Real high...
That is the price of gas in midtown ATL. This is a gas station I stop at only if I'm running on fumes and I absolutely need some gas. I usually get enough gas, a gallon or so, to get me to my hood 5 miles south so I can save 10 cents a gallon.
This gas station has had the gas at that price for the past month. And it had to be one of them thangs where the owners got tired of changing the sign and decided to set it up high. (I don't blame them, especially since it has been HOT in the ATL lately).
They say that the average price of gas has risen 37 cents in the past month of so. That is some craziness.
But it ain't all that bad, ya'll.
Highest gas price right now:
The Netherlands- $9.73/gallon.
Norway- $10.00/gallon.
Sierra Leonee -$18.50/gallon.
What would you do if gas got THAT high over here in the good ol' USA? What if gas cost as much as $18 dollars a gallon!?
Let's just say that people are already stealing gas down here as it is.
My best friend LadyTee remembers back to days of old.
"Lee, I remember being mad as hell when gas was $1.24 a gallon!!!"
$1.24 a gallon. . .
Who woulda ever thought that those were the Glory Days?
The lowest gas prices right now.
Venezuela - $0.19/gallon.
And this is because that country has it's own resources.
Now uh, why couldn't we have done this in our own country? I think we have some pretty smart people here. Heck with enough research, we could've had cars that run off of AIR by now...
But we don't.
So it's going to keep on getting higher.
And we have no choice but to pay the price...
If gas gets that high, um I will be setting up a sleeping station @ work. Around my parts in ATL, the middle gas is $4.10. Too da*m high.
ReplyDeleteI just mention on someone's blog, the hood always have the cheapest gas. I try not to ride on fumes b/c I want to make it to the cheapest station.
ReplyDeleteGas can't get that high here. It just can't. Alot of people are going to be sh^t out of luck if that happens.
They can drill oil out of Alaska but refuse.
I don't think drilling for more oil is the answer because one day the oil every where is going to dry up. Research for alternative fuels is where it's at. And I'm with you Ladylee, if they would have been working on that instead of burying their heads in the sand, we'd have that technology right now when we need it! But I have hopes it will come soon. And it will probably come from China! LOL
ReplyDeleteMicro fusion generators and repulsor technology. That is where I am looking! I want my damn Jetson car already!!!!
ReplyDeleteI heard on the news that are country is an oil addict. Yep!