But it has been raining every single day in Atlanta. I don't understand it. EVERY day, usually in the afternoon.
So I thought it was about time to watch the news. Maybe one of the meteorologists could explain what the world was going on!
Why is it that I turned on the TV and saw this?
Luckily I have YouTubeTV, so I could just rewind it back.
What the world?
2020 is something else...
First corona... then racism... then TWO HURRICANES.
I haven't seent such a thing. Have you?
One at a time is bad. Everybody have to brace themselves, evacuate, or whatever else needs to be done. Thank goodness for innovative weather technology, Doppler radars, and all that so we can see everything and get advanced warning.
But what do you do with TWO hurricanes spinning up at the same time??
I mean, look at this craziness!!

Hurricane Marco and Hurricane Laura.
These don't seem like they will be TOO bad, i.e. they are not of Hurricane Katrina proportions.
But imagine if there were two category 5 hurricanes about to hit at the same time.
And such a thing would not surprise me if it happened during the Great Pandemic of 2020.
Not at all.
But of course, memes run roughshod all through the Facebook and Twitter streets.
This is the best and funniest I have found:
There is no satisfying explanation for all the rain falling in Atlanta, save for them resulting right now from the outer bands of Marco or Laura. It has been raining everyday for what feels like months, so that is only a partial explanation.
But this is a high class problem for me, i.e., I can just open an umbrella and go on about my business.
It is a harsh reality for those in the path of the hurricanes.
I pray everyone is safe from harm and that all will be well.
Me complaining about a little rain is a small thing in the midst of it all.
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!