More from deep, deep, deep in the depths of the Oldgirl's Journals...
Fuzzy fuzzy lines, fade to black, harp music and a turntable scratch please.

People who really know me would say that I have a wild undecover sense of humor, even though I am a quiet person. People who really know me would say that I am a good person, with a kind heart, but you've got one good time to do her wrong on purpose and she's completely done with you.
Now this is something that I hate about myself. I really don't like being pissed upon AT ALL. (Who does?) I mean, I don't lay up at night thinking about it, but I at the same time, I just don't deal well with that type of craziness at all. You got one good time to throw me under the bus, and then I am done. I can work with you, do whatever I have to for you, but just in the area of hanging out and shooting the breeze? Or making small talk?
Strictly business, baby.
I don't know, I don't see the point of getting back into the pit with a rabid dog. I'm only going to get bit over and over again.
Why don't I just stand outside the fence and watch the rabid dog.
I have several friends who possess the uncanny ability to skin and grin like nobody's business. They can have nothing but complete and utter disdain for you, but can make you feel like you are the most wonderful person on the planet.
I don't possess that ability. It would make life a bit easier if I did though.
But... I'm just going to be me with all my funky idiosyncracies. I like being me. LOL.
And oh yeah... I have a strange undercover sense of humor. That's the LadyLee side of my personality. Sort of like the serial killer side of my personality. I am normally quiet... and very observant. It takes me a LONG time to warm up to people. Gotta make sure you ain't that "rabid dog" I mentioned above.
I may not talk to you, but... I. am. watching. you. LOL.
got you hearing them *crickets* with that one, don't I. LOL.

Moving right along.
Now, if you haven't visited that Original Oldgirl Chele's Blog, go have a look-see... She is not only one of my favorite authors, but she can be brutally honest over at her spot. She definitely gets me thinking, that's for sure.
She had an interesting post up a couple of days ago entitled "Four Books", where she essentially talked about how she felt like she was in a rut, and how in order to get out of that rut, she had to first change her thinking. In other words she is dealing with changing her thought life.
I loved that post. Heck, I love anything she posts. I printed that one out and tucked it away in my journal. I need to look at it when I'm in a bad spot.
But it had me thinking about something that I posted earlier that day in my Online journaling group. (Yes, yet another activity... Yes I have A LOT of stuff going on.) Every once in a while, our fearless leader Shunda asks us to post a piece of bible scripture that is meaningful to us, and why...
I had a couple of scripture from the Message Bible, but only posted one of them, Proverbs 19:24...

(My goodness... that pie looks good. Someone pass me a fork and a plate, please.)
Proverbs 19:24 Some people dig a fork into the pie but are too lazy to raise it to their mouth.
Proverbs 26:15 A shiftless sluggard puts his fork in the pie, but is too lazy to lift it to his mouth.
Yeah... those aren't your average flowery scripture. I found those a few years ago.
I like scripture that kicks me all up in my grill. I have a tendency to both remember and use those.
And I think about the ones above at least once a week. And we are talking about over the past few years here.
That's a lot of thinking.
Those first two scripture are similar... I think about "follow-through" when I read those, you know, like finish whatever you begin. I know for myself, I really don't have many excuses for not following through on many things. I know that I am living in a time where I have an abundance of resources available to accomplish my goals. But due to my laziness (a funky mix of procrastination, fear, self-doubt, hard-headedness, bad thinking, etc.), I won't take the time to use those resources to do what I have to do... And if I do start towards those goals, I fail to follow through and complete some of those goals.
Those two verses speak to me... Any task I have, I have the proper resources available to see them through to completion. It is up to me to perservere... I must FOLLOW THROUGH to completion. Afterall, I do have all I need to complete that goal.
God makes sure of that, don't He?
Don't know if that makes any sense... but I think you know what I'm trying to say.
One more...

Proverbs 22:13 The loafer says, "There's a lion on the loose! If I go out I'll be eaten alive!"
I thought that was funny to death when I first read it, but when I thought about it, it rung true, even in my own life. I can remember many a time where I didn't set out to do something because I was just straight up scared to do it. Fear can paralyze me sometimes like nothing else can. I can say that for my ownself right now, I'm afraid to do things because I might fail, then I have the nerve to come up with an excuse (i.e., the proverbial "lion") as to WHY I can't do it.
This was more of a problem in my teens and early twenties, but seems to be dissapating as I get older. I think it is because I recognize what is going on, and I have to make myself jump the fear hurdle... and use my faith. For the past few years, I have been taking a few leaps of faith, and found out things were tougher when I was sitting around imagining what dreadful things would happen if I TRIED that task... Once I overcame all the negative thoughts, and got busy doing what I had to do, things went just find.
And you know, a good outcome occurs WAAAAAY much more than a bad outcome.
Come on ya'll... let's leap those fear hurdles. There's SO much more out there that we ALL could be accomplishing. Time to reach for the stars!
I should be feeling better and back to my regular self, next week after I go to the doctor and get a PHAT shot, some pills... something.
Then we can get bac k to my usual funny, funny!!
Stay tuned for more food for thought, part III...
I'm lovin' your food for thought posts. And, girl do you have me thinking.
Yup, I've gots lots of that. Now, to move forward and beyond it.
Thanks for the kick in the pants.
I love the thought of reaching for the daggone stars!!!! Man!
ReplyDeleteI know there is MORE for me. I just know it.
Do you find that when you make a decision to change your thought life some triflin person will throw negativity at you like darts? You know what I do? I walk away. I hang up the phone. I refuse to receive it and I explain why ... so the next time this person knows not to come at me with their downer-attitude.
Great post. Thanks for the love, Oldgirl.
@Bball Mama...
ReplyDeleteYeah, move forward Bball Mama... slam dunk that basketball into the hoop, why don't cha!!
Glad you like:) Makes me happy:)
@That Oldgirl Chele...
You know I had to show you some love... you always make me think!
There is more for all of us, man. Just think what we could all be doing if fear wasn't a factor?
At least you take the time to explain "why" to the triflin' peeps. I just simply won't speak to you anymore. I gotta learn to be more tactful...