It is my one year anniversary, babes!!
I started this blog a year ago... Now it's a year later, 125 posts later, and um... it's a whole lot to take in.
Now, over a year ago, I didn't even know what a blog was. I just happen to come across my favorite author Tayari Jones blog, and left a comment (very hesitantly, because I really didn't know if I was allowed to do that) And you know what? She sent me an email... I was like...
Somehow, I ended up getting my own...
I look back at my posts, and I have noticed how my styles have changed. Now in the beginning, much of the 'Trina stuff was going on, so I blogged about that. I was also more political. Then I started getting some readership showing up after awhile... I think I was pretty much blogging about whatever was on my mind, you know, without ramification. Much of that stopped because I can't STAND debating and arguing with folks. Looking back, less than 5% of my posts are serious in nature...Let's just say that I don't get all that serious here. Ladylee is the fun side of me (and a few of you know that other "sweet" side of the oldgirl).
Then I discovered that I can take my behind over to other blogs, with more serious topics, and just straight up blog in their comment sections. (For those of you who I harass in this way- Chele, Sharon, DJ Diva, Serenity, Chosen, ATLien Nikki, Tayari- Thanks for putting up with me!!)
But like I said, LadyLee is the funny side of the Oldgirl... Can I take some funny ish that has happened to me, and turn it into a story? This is a continuous struggle for me, but I am getting better...
A couple of nice things have happened because of my blog...
My Auntie J reads my blog, and if I do blog about something serious, or especially family related, she will call me up, and we will have a heart-to-heart convo about it. I am a TERRIBLE communicator, and I keep my cards close to my chest, so through all this, I have found that I can count on her to be honest with me and break things down all propa like. (Thanks Auntie!)
One thing I didn't realize is that Iwould come across some AMAZING folks in blogland...
A couple of bloggers- Chele (Ms. Full House) and Sharon (The Microphone Queen) out there have had a PROFOUND impact on me... an impact so strong that I issued them their Platinum Plus Original Oldgirl Cards... and they gladly accepted (LOL). They even have their own section on my blog roll. You Oldgirls, I swear, man, you will never know how much your words impact me... I really look up to ya'll. Now I have met Sharon, and talk to her on the phone (and I continuously bow at her feet!), but I've never met Chele... If I ever did, the scenario would go something like this:
Hi LadyLee, I'm Chele! How are you??
*LadyLee is completely shocked and can't speak. Ladylee tries to speak, but passes out instead, falling down on the HARD concrete*
Somebody hurry up and get a stretcher!! Call 911!! LOL!!!
Just know that you two Oldgirls inspire this Oldgirl... You both make me want to be a better person. I've learned from ya'll that I don't have to apologize to ANYONE for who I am... I'm growing, but I'm alright as I am, idiosyncracies and all.. I am alright.
Really though.
Now, I have been christened as a member of the triple threat crew by Sharon, the Microphone Queen. The triple threat crew consists of Serenity23, The DJ DIVA, and yours truly... Now I talk to these females everyday via email (sometimes upwards of 300 emails a day, and all the love and arguments over our personal ish can get REALLY intense), and they KNOW me and all my idiosyncracies, and don't hesitate to put a foot up my ass about things. I'm suprised they still fool with my trifling ass, LOL! (I appreciate that, because you know I NEEDS that, you bustas!!).
(Sidenote: And Serenity, stop calling me a chickenhead on IM, text messages, and in email... someone yelled "Chickenhead" in the drugstore the other day and I turned around... So now I don't even know my name anymore Cut that ish out, you heard me, you chicken!?).
I want to shout out to Ladybug, a former blogger, who is riding shotgun HARD on that same, intense email thread ER'day! Love you, Mayne!!
Serenity is an "Oldgirl-in-training" and is begging HARD for a card. So Serenity, I told your butt that you was too doggone young, and I need you to at least hit the age of 30, but if them other OG's approve and you take off those damn clear heels, then I will hook you up, little girl!
Other interesting things that have happened during my blog year, i.e., my ten favorite posts, some of which are serious posts (imagine THAT)
I purchased my first home!
My oldest cat, Jeremy Girard, died back in November at the age of 9.
My top five memories in my 25 year friendship with my best friend LadyTee
I lamented over my baby bro going into the military during a time of war.
I blogged about my divorce.
My manuscript critiquers pissed me off when they tried to perpertrate! (You bougie, bougie broads!)
My 100th post (Top 100 things about the Oldgirl).
I gained an understanding of crackhead and hood politics.
Hurricaine 'Trina and it's relation to Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower
I even got a little spiritual on ya!
I could go on and on... but I won't.
Do I plan to change anything? Not really. I am not computer savvy, so I will keep my format the same... I added background music a couple of months ago, and that is about as technical as I can get... I don't post as much because I like a lot of pics, and blogger won't let this Oldgirl upload like I like. (I am like, 10 posts behind right now.) I will work on becoming less LOOOONGwinded, so I can post more. I don't read and support blogs as much as I should because I have the attention span of a flea with attention deficient disorder(LOL). In my effort to not turn into a dreaded lurker, I will attempt to improve in this area.
I don't get too personal over here, and don't really plan to start now (Negroes on the job and shady management read this ish). You never know though, I may suprise ya'll:)
What do I plan to do on my bloggaversary?
No, I don't plan to ball out of control... I'll go to church today, go do a little grocery shopping, do some reading, clean the house, work on a post, work on my manuscript, catch up on my bible reading, cook for the week, and yack on the phone, then take my behind to bed.
But most of all, on this bloggaversary, I want to be sure to thank you all for reading me, supporting me, and blessing me with your comments:)
Please, hurry up this way again!!
*DJ takes the needle off the record*
ReplyDeleteHappy Bloggaversary Original Old-G...Ha I'm first! LOL
I'm part of the triple threat huh? All those emails might end up getting me fired LOL...But then again after my moment I might wanna be! Ha..
*saying in a small voice* How comes I'm not an Old girl? I'm over 30..hurumph! That's allright...I'm too young at heart...
So youse been bloggin for a year huh? I know your life has changed because of it....just like mine has changed because of your blog....Thanks for taking risks and blogging from the heart sometimes...Thanks for being funny as hell...Thanks for the cartoons and memories from our childhood...My kids now play jacks because of you LOL
But seriously Leelee...Thanks for bloggin...I met a wonderful friend because you did...and I look forward to more years of YOU ....
*Mixer flipped...DJ puts the needle down*
You are my friend,
I never knew it ‘til then
My friend, my friend
@ My personal DJ and big sister, the DJ DIVA...
ReplyDeleteYo mayne.. what song is that from... is that that Patti Labelle song? If so, let me join in and sing...
la la LAAAAH!
la la LAAAAH!
la la LAAAAH!
LOL!! Really though...
Anyway... what is that sound I hear?
*Leezie cupping hand to ear so she can hear a bit clearer*
Why... it's The DJ DIVA slurp'-slurp'-slurpin' hard on the HATERADE!
*Lee bumping the turntables and jumping up with a huge knife and slicing up DJ's favorite Purple Rain LP*
N****, did you EVER ask to be an OG?
Did you??
So stop trippin', Celie! S23 has had her cheap ass blue secured OG-in-training card with the 10 dollar limit for MONTHS!!! That chicken has been putting in work for MONTHS!!!
And here you come...
With your hand out...
You betta go head on somewhere!
Unless one of them other OGs got something to say on your behalf, you better get back in the booth and keep spinning them records, Shorty!
*Lee catches DJ's high heel boot up in her grill; Lee scrambling to pick up knocked out teeth from the ground*
Just playing, babes... You know I'm down for ya!! Thanks for stopping by & Thanks for being such a great blog mentor!! I've learned soooo much from you!!
(You STILL can't be a OG!! LOL)
You know what I got out of that post? You've been YOU on this blog for the past year, and people have responded to that. Sounds like a fine deal. Good for you and congrats on your blogaversary!
ReplyDeleteTo Love, Honor and Dismay
Happy Bloganniversary.....you did your thing...
ReplyDeleteCongratualtions! I love reading your stuff. You are a beautiful writer and I appreciate all of your honest comments and I love reading what you get from your bible study. I am blessed by being able to read you wherver you write.
ReplyDeleteFrom one OG to the ORIGINAL OG,
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BLOGGAVERSARY!!!!! Let's not even get started talking about the impact you've had in my life....starting with your making a seat available for me in the writing seminar in the ATL a full year ago, to your blog's having set the standard I chase on my own blog, to your having sent me my own personal copy of my most cherished "PRAYERS THAT AVAIL MUCH" and bringing me chicken soup when I lay on the verge of sinus death in one of Atlanta's upscale hotels during a business trip from hell, YOU ARE MY HERO....did you ever know that? ;)
Andrew got it exactly right when he said "it sounds like you've been you on this blog". I know and love you personally, and though the entire you may not live here, a good portion and much [but not all] of the best of you lives here!
Re: bestowing Original Oldgirl passports to the Diva and "the baby OG S23", Ima need some time to think on that. The Diva is so much enthralled by her new love that she simply may not have the time to dedicate the energy OG-ship requires, and S23 may simply be too young to have the necessary life-experience required to make OG-ship look as good as it is!;)
You gave me official OG-ship as well as the beloved moniker "Microphone Queen" referring to moments during which I have made what you considered to be profound statements usually while commenting on the blogs of others. To show my appreciation for my beloved moniker, and to honor you, I have decided to introduce a recurring theme on my own blog titled MICROPHONE MOMENTS during which I will spotlight profound comments I find around the blogosphere in the comments sections. Just another way in which you have impacted me.
Keep blogging OG and as the kid who lives below my stairs says in his 16 year old vernacular, "Stay Up!"
First time here via Nikki. Happy blog birthday! Maybe I will be down for season/year 2 of Ladylee
ReplyDeleteI'm with Nay.
ReplyDeleteNikki sent us over.
Congrats on your bloggaversary! I'm about like you, blogging has become something special to me and has enabled me to connect with a lot of people I never would have known otherwise.
@Andrew & Rose... Thanks I try to be me! And thanks for stopping by my spot!
Thanks, girl! See, that's why I don't get as much done over in these parts- that doggone Bible study blog... but shoot, that is something I need!! I am glad you like reading whatever (and whereever) I write... You ALWAYS give me something to think about! Love your comments... keep em coming!!
(hey, i read your last post, and i tried to leave a comment SEVERAL times but they got ATE up by the blog monster-- I may shoot you an email tonight!)
@Ladynay and 4everjennaynay...
Thank ya'll for all the love! And my girl, that ATLien Nikki, is sending peeps my way? I gotta go over and high-five her!
Thanks for stopping by my spot...
@ that Original OG Sharon:
ReplyDeleteOH yes...
The Microphone Queen has spoken...She has made her thoughts known!
S23... you keep your "Baby OG" card... We will, um, upgrade that when you turn 30... 1.5 years ain't that long a wait... You'll be a'ight.
DJ DIVA... Shorty, you got too much going on right now. Plus you might want your man Scribe to be an OldBoy, or some wierd ish like that (that dude is a phat writer, though...hmmm). I would have to take him out back, hold him down, and shoot him then, LOL!!!!
DJ... Ima need you to hit the age of 40... Then we can talk!! LOL!! Just playing! We gonna get at you atta while!! Just chill!
So unless that OG CHELE say something utterly profound? Ain't happening, babes. Yo, you "baby OGs" just need to chill for a minute... ya heard me??
Yo, Microphone Queen... you know, I thought you may have lost a little of your magic touch along with that kidney you just donated, but I see you haven't...
And Oh... the "Microphone Moments", where you allow the *crickets* to pass your beloved blazing HOT platinum and diamond encrusted microphone to
others... oh my!! That's gonna be good, good, GOOD!!! Can't wait to see that!!
But girl... thanks SOOOO MUUUCCCCH for your support, on and off the blog... Man, everytime I talk to you... You ALWAYS drop some SERIOUS knowledge... and I come back a better Oldgirl!! A MUCH better, MUCH wiser Oldgirl...
And I'm thankful and ooooh so grateful for that!!!
Much love, homie:)
It does even seem like it has been a year, funny how time flies. I never heard of blogging until you started you blog. Thanks for the knowledge. I know you might be tired of hearing it, but your blogging is really a blessing. Happy 1-year anniversay, and a pinch for got luck.
ReplyDeleteSee...you Eagle....Always gotta be breakin my Purple Rain soundtracks...Good thing I'm holding your ;) money in escrow so I can keep replacing them....
ReplyDeleteWhy I gotta ask for a card? I thought we was cool...Comrades...Birds for a cause!!!!
*kicking stones with shoes with arms folded* You and Sharon and Chele can keep yall ole Platinum Cards...Me and S23 will make up our own crew...And ID yalls behinds when you step up in the piece!
And yall (u and the Mic queen) is raggin on me cause ise in love now????? AIGHT...I'm tell Scribe when he gets home...he got my back! (you like how I threw that link up in there! LOL)
But uhm...threaten my boyfriend again and you getting my high heel all up in your booty!!!!
Yall know Scribe is the man!....He takes great care of the Diva and the Divettes so give him his props yo! You've read his posts! He loves him some Diva! Don't worry I'ma save you a aisle seat at the wedding so you can show off those Levis and new white Nikes!
It don't pay to be all mushy and soft witchu...I tried to be nice and see what happens...mistaking my kindness for weakness!!!
Be easy and enjoy your blogday! And you'll hit 40 before me Oldgal!
ReplyDeleteWhy the violence????? My first intro to you involved a shank and a gat, this one I'm just being beaten to death...what gives???? I mean damn...what a brother gotta do to get a Oldboy Card????
I work hard for the Diva...doesn't that count for sumpthin???
Oh ish....happy bloggaversary (um...I was an English major...don't remember "bloggaversary"...but I like it!)
Let me tell you something Ladyless! I DO NOT WEAR CLEAR HEELS! 2nd off, $10 limit? That's worse than pre-paid. Forget the old girl crew. I'll find my own group of Young Hotties. AND, I may not be 30, but being a mother should count for something. That alone puts ages on you. Oh, and glad you started blogging or else I wouldn't have anyone to pick on-- Chickenhead!
ReplyDelete@ At the DJ Diva and that Dude holding the crate of records on his head, Scribe...
ReplyDeleteOh see, oh see now, you got my ears all hot now!!
*Leezie cupping hands to mouth and hollering so you can hear her allll the way up in NEW YORK*
DJizzle and Scribble... kiss my IZZLE!
Scribble... Dude, riding shotgun with the DJ... Yeah, I talked about the shank and the gat... Yeah, if you upset the DJ, all I gotta say is WATCH YOUR BACK!!
Don't let the Diva have you looking crazy... you betta hold that broad back, before I break off her high heel... DJ, you'll be walking home with the HARD LIMP!!
No card for you DJ... ooooh, just wait 'til I tell Sharon...
You're banned for life...
And don't be putting your man's link up in your comment... I told you that I ain't going to Scribble's blog... you won't be verbally shanking me, DJ... game recognize game.
So Scribble wants an Oldboy card... GASP!! Clutch the PEARLS. THE HORROR!!
Shawty, PLEAAASEEE!! Give the DJ back that Cup of HATERADE and Stop smo-smo-smoking crack!
Keep dreaming!
Yeah, you save this Oldgirl an aisle seat at the wedding... that way it will be easier to trip you up while you skipping down the aisle!
Believe DAT!!!
You are forever banned to "Baby OG" status!!
Nothing but love for you Shorty... for you and Scribble!
ReplyDeleteThanks Detroit... you know I am down for you. Thanks for holding me down since day 1...
Look here, Scribble, I forgot to mention... don't correct my spelling. I have a Ph.D., so I can spell "bloggaversary" any which way I please.
Watch out, or I will REQUIRE you to show proper respect and address me as DR. Ladylee...
@Serenity 23...
One of my famous poems for you, Celie...
You know, some people...
when they don't recieve an OG card,
like to sit down...
and take off their clear heels...
after a long hard night swinging on that pole at the strip club...
roll a fat joint...
pop open a can of beer...
and just whine,
and whine,
***finger snaps***
Cut it out missy...
and put your clear heels back on...
you have more work to do!!
so much work to do!!
**finger snaps**
Stop hating S23... being a mother will knock a month off your "sitting on the curb clutching your $10.00 card" time.
But that's it...:)
Happy Bloggaversary, Lee. Thanks for sharing with us. LMAO @ your response to DJ Diva!
ReplyDelete"DJizzle and Scribble... kiss my IZZLE!"
ReplyDeleteAtta girl OG, talk about poetry in motion....this was beautiful, just beautiful. Way to keep those wannabe OG's (and that "OB-climbing sidekick of the Diva's) in their place.
Not to worry, I got yo back and an extra shank if you need it!
Happy first bloggaversary girl! This is my first time here and I already love it. You sure do have an awesome personality. :)
ReplyDelete@Kayla... Thank you, My Poetess.
ReplyDelete@Sharon... You know, Oldgirl, I walked out on the front porch this morning and expected the DJ and Scribe to jump out of the bushes and plaster me with water ballons, eggs, high heels, and of course... records and turntables...
But they were nowhere to be found...
She gonna come back blasting though...
...with That Scribbling Scribe riding shotgun!
Glad you got my back:)
Glad you like, hon! And thanks for stopping by my spot!!
You are crazy. That's why you my girl!
ReplyDeleteLOL @ S23 with the baby OG card. That is hilarious.
I'm so glad I found you. You're like my own personal cheerleader. You are great for a sista's ego!
Keep writing, chica.
Much love!
@ That Original Oldgirl Chele!!!
ReplyDeleteYeaah maaaan... it's the chillin' OG Chele...
The Scene: While that OG Sharon grabs the blazing HOT microphone and moves the crowd with one of her infamous microphone moments and that OG LadyLee breakdances to the funky beat...
That Oldgirl Chele sits off in the back, in the booth in the corner with the sunglasses on... sipping slowly on her drink, silently surveying the crowd...
Yeah man, I AM your number one CHEERLEADER!!
Really though.
I've read both of your books CLOSELY... You ARE on my lists of top 10 authors... Your books have moved me so much emotionally, made me think about life...
Made me go sit somewhere and shed a few tears...
*Lee taking a moment to wail out of control*
You the MAN, OG Chele!!
Thanks for stopping by the bloggaversary party!
And HURRY up with that next BOOK!
*Lee waving cash money HARD in the air, ready to buy her copy*
@ the infamous MAAARCUUUUSSS!!!
Dang!!! is it Marcus? THE Marcus Harris?!!!
*Lee passing out on the freakin' ground*
Hon, you was... you was... like one of the few people to read my posts in my early early days!!!
*Lee crying hard and slumping in a corner*
Man, everytime I look to see when you will be in the ATL, I always just miss you!
Thanks for stopping by at the bloggaversy jam, even though you are late! There's still a little spiked kool-aid left!! LOL
But glad to hear from you!! And I see the book is selling like HOTCAKES!! you're the man!! Hope we run into each other soon:)
Happy Anniversary! Love the site. I've been nosing around today. I'd heard about you a lot from Tayari Jones' site, now I'm reading for myself.
ReplyDeleteLOVED the entry about the black frats next door. I guess I could relate... or wonder how fun that would be.