a blogger meet and greet. DJ Diva was trying to hook one up at some time! Look me up, Urban Knight!!
And dude... what was up with the 100 page loonnnng a$$ "Musings of the Angry Black Woman" post you did?... It was so long that you had to separate it into 2 posts! And you are a long-winded brotha already (but it reads SO fast).But when you bust out with that??? MY GOODNESS!!! You had me glued to the screen!!! WOW!
Mannnn sweetheart, that sista had me going luv. I don't like to have 2 parters, but I was just writing and writing and writing and I said to myself after I saw the length of it, I can't do this to the bloggers. Nobody will ever read this long ass post so I had to break it up into 2 parts. Something I really hate to do for myself.
ReplyDeleteBut I knew my long-ass winded folk would hang with me. You, Freaky, Blaize, Abiona would definitely go all the way. I understand that folks have jobs. They don't have that type of time to commit to a post. They need to have a 3-5 minutes of reading and keep it moving -lol- I'm NOT one of those. You have to read my posts at night, or during lunch time or something-lol
Now, as for Dacula (that's it!), I've since spoken to 3 or 4 other Atliens or former Atliens and they have pretty much told me that place is the "Good ol' boyz" network. I was like, Ooooh Noooo!!!! What did my cousin do to himself and family? I haven't talked to him since last week AFTER I found out about this lil bit of info, but he's so detail oriented, he's got to know about that. At least I would hope, no? Daaag...
But yeah, that damn ABW got me all discombobulated and stuff. I hate it when one of my sistas has got issues happening like that. I actually feel bad for her, but she's got some work ahead of her if she is to repair her damn self. For real! But my next few posts will be back to normal. Check me out soon. Luv ya, LL!