Shhhhhhh.... Be quiet. You hear that sound???
It's the sound of Beyonce being blown out the water by Jennifer Hudson...Jennifer made this movie... If it wasn't for her, man, i don't know... Don't mind me though, because I absolutely HATE plays and musicals...
But um, I can see why Beyonce was hating... And if she wasn't hating, then um...
She ought to be hating!!
All I know, Beyonce better not win an Oscar, a golden Globe, or anything else... and Jennifer not win a doggone thing...
If that happens, then um, there is some serious payola ish going on out there in Hollywood... Exactly how deep do Daddy Knowles pockets run??
Because let's face it, Jennifer Hudson did the doggone thang... Really though...
And anyway, could the other chick, Anika Rose, get a little love please? Why on earth did she get lost in the mix? She had a bigger part in the movie than I thought she would have had, given that she was getting NO hype. I thought she did a great job.
Go see the movie. It was well worth it. And that's coming from an Oldgirl who cringes when it comes to seeing plays and musicals.
I just want to see every one get their proper credit.
Enough said.
Anyways, that was my Christmas gift to myself. I didn't spend time with the fam... I didn't want to be stressed out. Just woke up Christmas morning and did the usual... wrap gifts and bake a whole mess of chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies.
Two words: cheap gifts... Cookies are very cheap gifts.
My goal from now on is to spend no more than 100 bucks total on ALL Christmas gifts. I think I spent 90 bucks this year on gifts for friends and family.
What's always interesting is what I get LadyTee every Christmas:
Plastic storage bags, caress soap, and a bag of cookies...
Funny story about the Caress soap: LadyTee has sensitive skin. She got locked up some 10 years ago, and when the corrections officers tried to hand her some bootleg jail soap, she politely asked them...
"Do you have some Caress or Dove Soap? My skin is sensitive."
They laughed at her so hard. I am sure they are still chuckling over that request.
Luckily she was only locked up for a few hours.
Every since then, I've made sure to buy her a bar of Caress or Dove soap for Chrismas.
Now, I can't explain the plastic bags. She just likes to store stuff in plastic storage bags. She's been that way for a good 10-15 years. I don't get it, and I really don't care. All I know it's a cheap gift.
Man, I didn't even have Christmas dinner. That's right, no traditional ham, turkey, cranberry sauce... none of that. After the movie, LadyTee and I swung by YUMS, a bootleg fast food place on the corner of University Avenue and Pryor Road. Those Asians had their establishment wide open, even blasting the Soulful Christmas CD.
LadyTee and I split the $6.95 18 piece shrimp dinner.
We didn't even wait until we got back to her place. We situated it on her lap and ate it while rolling down I-85 south and listening to Old school music...
Damn, that was the best Christmas dinner I've had in years!
Ain't nothing wrong with knocking tradition and stepping out the box!!
We went back to her place and watched a Living Single Marathon on BET. Then I went on home before dark. That was best, because the drunk drivers were rolling thick in the ATL earlier that day. (What's up with that?)
Now I got home right as it was getting dark. Why, when I was heading over to Hen's house to see if they wanted a few bags of cookies, was Snake marching up the street screaming my name?
*LadyLee rolling to a stop next to a screaming Snake*
"LadyLee, I've been looking for you!"
"Shorty, it's Christmas! I've been gone."
He takes a long drag on his cigarette and unrolls a sheet of paper containing words written very neatly in cursive. "I've been working on some verses all day! I'm ready to take pictures and recite my verses."
Now I told Snake last week, since he is always lecturing me about one thing or another, to start preparing a few pieces for my blog. (So look out for "Snake Bytes" soon, alright? But not now.) Obviously he didn't get that. He thought I wanted to start on it that very moment. So I patronized him for a moment and sat out on "the stoop" and listened to what he had written thus far.
It's gonna be good ya'll...
I had to cut it short because a few dudes were going over to the prostitute houses, and they were yelling "Yo Snake, introduce us to your friend."
**Crickets** *LadyLee murmuring "Aww Hell nawl!!!" to Snake and jumping off the stoop, running up to Hen's house leaning on Hen's doorbell, and rushing in when he opens the door*
Snake chastized them for such a request. Not really sure what was said, because the Oldgirl disappeared.
Nope. I wasn't gonna get turned out on Christmas. NOPE. But my Christmas isn't over. I plan on spending a day painting with my Auntie Joyce. And I also plan on spending the day with my Grandma at the movies...
I've decided that I'm going to start planning a Christmas week instead of a Christmas day... That way, I get to spend more time with more people...
But next year? December 25, 2007?
I stood up in my quiet cubicle area at work and made a announcement , to all who would listen:
December 25, 2007, I want to be looking at this:

Enough said.
Hope you are enjoying your Holidays:)
Ahhh, sweet Jennifer. That sister is definitely pleasing to the eyes. I'll be seeing it, even though I'm not a fan of musicals myself, but I'll check it out in a few weeks. Kudos to everyone who starred in this film and to the makers of the film. Props all around folk! Hey Lady Lee, you can make cookies for me too. I'm not a needy fella. I just love me some cookies and they make great gifts! Holla at me!
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the movie. I love musicals. My favorite for years was Westside Story.
Send me some cookies!!!
I want some cookies...
ReplyDelete@ all...
ReplyDeleteOkay, Bball Mama is in California, Hassan is in Chicago, and Luke Cage (Frank) is God knows where...
The issha is that NONE of ya'll's in the ATL...
Do you realize how cookies can get straight up crushed to dust in the US Mail???
Nope... the best I can do for you is send you some storage bags...
Hope ya'll had a nice Christmas:)
You are so wrong for getting Lady Tee that soap every year. And for telling them that you will send them some storage bags.. That's just evil. Celie!
ReplyDeleteHow am I wrong? LadyTee needs Caress or Dove for her sensitive skin... and she truly appreciates it!
And storage bags travel better by mail...
OK, I don't know what's funnier:
ReplyDeletethat "BOOOOOM" for Beyonce, sending folks storage bags, or Caress/Dove for the incarcerated.
Dang...those cookies DO look good.
Snake Bites....really overdue LOL...
ReplyDeleteDang ... I don't know what was going on but I couldn't get to your page since last week. I kept getting redirected to these off-the-wall sites. I don't know ... glad I'm here now. Your holiday sounded enjoyable. Was LadyTee really locked up? You have one colorful group of friends, OldGirl. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteIn my view one and all should browse on this.
ReplyDeletethis site