It's that time again...
That time, that time, that time. . .
To hand over some much coveted. . .
I'd like to wish one of my favorite blog mentors, "The LBeezy" a.k.a. "LBigga" a.ka. "LBoogie" a.k.a. "The Ladybug Mocha" a happy birthday.
Happy 30th Birthday LBeezy!!!!

Now, I think I came across LBeezy some 3 years ago. She had a huge blog under another name, and I lurked around in her territory. Never commented, as she was a part of a tight "community" back in those days.
Then something happened.
She lost everything in the storm, a.k.a. "That Dayum Katrina"
She picked up with her son, and relocated to another state.
That in itself is mind-boggling.
These days, The Lbeezy is like an old school gangsta. . . She don't get too far caught up in blog stuff, and blogs very lowkey, every now and then. She likes to sit back and watch others do their thang.
I've learned MUCH from the Lbeezy. . .
I see from time to time on other blogs statements like "As LadyLee would say: *crickets*."
Yeah, that's part of my style these days, but uh. . . I JACKED them *crickets* from the Lbeezy.
I also picked up the whole description thang, i.e. *Ladylee giving the hard eyeroll*
The most recent phrase of LBeezy's that I have hijacked is something I use waaaaaaaay too much:
*gas face*
I told her one day, "Yo, I bite your style? Do you mind?"
"Feel free, Leezie," she said. "I really don't care."
That's Old School for ya right there.
Really though.
But over the past 3 years, she's become a true friend.
You know how it feels all weird when you go more than two or three days without talking to certain folks, whether it be via email, on the phone, text message, etc.? You just feel, I don't know, strange when you don't communicate with them?
That's how we are.
To the point if, I don't hear from her via any of the numerous communication avenues, I will call her up. She is one of the couple of people I will send text messages.
(And ya'll know I can't stand calling people. Let's not even get over into how I feel about texting.)
But she and I had a long talk last night. She is all excited about turning the big "30".
Ya'll know what I say... "You don't know nothing until you turn 30."
But I heard it all in LBeezy's voice on the phone last night. She's turning 30. The light bulb is glowing brightly over her head. She's a woman with plans, moving forward, and happy about life.
Good for you, Lbeezy!!
She has been on me for MONTHS about sending her some of my world famous cookies. Last week, she Serenity30 and I were doing our daily email gabs (it's a frickin' shame how we use it like IM). Serenity was going to be in town for the weekend, and we were arranging to meet up for lunch. Serenity wanted a batch of chocolate chip pecan cookies, to which I agreed to make.
LBeezy sent a simple email that simply said...
(Yes she was upset. VERY upset.)
I sent Serenity a separate email saying, "This girl just don't know she's gonna eat those words. She's getting a big batch of oatmeal raisin walnut cookies in the mail for her birthday."
I think LBeezy had the *gas face* for most of the week, throwing all kinds of snide remarks about cookies at me. I just laughed about it.
My biggest issha is that I haven't been able to find proper tins for mailing cookies. I get them from the thrift store, but I hadn't found any recently. Well, last weekend, I headed down to American Thrift in Riverdale, deep on the southside, on the other side of Collie Purk (LOL!), and bought every dayum tin they had.
Side Note: Uh, is it just me? Have you been to the Thrift store lately? This one was so crowded. I mean, uh, crowded like a doggone club letting folk in free. Traffic jam crowded. Standing in long lines crowded. It was so crowded that I thought an Electric slide was gonna break out at any moment. LOL!!
Then they had the nerve to be playing Christmas music.
In June.
*LadyLee dropping tins in buggy and squinting hard at the ceiling when "Silent night" plays*
An experience indeed. Happy smiling people carrying around their thrift store loot. A twilight zone moment indeed.

So Lbeezy, it's only a small token of my appreciation.
Thanks for being there for me, for our long eye-opening convos, and for teaching this Oldgirl a thang or two about blogging. You are one of the few people who, when you hear me whining or going off on an angry tangent, can reel me back in, and can say to me, "Lee, let me put my two cents in, Blah, blah, blah,". She is thorough and very succinct with me, and it turns my whole attitude around. I told her that one day, and I know she was like... "Hunh?"
Girl, your words are like dynamite. When you speak, the words change and rearrange things. They are explosive and high impact. And I need that. I really need that.
Thanks for putting a verbal foot up my a$$ when I need it.
For that alone, I am glad you are my friend. It's rare to have people around me who will check me and keep it moving. (You know how stank my attitude can get, lol). Thanks for that.
I've watched you lose everything, and rebuild. When I need courage, I think of your situation- your push forward to reestablish yourself and all. That gives me hope in my circumstances and trials. It truly does.
(And you got SO many letters after your name. I will still trade my three measely "Ph.D" letters for that long string of ish following your name! LOL)
So... without further adieu, I bestow upon you your platinum card carryin' status.
I hereby pronounce you, on your 30th birthday. . .
"An Original Oldgirl"

Ladybug, I hereby extend to you your *Original Oldgirl Platinum Plus Card*, good worldwide and on every planet in the solar system, good even on the Sun itself...with no monetary limits whatsover.
So if the police ever try to run up on you, or some folks try to jump ya, you can yell-
"Get back! I am an Original Oldgirl!"
I'm an "OG"!
"Get the **** back!!"
No, you'll still catch a beat down, and you'll still get locked up...
But you'll have the pride attached to being an Oldgirl...So, now, instead of that 10 dollar card… you have a Platinum plus Card, good on all planets, even the SUN!!!
You have the pride of knowing that..
One who is an Original!
One who is full of wisdom!
One who keeps it real!
One who has been through it all!
One marching like Miss Sophia on her way to a place of peace and victory......
Stand tall!
And make sure you don’t fall
Be proud
Say it loud
I, The LBeezy, am an… Original Oldgirl!
Enjoy your birthday, Oldgirl!
I am so glad I was here for the christening...
ReplyDeleteShe's all grown up now! I remember when...
Okay, I WOULD remember when had we met before...
Oh, by the way. Don't forget to change her spot in ya blog roll. And don't forget ya been tagged!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah. And I told you that making that adorable little child build you that pyramid was gonna get back at ya! Or I meant to if I didn't...
ReplyDelete@ the 2nd 68...
ReplyDeleteShawty, you made me the head cook in your blog harem, now you blowing out my comment section... Why does a black king with a large harem take such advantage?!!! LOL!!
I will change her spot in the blog roll. And I went looking for ya tag yesterday and didnt' see it. You playing games with me, your Highness??
That little child is going to come over again and work harder than ever... that's what they are for!
Nice. I always like your bday dedication posts.
ReplyDeleteLOL @ 2nd 69
Your comment about putting kids to work reminded me when I was younger and asked my mom why we didn't use the dishwasher as I was washing dishes. She said because I have you. lol
Thank you so much, Leezarus!!! Now I'm going to actually have to do a bday blog myself! So far, 30 is fabulous!!! Did I say fabulous???
ReplyDelete@Southern Black Gal...
ReplyDeleteThat's what kids are for. (At least that was I was for.) LOL!!
@ The LBeezy...
Uh, you used the word "fabulous".
You either been hanging out with Serenity too much or you turning all "Sex in the City" on me!
Either way, hope you have a good time tonight...
(be careful with this "pank" toenail polish you've been screaming about on the email thread. LOL)
Very nice post! Happy b-day Lbeezy!
ReplyDeleteThere was a story last week in the NY Times about how even rich folks are going to thrift stores (though richy rich thrift stores) for things now. Times is hard almost all the way up the ladder!
Christmas music?! I was wondering if the tins were Christmas, Holiday, or winter scenes. Too funny!
ReplyDeleteYou always know how to show honor. Good stuff!
Happy Belated Birthday LB!