Friday is here.
And it is Payday.
*throws one single solitary piece of glitter*
Most bills are paid already... I think. My stuff is on automatic at the bank. I learned yesterday that I am a month ahead on the gas and light bill. I hate when that happens. Ugh. That stuff is not due again until June.
I am glad to make it through another week of the funky schedule at work. Yesterday morning I got in a little later. I really just wanted to leave the house when it wasn't still nightime, i.e., dark. I don't like that at all. I even scheduled my chiropractor appointment last Wednesday in the morning on purpose. I just wanted to be out after the sunrise.
The schedule is a drag, and yes it is a high class problem. But something happens with me some 10 days before the cycle hits. And I shouldn't have to explain that to you womens out there. So I don't think this is too much information. Lupus symptoms worsen with PMS onsets. I notice whatever strange symptom I have at the time worsens severely. What is interesting is that this does not occur if I eat very cleanly. I don't feel nothing at all if I am consistently walking a couple of miles a day. I barely even notice anything. A little tired or something, I suppose. A worse ache in a joint here or there. I am rarely knocked off my feet, which is a good thing. This is why I try to do the right thing, which for me is to hit the fruit and veggies hard. And this has been a good month. I barely have had anything processed, fried or sugary. There has been no dairy. So everything has been good for me, physical wise.
I have cognitive issues, though. And with this frickin' job schedule change, I am way off my usual schedule. I am messing up on my medications. I may even forget to take them. My sleep schedule was already not that great, but it is totally jacked up now. I am just having a hard time adjusting. I find myself frustrated, confused, impatient with myself, and downright irritable. I had a hard time even writing this week. And when I get like that, I get real quiet. I just don't have anyone in my presence to talk with about with these things who will understand, and it is difficult. (I've been blown off way too much. Easier to let folk just think I am mad. Much easier. The more I don't have to think about placating folk, the better).
I catch up with the lady I met when I had iron infusions from time to time. We have the same pattern of symptoms, and that's the first person I have ever met who is that close. And she is 20 years older than me, so she can answer some of my questions about the whole cognitive component. So I may call her. I think we have to have regular talks. You know me, a 5 minute talk does me good.
As for now, I am working on getting back on schedule with my meds and such. I may have to keep the current work schedule because I don't think I could take an abrupt change back to the old one I have had for years. I have a doctor's appointment at the end of the month. And I will see what she says. I can hear her right now, though..."Why didn't you just take the whole month off?" And she is going to suggest I keep the same schedule.
(She hates my job. I am not interested in it anymore and it has stressed me over the years. Sigh).
So that is just a little glimpse into the emotional and mental space of LadyLee. Like I said, I don't talk about this type of thing because it is something I rarely notice. Aunt Flo showed up yesterday and I feel GREAT today. Imagine that. Hormones back in order. Sigh.
On to more interesting things...
Recipe of the Week. Kale and Cabbage Salad, taken from the Rawmazing website.
There are a TON of raw websites around, but this site is really nice. Just the pictures... wow. She said somewhere that one picture could be used, and a link back is required. I hope I am doing that right. My pictures aren't as elegant as hers.
This was really good. Fast and easy, taking less than 15 minutes from start to finish. It was chocked full og good stuff... kale and red cabbage and pumpkin seeds and cranberries. And the sauce/dressing for it was the best thing ever. Heck, I made up a batch of that to use as my own regular salad dressing. The major components are dijon mustard and cashews. It almost has some strange cheese effect. It is WONDERFUL. I will be making that again.
Quote of the Week: From that Platinum Card Carryin' Original Oldgirl Chele in her blog post "Make A Choice":
"My present circumstances do not determine my level of happiness. My happiness is not determined by any outside source. My level of happiness or actually my joy is a choice that I have to make every day regardless of what else is going on around me."
I commented that I was going to snatch that. It is right on time. I wrote it on a piece of paper. And I now write it high up on the walls of The House of LadyLee.
Post of the Week: By BluJewel, who is in the middle of a very interesting month long blog challenge right now. The subject matter for this post was to talk about "someone who has made your life hell and treated you like shit".
And I just paused at the title, because Blu is way cool. I can't imagine ANYONE giving her hell and treating her like shit. I just can't imagine. This chick took time out and talked me through a bad mammogram issue last year. I hung on her every word and direction. She's just a really cool chick.
But the person she talked about was her mother. And she mentioned that she has never revealed it before. I can't remember her talking about it. It brought tears to my eyes because I feel the same way about my own mother. And it's always some dark cloud hovering over my head, or nearby, to even feel that way in my heart. But I read her post, and I felt like someone understood me and my feelings. I don't feel alone. And that in itself is a reason to exhale. So thanks for that post Blu. I sure am learning much about you in these posts. You know I have and always will see you as the perfect female. You even have the perfect British accent. But your posts have shown me how perfectly wonderful you are.
Song of the Week. One that I am listening to right now... one that has one of my favorite spoken word preambles. See if you can guess what it is from this:
You know this old world, it just keeps on spinning around and around
You know sometimes it just spins to fast
And you not only lose your balance but you lose your rhythm.
And it's at times like these that you just need to STOP
And not only find your way again, but find your own rhythm
Because life has a rhythm
And Mother Nature has a rhythm
And love...
Oh yes love has a rhythm!
That Rhythm of Love CD is one of my favorite Anita Baker CDs. That CD was fabulous! *two snaps up*
It's so good that I just gotta post another song.
"You can't do right, 'cause you the wrong maaaaaaan!!!"
*ten snaps in a circle*
I like Anita Baker.
With that said, I am out. I am throwing my one remaining piece of glitter.
I am going to have a good weekend on the sole fact that I don't have to be at work at the crack of dawn.
You have a good weekend.
On purpose, honey child. On purpose.
At Home In the Words I write...I've missed Blogging
These days of Summer are sweet and fleeting. I've been away too long. Away
from this blog. This holy place where I live on the words I conjure.
So much goo...
6 years ago
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!