The rules of this meme are as follows:
*Post the rules before the pictures/descriptions.
*Take a few shots of what's hiding in your fridge..freezer...pantry...cupboards. The more the better.
*You can either simply just include the pictures or even better give some description of what's in there...your favorites...where you (or how not) it's organized...and/or whatever else you want to include. The more info the better...
*NO tidying up! If you want to turn around things so you can see the labels thats fine...but no re-arranging or cleaning things up. The whole point is to see things the way they actually are...naturally. If there is nothing in your fridge show that... Just keep it real!
*Keep the tag going. Pick 7 other bloggers to join in on the fun and tag them by including their names after your post and by leaving a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged. I think it would also be great if you would let the person who tagged you know once you have posted your pictures.
I think I will concentrate on describing bizarre stuff going on in my fridge.
So, here we go!!
On the front of my 'fridge are VERY old photos of my late orange tabby Jeremy Girard and Oscar-Tyrone as a kitten. These photos are 11 years old. I found them while going through an old box of photos.
Here we have the usual stuff like margerine and sour cream and cream cheese. I also have some feta cheese for my salad.
My sister Kentucky likes that little stuff that comes in little containers, like what you see here: apple sauce, jello, and yogurt. There's some cornbread ( I get that for a buck a hunk at the farmer's market. It's better than that doggone Jiffy, Southern black gal!).
In the carton is some leftover Yum's shrimp and fries. I blogged about Yumm's back on Christmas 2006. They got the GOOD $6.95 18 piece shrimp and fries dinner. And it's enough for at least three meals, man!!
I got this thing for pure Cranberry juice.
In the left hand door of the fridge: There's butter, and plenty of it. (I let Kentucky fool with that bootleg Country Crock). I love curry pastes, so I got plenty of that on hand. >
Oh yeah, and there's a bottle of B*tch on that bottom shelf. I have been trying to get a bottle of B*tch to my bookclub sista Kim since January. Once again, we have to wait for another meeting because we couldn't hook up meetings this week.
Moving to the right hand door: Kentucky keep a gang of salad dressing there. We can run a small salad bar with all the types we have here. I got this thang right now, thanks to my Auntie Joyce, for non-alcoholic beer, so I always have bottles of it in the fridge.Here's Kentucky's cabinet. There's a lot going on- pop tarts, Swiss miss. Yeah, and it's packed tight. I hardly ever fool around in there...
I don't care for regular store spices. I get mine at Dekalb Farmer's market. Why, you may ask, because they waaay more potent than that store bought craziness. VERY STRONG. So I get stuff like cumin, tumeric, garlic powder, coriander, and other wierd ish like that there. Sooo much better!
The freezer is interesting. . . It needs to be cleaned out or something. Kentucky's liver is about to get tossed in the trash if she don't cook it. That package has been there for six months.
Kentucky likes the popsicles. (Eat some of the ice cream, Kentucky!). There are lots of random frozen meats in there. Nothing like mystery meat!
Finally, yesterday, I made some red bell pepper ketchup (no tomatoes, and it tastes much better). I rarely make that, and it's the reason why I wanted Grandma to teach me how to properly can so I can make a gang of it and shelve it.
So Auntie Joyce, you got a pint coming your way! You too, Babs aka "Bobbie Jean" (LadyTee's Mama)
So, I have done a sort of "inventory".
Trash day is tomorrow.
Guess I better go clean out the fridge and cabinets!
I say damn whoever's idea it was to start this little meme...
ReplyDeleteI must have put on about 3 or 4 pounds ever since I first noticed it floating around the blogosphere.
Sucks that I pass it off as an excuse for overindulging in snacks but hey...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!! :-)
I don't know who started it... They need to be smacked one, two, three times. I don't even remembered who tagged me. I do remember seeing my name in a couple of places!
ReplyDeletePeople do have some good stuff in the fridge don't they?! After reading some of those posts, I'm like "I gotta go make a sandwich!"
Hopefully it stops with me, as I tagged NO ONE!
Did you have to call me out TWICE about the jiffy cornbread? Lol Jiffy is my friend.
ReplyDeleteThe shrimp looks good and I don't eat shrimp.
Ladylee you got some interesting things in your fridge.
Non-alcoholic beer? I don't get it. Lol
Be glad you don't know me well bc I would always be at your house bc you keep food.
Dayum sis! I need a dictionary or a food encyclopedia to identify 90% of whats in your fridge. I'd lose a ton of weight at your house because I'm not smart enough to know what in the fridge is edible ;b
ReplyDelete@ That Southern Black Gal...
ReplyDeleteYes, because I can't STAND Jiffy. Although, i must say, some 15 years ago, it was a staple in my place. Back then, you could get four boxes for a dollar! I think because I ate so much of it back then that it may be the reason I hate it now!
You saw some shrimp? You identified the mystery meat, hunh?
I don't drink, so non-alchoholic beer works out well for me. Don't have the same "kick" as regular beer, but I can pretend. LOL!!
And you sound like LadyTee. That child got keys to my house. I have to watch her good, because she will raid the fridge! LOL!!
@That Oldgirl Sharon...
Where YOU been, Miss. Working like a dawg, I see. Make SURE you are getting your rest!!
Come on Oldgirl, you can live off the jicama and the ghee.
Shoot, I didn't even open the fruit, veggie, and deli drawers. OH MY!! LOL!!
Are you kidding me? Looks like ya'll have stocked up for the end of the world or something. Sheesh!
ReplyDelete@ that Oldgirl Chele...
My sister shops like there's about to be a snowstorm. I CAN'T STAND IT! I should've taken a pic of the deep freezer in the garage... that would've made you pass straight out. I had to have a talk with her about that last week... Goodness...
And she just went shopping yesterday, so you should REALLY see the fridge. SMH. IRKS me to no end!!!!!!!
I just saw this meme somewhere else and thought it was cool. Look for it soon on my blog. ;)
ReplyDeleteI was crackin' up about the Jiffy! My mama loved some Jiffy cornbread. Serious. We fell in love with it too!
I enjoy non-alcoholic Kaliber by Guinness. However, after watching a commercial Saturday I did buy Samuel Adams new Summer Ale. Girl, that was good, but by the end of one, I was drunk. I don't like that feeling. My husband must drink the rest. He's already tried two! ;)
I must say you eat very healthy. Thanks for the peek!
Damn! I didn't know there would be a damn quiz! SMDH...
ReplyDeleteI didn't tag you with this one! So you can thank me for that!
LMAO @ you cleaning out the fridge AFTER the post!
I done tried regular beer, light beer, non alcoholic beer. Regular beer is still the oldest and the best!
@Believer 64...
ReplyDeleteI LOVE nonalcoholic beer. How the heck are you picking up a buzz from it? You must be super sensitive. Doesn't bother me AT all.
Maybe if I drink a six pack at one time. . . LOL!
I HATE JIFFY!!! I think I ate waay to much in college. It was sooo cheap. But party on to those who love it. It just played out with me!!
@2nd 68. . .
I don't even remember who tagged me. I just saw my name in some tags, and you know I ain't big on tags. I'm cool with it, once I finish them, though.
Yeah, mon! Pop quiz! Pop quiz! Give the definitions of ghee and jicama! LOL!! (Yeah right!)
Yeah, I cleaned the fridge out after the post. Then Kentucky came in with all these bags. You should see all the ish in there now. Had me giving that gal the *gas face*. I think she gets that from our Mama. It's like she hates to see an empty fridge or something.
You're a man... I'ma look at you funny if you drinking non-alcoholic beer on the regular. LOL!
Red pepper ketchup?? Never heard of it and it sounds GOOD!
ReplyDeleteRe corn bread: from scratch baby. Only way to roll. Jiffy?! (Actually, it's the only stuff my daddy eats. :)) that I'm closer, can I go grocery shopping AT YOUR PLACE?! LOL
ReplyDeleteWe're going to have to meet up somewhere, neighbor. :-)
I see you were successful in getting the blog roll changed!
ReplyDelete@Carleen. . .
ReplyDeleteYes ma'am, red bell pepper ketchup. I had it at the Watershed. They serve it with oysters. Once you have it, you look at tomato ketchup differently. Let me tell you, tomato ketchup SUCKS!
Actually "ketchup" is not limited to tomato based. It can be made from various veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds. Who woulda thought.
I can't stand jiffy. I make it if I REALLY gotta have some cornbread, and there is not any REAL cornmeal in sight. YUCK!!
@Cherlyn Michaels...
Yes, one of my favorite authors lives only 1.5 hours from the ATL now... When I read that a few months ago, uh... let's just say my jaw hit the ground. WOW!!
I'm skittish, and star struck like a mutha... I will probably pass out like Celie if I ever get to meet you. Your advice still sees me through, even now, man!
Look me up if you ever up my way, Ma!!
@ "Mister" aka 2nd 68...
Shorty, you DID not tell me that that dayum change was gonna bust up ALL my edits, kill off my playlist, and I STILL need to figure out how to get my doggone sitemeter back in effect.
But it was worth it. I like being able to see titles and times posted by my favorite bloggers. Thanks for the help. (You should be helping me, as you got me all up in the harem, cooking for you and the other concubines). LOL!!
You are such the blogmaster:)
Thanks for your help!