How the heck ya'll let me go half a week without posting?
And you know it is all my fault. I been in a slight funk this week. I am PMSing. Work is...interesting, and I don't wanna be at work. The slightest things disturb me deeply. Throw that in the middle of this daylight savings time ratchetness, and I tell you, an Oldgirl is just a little bit OFF. Just a tad bit off. I need about 2 days off, away from work, to just get my head back in order.
This seems to happen every time we spring forward.
How long til' we spring back?
My complaining is done.
Happy NEW DAY to you. Out with the old, in with the New!
Anyway, I want to talk about the best part of my Women of Color Writing Workshop on Friday night.
I yelled as usual, "Dawnie, man! You messing with my church night!"
*throws big rocks at Dawnie*
I told that broad I like to go to church on Friday nights. She gonna schedule it on Friday nights anyway. *throws one last big rock hard at Dawnie*
Anyway, I wrote three good pieces of flash fiction (really short stories). I would love to expand those out like I did with "My Day in Court", which I am still playing around with...
I would love to get over into a whole epic "Adventures of Chele" series with multiple stories.
*Chele gives that hard Mama squint at the screen*
LOL! No! I might post one or two of those stories next week.
But for me? The hightlight of the whole night was walking into the house and smelling something delightful cooking. And it wasn't beef, pork or chicken based. It was some vegetables.
I got a good nose these days. I know when I smell vegetables cooking.
"I made some cabbage soup," Dawnie said.
I dropped my purse when she said that. It landed with a hard thud on the living room floor. And I made a beeline to the kitchen. I snatched the glass lid off the pot and saw something special!
Whooo weeeeeeee!!!!! Special indeed!!!
It looked so good that it made my eye twitched!
I had to stick the fork in and lift up the green bulbous item. It was a bell pepper. Dawnie doesn't like peppers, so she just throws them in there whole for flavoring.
Heck man! I didn't care! I like peppers! I'll eat the whole thing.
"Taste it, Lee, and see how it is," Dawnie said.
I grabbed a bowl. Yelled at her for not having big enough spoons. And I had some.
It was divine. But... it was spicy HOT!
I was not sure what that was about, as Dawnie is a punk, and can't handle a lot of heat. I am not sure why she made it that hot, but she had to hear me allllll through the night holler.
"Girl? This here soup is hawt! It's hot as hell!"
"This right here? This soup? Got me sweating girl. It's hot as hell!!"
"Woooo weee! This here soup is the fire!"
Anyone who knows me knows I like hot food. But I like it where it is hot enough to take me to the very edge, where I don't need a glass of water, but I am thinking about running for a glass of water. I like it hot enough where I sweat, but my head doesn't catch fire and explode.
I like it hot.
(My goodness. There's a writing prompt up in there somewhere. That is all).
Anyway, Dawnie had some soup, and it was too hot for her. Gal was crying and looking crazy. It was all quite hilarious.
Needless to say, she gave me 3/4ths container to take home.
The soup was in this gorgeous Cuisniart stock pot.
"You know," I said casually. You could just leave the soup in the pot, and I can take it home. Although I don't want it spilling in the Lexus. We can wrap it up real good, and it should be alright."
"No, LadyLee!"
You got that right. I was NOT giving that pot back. LOL
I had soup all weekend. Soup and juice out of my juicer. GLORY!
Incidently, this was a writing group meeting, NOT a soup meeting, lol. Worse writing prompt of the night for me was the one pictured.
Write a poem or story describing a red spool of thread. The number of words used to do this is on a card you pick from a set of index cards.
A HA! I didn't participate in that one. Oh yes i did. I started rapping...
"Red red! Red thread! That thread is red! Red thread!"
It didn't help that Aunt Ray-Ray, another member, started beat boxing. Dawnie wasn't too pleased.
It was late, and I have the attention span of a flea. I wrote 3 good pieces and was done, babes. By that time, I stretch out on the couch or floor and start playing on my phone.
Besides I had the itis from the cabbage soup.
I hand that writing prompts off to one of my favorite authors, Chele. See what she can do with that.
Anyway, it was a good time had by all! Yes indeed.
Alright now. I will be posting on Thrusday and Friday! For sure!
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