We have affectionately named our little group the Financial Freedom Fighters, i.e,
"The Triple F Possee"
We are a gang of sorts.
We even have gang signs, as lovingly demonstrated below by my baby brother Milk and Cookies.
We thrown the gang sign up high in the air, and hoop and holler real loud at the book club meetings when our Gang Leader Tiffy D gives the monthly group update.
We even have our own slogan...
FFF Possee... ACTIVATE!!!We're dedicated to putting the major beat down on debt. We have weekly online discussions, and meet once a month.
(Things got a little heated online a couple of weeks ago. I was wailing about car isshas, talking about how I was itchin' to go out and get that Lexus I want. I caught a verbal beat down, and I had to send a virtual Celie crooked two-fanger point at my leadership. But the broads smacked me back into line, and an Oldgirl appreciates that:)
A couple of weeks ago, we had a meeting, and my "Gang Leader" Tiffy D brought out a chalk board and we brainstormed concerning cost cutter tips. The list of things we came up was as follows:
Use coupons, from the Sunday paper and Online.
Get a doggie bag when you go out to eat. That can be tomorrow's lunch.
Don't order drinks/appetizers/desserts
Take your lunch to work
Always use a grocery list when shopping
Don't shop hungry
Buy in bulk
Find free or inexpensive activities (like free jazz concerts at the park)
Find a Sugar Daddy
Shop consignments/goodwill/yard sales
Take advantage of budget billing
Carpool or take train to work.
Check the library for our book club selections before buying the book
Give service coupons as gifts (this is good for kids- like giving a coupon for a car wash or cutting grass)
Swap excess items
Sell stuff on ebay or craigslist.
Now, I do much of the above. Some of those are my answers, even. I usually pack a lunch for work. I tend to carpool. I check the library before I buy any books. I have done much from that list above.
Oh but wait...
Hold up...
There is one that made me giggle a bit, in the midst of deeply disturbing me at the same time.
Find a Sugar Daddy.
That is too funny. I remember when my book club sister "Ray-Ray" yelled that one out. She's married and all, but I saw a doggone bright twankle in her eye, and she smiled a bit too hard.Find a Sugar Daddy.
Funny, I know...
But I bet that has crossed every woman's mind at one time or another.
Don't look at me in the tone of voice!!
I won't lie, it has crossed mine. I've discovered it deeply embedded in some of the statements I've made in my journals and when thinking out loud over the years, and as of late.
"Shoot, I could have that Lexus I want, paid for with cash, if I wasn't doing everything on my own."
And I've caught myself saying to dudes over the past couple of years...
"The only reason that I would get with you is to get laid and so you can pay some of my bills."
Yeah, that causes a smile AND an argument all at the same time (I hear "Ain't nothin' wrong with that" followed by "Golddigga!!").
My number one reason for opting not to be in a relationship right now is jacked up motives related to such.
Bad motive. Ya'll know how I feel about checking my agendas and motives.
An Oldgirl needs to straighten out her faith. So why don't I just sit my tail right here and chill out until my motives get right.
(Stop tripping. If I can't be honest with myself, then who can I be truly honest with?)
With that said, something interesting happened late last year...
To be continued...
Not to mention that you rack up debt of a different sort when you rely on a man for money...
ReplyDeleteCo-sign the Sugar Daddy thing. I just can't find one who's willing to follow my dictates.
ReplyDeleteOkay. That Sugar Daddy comment was skrait disturbing! That ain't cost cuttin' that is ho'in'!
ReplyDeleteAnd I do have issha with one "Don't order drinks/appetizers/desserts" What the hell is the purpose of going out for dinner if all you get is just a meal? Might as well have stayed in and had a Lean Cuisine if you want somebody else to cook for ya!
@ That Oldgirl Racer X aka Tayari...
ReplyDeleteYes, the Mighty Queen of Lurk City stands from her throne and says the darn thing...
Really though.
No one really thinks abouot that. My problem is that I constantly do. Emotional debt is nothing to mess with!
Girl, you find a Sugar Daddy that will uh, let you have your way, then GO FOR IT.
(But we know that ain't happening. Oh it may LOOK like it's happening, but uh, the real truth comes out sooner or later. In the meantime, get that mortgage paid off while you got them legs open. LOL!!!)
@The 2nd 68...
Dude... Having a sugar daddy is a cost cutting move! When you are SERIOUS about getting out of debt, you do what you gotta do.
Come along and think positive with me!!!
You can be a ho and save some money. GEEZ!
(Just kidding. Yes, that is wack. My take on it is a bit different, though.)
Man, have you noticed how much desserts, drinks and an appetizerscan add up to? Now, if you eat out several times a week? That's an issha. I've always ordered water with a slice of lemon, because I am cheap as hell.
But if you cut out the extras, over the long run, it helps.
My thing is, just cut 10%. Like one meal with extras per week. That goes a long way!
I'm crying from laughter! This was excellent and the comments [including yours LadyLee] just fueled it more.
ReplyDeleteThis is on next week's Blog Safari! :D
Oh yeah LL, I know how much they cost. Since I only eat out maybe once a month (not fast food) then cutting them out to save money kinda makes the whole point moot. But I see where you are coming from. Y'all need to cook more!