What in the world??

I got tagged!!!
Rosemarie of VOMM (Voices on Miscellaneous Matters) notoriety tagged me!
Now I haven't been tagged in at least a year (and don't nobody out there get any strange ideas.)
Tags are a bit hard for me. I usually spend a week or so walking around with a large scrap of paper in the pocket of my sweat pants, trying my best to come up with answers to the question. A few times a day, I scribble down a couple of responses on the page.
The question this time is:
Tell 10 interesting or suprising things about myself (something like that.)
I came up with a few... Don't know if they are suprising or the least bit interesting. I'll let you be the judge of that.
So here we go!
1. I cannot drink any kind of juice without first cutting it with water. Therefore my juice is usually 50-75% water. It all started when I was a teenager. Don't know why, but it is what it is.
2. I am allergic to Kool-aide.Yes I am black, and that is not suppose to be the case, LOL.
It makes me break out in some serious acne or something.
3. I am a fruit fanatic. For instance, here's what's on my desk.
(Yeah, my desk is a mess. So what! Sue me!)
And here's part of my lunch!
Get a lil' closer to the fresh cut strawberries and mango!
Yes, yes ya'll. I am the Queen of Fruit City!
Enough said.
4. I like to wake up in the mornings, grab a broom and sweep the floor and the carpet. This is a funky habit I picked up from my Mama, who wakes up on Saturday mornings at 4:30 am and sweeps the carpet. Use to drive me crazy when I was younger. Now I do it. Go figure.
5. I had another blog once... I've called it my "batcave blog" over in these parts. I miss my batcave blog. I know my blog sistas who were privilidged enough to partake of the happenings over there miss it too. We took care of A LOT of bizness over in those parts!
6. One of the darkest parts of my personality is my tendency to be obsessive compulsive about simple things. I will constantly check to make sure that I have my wallet, or keys, etc. I sometimes don't remember if I let the garage door down, and I must go all the way back home and check to make sure. I am the same way about the stove or doors. Just a quirky fear I have...
7. My worst habit: I go to sleep with everything on: the lights, the TV, the laptop... everything. Nothing scares me more than laying in the dark, alone with my thoughts, trying to go to sleep. Even though I was probably sleepy at the time, I will probably lay there for hours, just... thinking. Goodness.
8. My favorite sounds: The whir of the ceiling fan and the sound of a train in the distance. That whir of the ceiling fan drives a few peeps in my critique team bananas, as I like to use it in my writings sometimes.
9. I have a favorite chair back in my chemistry lab, which is lovingly known by all as the "Queen's Chair".I talk MUCH MUCH trash if I happen to stroll into the lab and someone is sitting in MY chair. You would think that someone stole my money, and I'm coming for them.
Typical LadyLee rant: "Have you lost your damn mind or something? Get your butt up out my doggone chair, man!"
Typical coworker response: *Co-worker jumps up and pushes chair hard at me*
"Girl, take your ol' stupid chair. Don't nobody like that stupid chair anyway!"
Yes, everyone hates that chair. It has no armrests. The back is not straight. Those seems to be the major quips about it.
I love it. It rolls with minimal inertia. I can roll across the room with one small push. That makes me happy!
I am the Queen of the lab. 'Tis my special chair.
So... Stay out of my doggone chair, you bustas!
10. Finally, a partial interesting thing/food for thought nugget: I love to see people do well in life. I get all excited when I see people accomplish a goal, especially if it is something that they have been praying about. I never get envious or jealous of anyone. Shoot man, if there is ANY way I can help or encourage you, I will willingly do it, i.e., sow some type of seed into your life. I will be happy right along with you. Heck, you would think I was the one who had the breakthrough!!
I feel I should celebrate with people when they make strides in their life.
Why do I mention this at all? It isn't all that interesting or suprising.
I mention it because I think it is a rare thing. We live in a society that promotes getting over on people, dishonesty, hoarding, cheating, jealousy, and hateration.
I promised myself I would work on not being like that. For I feel that whoever is like that has developed in such attitudes over time. And I do not want to look up at the age of 60, and have any of those negative qualities in my life.
And I find as I get older, I have a tendency to surround myself with people who are just like me...
Alright Ms. Rosemarie... I fulfilled my tag obligation.
Who am I tagging? Whoever wants to do this or has the time to do it. Just let an Oldgirl know so that I can come over to your blog and have a look-see.
But specifically, I am tagging (and only if you feel up to it):That Original Oldgirl Chele. You Mother of the Year You! One of the few people who has the privilege of being continuously jocked by LadyLee. It would be interesting to see what another Original would would find suprising and interesting about herself.

Tayari Jones, Queen of Lurk City.
I layeth prostrate on the ground and I taggeth you, your Royal Highness.
Tayari! Stop getting drunk off of those tequila gimlets in trashy bars and do this tag, mayne!!!
The Queen and the greatest author in the known universe, who is acutely accustomed to being overly jocked by LadyLee. (I can see her yawning in boredom of my worshipping her, LOL! I must up the ante next time!) I hesitate asking the Queen of Lurk City to do such a thang! She is starting a new teaching post at Rutgers, and is about to move from DC to New York or New Jersey (where are you moving to, Celie?) I know you are busy, Miss Celie! So if you can do it... DO IT.
Frank a.k.a. Luke Cage, The Urban Knight, Ruler of the Planet Fantasy Beyond.
You sho nuff lookin' all hard and mean in that picture, bruh.
*Lee running up on Luke Cage and leaping up on his back*
Look here, I ain't scared of you, Urban Knight!!! You hear me?! You do this tag or suffer the complete and utter destruction and annihilation of Planet Fantasy Beyond!!
*Lee pulls out light saber and chases Frank as he runs screaming for the hills.*
Shorty... Let me tell you something. Let the games of "Iron Garden" begin. The Garden Battle is ON! Whose garden will rule? Bring it ON! Man, I expect to see some Superhero muscled-up Holograms all in your garden fighting off crows, rabbits and deer. Get to working, man!! (But do this tag first, LOL. And do it podcast style. That would be PHAT, bruh!)
UPDATE: DJ DIVA has raised her head from the turntables. She sitting on the edge of the fountain, lip poked out, clutching her Oldgirl-in-training card, all mad because she didn't get tagged. She's having candy-coated dreams of the day she will get her Original Oldgirl Platinum Card Carrying Status.

You're unbeweavable, DJ! I've got nothin' but love for ya! Really though!
I had to dig deep in your archives to find this picture. I wish I could've just ran up on you and pushed you into that water. I know how much you like to fight. I would've caught a beatdown for that one!
Keep reaching for your dreams! You can achieve with your weave!!! LMAO!!
Now ya'll get to work... Make it more interesting than my 10 thangs:)
And before I forget!

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mommies out there:)
~from LL:)
" I'm in the club posted up...got my arms folded"
ReplyDeleteMayne why am I jealous that you aint tag me? Whatever!
Dj kicks the flowers dejectedly
Guess I aint never gonna get me no card!
@my personal DJ, the DJ DIVA...
ReplyDelete" I'm in the club posted up...got my arms folded"
Whassup with that? You should be on the turntables instead of sitting over there pouting and folding your arms.
And where have you been? I look up and you appear out of thin air.
Okay, I will update this blog to tag you... and make sure you do it before summer is over, ya heard me?
Gee, I ain't never heard of anyone screaming to do a tag. Goodness.
LOL!! Hope all is well with you, DJ.
@dj diva -- don't be jealous! tags are not cool.
ReplyDelete@the original Oldgirl: you's busta!
I miss the batcave ... I actually went over there last week being nosy.
And yes, you are one of the most encouraging, uplifting people I "know". That's why I keep coming around here, you busta!
Yes you are incredibly encouraging! That's what I love about reading whatever you have to say. You are absolutely hilarious as well!
ReplyDeleteI guess we all miss that blog. I was wondering if you were ever going to go back over there! The thing about those private blogs is you get to let all your hair hang down and say whatever, however. I just miss the things that we all were able to share.
I would have never guessed the fruit thing. Funny thing is I too sweep the carpet and go to bed laying there thinking for hours. I have thnking about stuff for hours. That's why I now have a full book case night stand full of bibles and books to distract me until I am incredibly sleepy. It works until I wake up with even more thoughts LOL. I think I gathered this from childhood. Gathering my thoughts after a hellish day-you know.
I keep hearing about these cards and I wasa wondering how does one qualify for it?
ReplyDeleteMan, I hate tags! I get all nervous and ish, thinking about what I am going to write. But, I don't hesitate to do them. I ALWAYS find out where I am mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I had 14 things listed, but I chose 10 "safe" things. The other 4 were for me, things I will explore in my personal journals. Ya'll know that I don't get all personal over here. I saveth such things for the batcave!
Yeah, DJ is a bit backwards. That is like, the second time I've seen her get mad and kick flowers (last time it was rocks).
Chele... I think the DJ's Pocahantas weave is a tad bit too tight. I think that's the reason!
Girl, I just like to see people do well without being shady about it. You know, it takes a lot of courage to believe for something or to have a dream. 9 times out of 10, negroes is all around you saying "You can't do that!" and "You ain't nobody, just like the rest of us." I want to be the one negro yelling "Go on, gal, do your thizzle!" or "I am in agreement with you! Make it happen!!" I'm finding that sometimes, that is all someone needs. I don't even consider it validating a person, but just being plain outright supportive. Our dreams and hopes are planted in our hearts by God, but we sometimes don't have courage to pursue all that because of the negativity. I just want to be supportive. And I try to surround myself with people all around me on an equal basis.
If someone gets a a prayer being answered? Goodness. I am TOO happy. Jacks my faith WAAAAY up!
I may return to the batcave! It was my saving grace... the flip side of my quirky schitzo LadyLee personality. You never know. I would LOVE to do something once a week over there...
And you are waaaaay overdue for your Original Oldgirl platinum card status... Waaaaaay overdue.
Biggest qualification is to be at least 30 years old, because one does not know their head from their a$$ until they turn 30. The other qualification: do something that answers some type of issha I am having, causing me to change my mindset about something, etc...
Serenity 23, who is 29, has all of a sudden stopped whining, and has been working her $10 secured Oldgirl training card HARD for the past few months. As you can see, the chick has matured exponentially over the past few months... She inspires my socks off, and just watching some of her decisions lately has encouraged me to reach higher for some of my personal goals... She's about to hit the big 3-0, and her head is becoming clear, LOL!
DJ on the other hand, makes me sigh hard... I am waiting for her to do the big "it", which she CONSTANTLY seems right on the edge of doing, whatever the "it" is... then she will have her status. So watch out! LOL
But you, Ms. Chosen, my "online pastor" as I have called you in the past, are waaaay overdue.
@THE DJ...
followed by pure shock and utter silence.
'Sup with the temper tantrums, homie?
Hmm... i think i just got DISSED, on my own blog, no less by the THE MIGHTY ORACLE, THE KEEPER OF THE BATCAVES. WOW.
And Chosen didn't get a card. She only inquired. (See the raging firestorm you touched off, Chosen? Goodness!) I needs for you to read the comments carefully, DJ. Read carefully, Oracle, read carefully.
Demanding Olgirl Status... hmmm... WOW. You know, Serenity23 can't be a Baby Oldgirl all by her self...
She needs someone to keep her company on the curve while she clutches her training card!!!!
You've been doing "it" DJ. Keep doing "it" and you will get "it".
I need you to go and sit on the edge of that fountain just one more time... just one more time...
**LadyLee running up on the DJ and throwing her into that water!**
(Call me, man! You's a hard broad to catch up with!!)
Jumping on my... what the??! This is an outrage LL... Okay, I'll do it. But you'll hate my azz in the morning! -lol- and you want me to do the tag podcast style??? Mann, you must know that podcasting is addictive as hell. I don't have to write anything but my little notes for that particular subject. I'll see what I can do.. no promises on the cast, but I will do the tag! Anything for you LL.
ReplyDeleteSorry it took me so long to get here! I really enjoyed your list, especially sweeping the carpet. It reminds me of my childhood. We had a large area rug and no vacuum because we were too poor to own one.
ReplyDeleteI'll be linking you and the others on a separate post just because. Who doesn't like a little link love? Consider it a courtesy for participating.
I'm thrilled that you get excited about others breakthroughs.
Many blessings...