I got caught off guard last week, by our friendly work librarian Regina.
“Hey Girl!” She chimed, as she ravaged my candy bucket, scavaging enough Dove Chocalates to hold her over for a few days.
“Yeah, what’s going on?” I asked.
"Oh, nothin' much."
I looked at her suspiciously. I knew this was a damn lie from hell. She wanted something...
“I need your help!" she finally said. "I need you to make some salmon croquettes for the African-American History Month Luncheon.”
“No!” I yelled.
“Oh come on, girl!” she said with a broad smile.
Obviously she hadn’t heard me, so I yelled loud enough for the whole floor to hear me.
“Hell NO!”
“Alright, why don’t you all just circulate the sign-up list around the floor for me.”
Cowgirl Cre (my work cubicle mate) and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. If there was one thing I hated, it was being responsible for making sure a list or card got passed around without getting lost.
“Man, go head on with all that! Go on now!” I pushed her slightly. "You always come around here bothering folks, man!"
She waved me off. “Okay, Ladylee, I’m gonna put you down for a pan of salmon patties.”
I proceeded to have a complete hissy fit.
“Dang, man! Dog! You trippin’. Dang!!”
She wrote my name down on her makeshift list…
“Alright ladies, ya’ll have a nice day!”
She swiftly walked away, apparently satisfied that she'd accomplished her goal of hoodwinking me.
That’s Regina for you: she is the community servicewoman on the job, and she’s always participating in and planning the different extracurricular events on the job… She's the one who comes around with a card to sign, or a sign-up list for some potluck thing going on at work.
She is so gung-ho…
Humph. I’m just here to make my money and go home. Anything extra is completely ludricous to me, and leaves me quite horrified, I must say. I rarely show up for anything voluntary.
One thing I can say about Regina: she has learned over the years not to be threatened by my temper tantrums…
So early Tuesday morning, I woke up and prepared a whole mess of salmon.
People like them a lot, and have asked for the recipe…
And now I give it…
Hopefully, the peasants will stop bothering me….
Salmon Patties.
One 14 oz. can of cheap salmon (Double Q is good), deboned and drained.
1 large egg
½ cup of finely chopped white or yellow onions
2 heaping tbspn flour
4 heaping tbspn cornmeal mix
¼ tspn season salt
Vegetable oil for frying (about 1/2 cup).
Heat the oil in a skillet (medium heat). Alright, mix all the remaining ingredients together. The mixture should clump together loosely. If it doesn’t, add another tablespoon of cornmeal. Shape into flat roound patties (about 3 inches in diameter) and fry on medium heat. Turn the patties over when the edges are brown. They should fry approximately 3 to 5 minutes on each side. Remove them from the skillet and drain on a paper towel. Salt and pepper to taste...
Now if you mess that up? You just need to go sit down somewhere. You just need to stick to making toast or something, because you have some SERIOUS issues!
And you want a recipe for the biscuits? Don’t hold your breath… Go to the refrigerated section of your favorite grocery store and get a can of biscuits. Follow the directions on the back of the can. How about that? You can’t mess that up!
I don’t make homemade biscuits, you see. The ones shown above are a brand called Mary B’s, and I found them one day in the frozen foods section of a neighborhood bootleg grocery store. They taste damn near homemade, and that’s good enough for me!
So Regina…
The recipe is out there now, homegirl….
And check it out...
Don’t let me catch you on my floor, looking for me, ever again!
Damn Ladylee,
ReplyDeleteI can sure tell you are from the SOUTH!...Salmon croquettes? Gurl I ain't had them since I was a lil' girl living with my Grandma [who is from the south, Texarkana, AR]. Now my mouth is all watering 'cuz yours look just like my Grandma's. I can't believe that I forgot about these, and after all the times she made them, I never learned how. [What I can cook, I learned from Grandma.] Now I'ma havta go to the store and try your recipe tonite. Can't wait to watch my lil' suburban-ass son turn his nose up at first then sneak back and try'em when I'm not looking then come back tomorrow and tell me something like, "Hey Mom, I uh accidentally got one of those salmon things mixed in with the bread I was going to make a PB&J sandwich on and it somehow fell in my mouth and I was surprised cuz it was kinda good...when you gonna make'em again?"
I'm trying to get better in the cooking department, so I could get used to this recipe posting thing...I tried making Tayari's family recipe for Red Velvet Cake for Christmas and it turned out great [but I've always been a great baker!]...now salmon croquettes, WATCH OUT!
I'll report back after I've triumphed in the kitchen!
you read my mind...cause the first thing I said to myself was I want those bistits!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recipe...but u really need to stop being so anti-social!!!!
I always used to get upset b/c the other black folks on the job neer wanted to partcipate in potluck!...well that wa until I made cornbread and the Japanese CEO said "and what is dis?"
"Cornbread sir"
"Ahnd who made dis?"
"Diva, sir"
He tasted a piece...and took 2 more pieces to his office!
put up links to your recipes on the side...so's I can pull em up whenever I want them...
I owed you a post in your comments..now let me get on my meme assignment....while listening to Soul 2 Soul...
How ever do you want me?
This was a cute post. I'm mad that you said if they can't follow this recipe, they need to go sit down somewhere. I'm with DJ, you really need to be a little more friendly on the job. Stop acting like Scrooge when you know full well you are a nicey.
ReplyDelete@ Sharon...
ReplyDeleteDo the thizzle, girl! Let me know how it turns out!
And you know? I wanted to make Tayari's cake, but I just wanted to make a SLICE of it! Can we cut down the recipe that much?? LOL!!
@DJ (Cornbread queen) and S23(non-fisheater)...
You know what?
Both of ya'll can go sit on a tack!
I am NOT antisocial! I have just gotten to a point where I could care less about x-tra curricular activities on the job, and there ain't a thang wrong with that!!! I use to, but NOT ANYMORE! You know how I am about my paycheck... There's something very wrong with me having to cough up bread out of my pocket for ANYTHING on the job these days!
Humph. Now, look what ya'll did...
You got me all angry now!!!
You know what?
ReplyDeleteBoth of ya'll can go sit on a tack!
I am NOT antisocial!
*** Now Ladylee the all-powerful, I know I ain't got a DAMNED thing to do with this conversation, but you said and I quote,
"You know what?
Both of ya'll can go sit on a tack!
I am NOT antisocial!"
COME AGAIN?!!!!!!! (I really am ROFLMAO!)
ok...why you want to cause me pain?
ReplyDeletesit on a tack...like I even have those in my house!
All's I'm saying is it didn't cost you that much to participate...and sharing and laughing and joking with your co-workers...while breaking bread musta felt nice...didn't it?....
And it felt good to hear everybody say how good they were right????
You said yourself that the cans of salmon were cheap....
Don't front for me mahn!...you know you liked it! LOL
I love this recipie. Thanks girl. And I am so feeling you on the office activities. My last job had a card circulating every daggone week. And the potlucks? Just let me make a donation or bring some cups and napkins, or not go at all. I'm not antisocial either, I just want to do my job and get my check.
ReplyDelete@ Chele...
ReplyDeleteYou said "I'm not antisocial either, I just want to do my job and get my check."
THAT'S what I am talking about right there...see, I am down for you, homegirl... We are on the same page, mayne, while these other broads are standing around at work holding hands and singing "Kume-ba-yah!"
@ Sharon, S23, and DJ...
*Ladylee snatching the microphon from Sharon's hands*
Yo, Chele, hold this damn microphone for me...I got sumthin' ta say!
Look ya'll...
On the serious tip?
Anybody that knows me at work know that I use to, for the past 2 to 3 years, always do something for our group or floor once a month for people's birthday's etc... whether that be bring in a cake and some ice cream, or cook up a birthday breakfast (salmon and biscuits, fried chicken, juice, jelly, the works- the occasional pork chop, even (LOL!)).
I felt like I was doing something to boost everyone's morale, since morale is pretty much nonexistent on my job... Most importantly, it was from my heart, you know? But it got to a point where people would complain that I didn't do enough of this or that, or I didn't bring enough of this or that, i.e., people's expectation of what I was doing from my heart and out of my pocket, got a little too, um, high... So I stopped that. Most importantly, I stopped it because it wasn't in my heart to do it anymore. And as we all know, you should never do anything to please people... Especially when some of those folks don't even like you... Combine all this with management treating me like shit... my slightly "anti-work" attitude, just wanting to get my check has, um, blossomed like a beautiful flower!!!
Go figure... I could go on and on... but I won't...
The big thing is that you sisters know me, and you all know my heart... let's roll with that, shorties!!!
Alright, I just had a Sharon moment... back to my silly Ladylee personna..
Chele, thanks girl, for holding that microphone... you can hand it back to Sharon now!!
Oh yeah, ya'll go check out Chele's book, Confessions of a Beautiful Woman... (Especially you, Sharon... This is right up your alley!!!) It is ALL THAT and a bag of chips!!!
girl, those salmon patties looked slamming.....thank Ms. Social Butterfly for asking....I don't think you are antisocial at work 'cause if you had been you never would have let Ms. Butterfly "strong arm" you into cooking them. I think you have a friend in Ms. Butterfly? Keep the salmon patties coming......
ReplyDeletedang shawty
ReplyDeletei didnt know alladat...well i did but i didnt care...
i didnt mean to make you get up on that soapbox...and stop trying to pull in allies (chele)...
man...u know we love u...that's why we play witchu
I was really mad that I didn't get any..
@ Anon... but I did put up a fight with ms. Social Butterfly... at least Cowgirl Cre donated money to the cause instead of bringing food... but I will probably end up bringing some for next year's AA luncheon...
YO DJ! I was 'bout to run up on you and seriously bump those turntables man, making you scratch ALL them records...
But every once and a while, it is nice to snatch Sharon's platinum microphone... oh Yeah!!!!
I shole is hungry...
ReplyDeleteAfter reading that post, the only thing that stuck was that I have that exact same plate! :-)
ReplyDeletei'm sighing in pure bliss over here! i LOVE salmon croquette! i make them too, same ingredients as yours except for the corn meal. i'm gonna be trying that the next time!
ReplyDeletedangit, but i love to hear sistas talk about southern cooking. that's our roots right there. hold down the tradition, sista!
@ hassan... place your face real close to the computer screen and pretend, man! (Or just make yourself some! :)
ReplyDelete@Chubby Chocolate...
So you shop at Walmart, too, CC??
Go girl!!! Go girl!!
@Atlien Nikki...
You know how we ATLiens do the darn thang, Shawty!
I rarely make Salmon croquettes... The last time I made some were in June 2005!
Make sure you add that cornmeal though... That's what give them that *crunch*! My Mama taught me that trick!!
girl that salmon look so good!
@ Netrock...