This is my 400th post!!
I am sooooo excited!!!!!! I'm so excited that I think I'll do a little
I'm just soooooooo excited!!!!
Uh, no I'm not.
Right now, I am a bit sickly. Haven't felt like posting about anything.
So this will be one of them... random post about nothing much. Just little stuff going on with me.
I happened to have my usual monthly doctor's appointment on Monday. I was feeling a bit crappy then, so I guess that was the best place to be.
Doctor B. looks at my charts. "So, how have you been feeling, LadyLee?"
I am sitting there in a chair (I refuse to sit on the table), and I am leaning my head up against the wall. "I feel horrible."
She continues reading my chart. "So what's wrong?"
"I feel like crap!"
"Uh, can you be more specific?" she said.
"My head hurts, my sinuses hurt, and I am nauseous."
She doesn't respond, but looks at me. She goes back to my charts. "Are you pregnant?"
Man, when she said that, I turned so fast that I hurt my neck. So now, I have a very sore neck.
She shrugged. "Okay, I'm just asking." She grabs my hands and starts doing her usual routine checking of my joints.
Then she lectures me on working too much. I didn't feel like hearing all that. We argue back and forth. Poor woman. She didn't need my mess that early in the morning.
Lesson #1: When LadyLee is feeling like crap, don't ask her if she's pregnant.
I had a very nice weekend. This usually means that it was open and free, and I could just do what I wanted to do, instead of running here and there to meetings and what-not. So, I stuck around the house. I did some house cleaning, some gardening, crocheting, reading, writing, went for a long walk, etc...
There's one thing that really bugs me... that dayum Oscar-Tyrone, and my permanent house guest Kramer.
They sleep alllll day. I mean, they take position on my favorite chair. Kramer takes the seat of the chair, and Oscar takes the top part of the chair. And they lounge and relax all day.
They don't have to work, they don't have to do anything... just sleep alll day. They even let me know when they need more food and water, and when I need to tidy up their litter box.
I wanted to smack them both.
Humph. Cats know how to train their owners, don't they?Well, I drove somewhere only one time this weekend. I went to Wal-mart and bought a vacuum cleaner. I am a little apphrensive because only "bagless" is available. I looked all over for a "normal" vacuum cleaner, but had to get the one pictured.
Last week, I was vacuuming with the old vacuum cleaner, and the sucka exploded!
Bits and pieces flew everywhere. Scared the hell out of me. And the cats were shaking for the rest of the day (That was REALLY funny).
I talked to my sister later...
"Kentucky, the vacuum cleaner blew up."
"Oh, that's what that was?"
"You heard that? And you didn't think to come check on me?"
She shrugged.
"Girl, I coulda been laid out on the floor, looking crazy."
She shrugged again. "I didn't know what it was. But I heard you moving around, so..."
I wanted to smack her.
I swear, between her and my brother... I've had to get on them about that.
Lesson #2: If you hear something strange, and/or you don't hear from me... feel free to check on your Oldgirl.
Kentucky has gotten better. I have awakened to her standing over me from time to time...
"What, Kentucky?"
"I noticed you were sleeping a bit too long. You feel alright?"
"Yes, go away."
It's gotten around on the job that I want a Lexus. I haven't had my car for two dayum weeks (it is in the shop), and my beloved sister Kentucky is kind enough to share her car with me. I think this makes her happy, because I am putting gas in her car, plus giving her $10.00 a day (a fee I came up with- hey, that's better than renting a car.)
But Kentucky has a luxurious car, and I do not. She just bought the car she has now about a month ago (her last car was totaled in a wreck).
Let's just say, I am getting REAL accustomed to riding in a big car with soft leather seats and every amenity imaginable. It's going to be hard for me to get back into my cheap a$$ Mazda Protege.
So, like I said, it's gotten around that I want a Lexus.
The other day, I was sitting at my cubicle, doing nothing. (Ooooh, don't say that too loud. Evil management may run up on me). I think I was yabbering on email with Serenity and the LBeezy. I had my earbuds in and I was listening to some music over my computer, too.
This lets you know, I did NOT want to be bothered.
Cowgirl Cre, my cubicle mate, tapped me on the shoulder.
I snatch out my earbuds.
She points back at another coworker, then goes back to her own paperwork.
I turn around. "WHAT, MAN? [Uh, this is my usual high pitched response when I am irritated. My boss HATES this, lol].
Coworker "T"is on the phone. She says, "T-Love wants to know what kind of Lexus you looking for?"
T-Love is another chemist, way over in another building attached to ours. He is also a character in my Sweet Heat manuscript. I frown. For a moment, I am a bit confused, lol."I want a 2000 ES 300," I yell.
She turns and tells T-Love.
"And I want it fully loaded, with the sunroof."
She conveys this important bit of info to him.
I turn to say more, but think better of it. Folks all around me got those loooooong ears, i.e., be listening waaay too hard.
I wanted to say:
"Tell him don't bring me none of that hot sh**!!!"
Then I wanted to say...
"If it's hot, make sure the numbers are clean down at the DMV!!!"
Lesson #3: If you get a stolen car, make sure you know somebody down at the DMV so they can clean it up in the system.
Now, ya'll know I don't fool around with stolen rides. And neither does our beloved T-Love. He loves cars, and wanted to be on the look out, just in case something comes up.
Because if the price is right, man... I'm going to go on and get it. My financial freedom Possee is going to circle me and beat me down, but we need a third car around the house.
But only if the price is right! LOL!
So that's it for me... and my lovely lessons...
Have a great week... I will be back on Friday or Monday!
LMAO @ the shaking cats...
ReplyDeleteI am with you on nice cars. But I can't see me in a Lexus.
I used to own a nice car. And a nice motorcycle. Now I own a Ford pick-up. Go figure. Most guys my age trade in pick-ups for nice cars to aid with their mid-life thing. My mid-life thing made me get a pick-up.
ReplyDeleteThere's something wrong with me.
My vacuum bit the dust, (so to speak) last winter. My domesticated ass broke down and bought a Dyson. Best investment I ever made. That thing really sucks.
@The 2nd 68...
ReplyDeleteIt scared the hell out of the cats. It would've scared me if I wasn't looking at them and their scatter methods, lol. They were looking at me sideways for the rest of the day!
I want an old Lexus, NOT a new one. All the new cars look alike.
My issha is that I don't care for a car note. Not at all. But you gotta do what you gotta do...
@Terry in his cheap seats...
Go get yourself a nice cherry red corvette, Terry!!! LOL!
You bought a Dyson? Those things are like, 500 bucks! The vacuum cleaner better vacuum by itself AND wash dishes for that price.
Mine was 70 bucks. I am skittish about this bagless technology, so I thought I would buy a cheap Bissell and see how long it lasts. Then I might splurge on soemthing bigger!
Your fruit pics always make me want some and I don't eat kiwa or strawberries. So Karmer is permanent now. Lol I must have missed that story. I didn't know about the bagless vacuum cleaners. I haven't went shopping for one in years. Mine is straight ole school. As long as it picks up. I'm good. Forget a hot car. I just need a DMV worker to get rid of the sales tax when I get another car.
ReplyDelete@Lee - I had a Corvette, wasn't red though. Black with tan interior. I sold it. I want to buy a new Z06 Vette but the sticker price has too many zeros at the end. Maybe I'll just buy and old school '73. I'm still diggin those things.
ReplyDeleteBut enough about things I can't buy - I got the Dyson for $350.00 bucks online. Trust me, it's worth it. Sprinkle a little smell good powder on the carpet and fire that puppy up. Your floor will never be as clean and smell as good. Save your pennies and get one, they're great!
Sorry to hear you're feeling crappily.
ReplyDeleteIf it makes you feel any better I drive a Saturn. A 1996 Saturn. I'm renting a car in LA next week and I know it's going make me want a new car!
My cat is getting on my last nerve!
ReplyDeleteAnother car?! You know that you're going to hear it from the debt-free posse. Keep us posted on your strategy!