He was wailing out of control and kept sitting in corners. He was acting as if he was trying to get comfortable, but couldn't. He watched as I cleaned his litter box and then he hurled on the floor a couple of times. Then he ran upstairs to the spare bedroom and proceeded to relieve himself on a comforter.
I don't know what was up with that... but let's just say he had a look of relief on his face. I think he knew in the back of his mind that that Oldgirl LadyLee was NOT taking him to the vet.
So he walked it off and was looking much better for it.
He ran and hid when LadyTee came in the house, with her crew in tow.
Now the thing about LadyTee: it's never she and I and her kids getting together ONLY. There are always extra peeps tagging along. She brought along her baby Daddy, Big Corey (well, the baby is 10 years old now. Uh, LadyTee, what am I suppose to call him? Let me know.) Nell, LadyTee's son brought along his best friend Pat. And LadyTee's daughter Milk-Milk brought along her cousin Ti-Ti.Now, I haven't seen this little girl in about 3 years. Come to think about it, she was three years old then. She's six now. She's very quiet and very polite. She's at that happy age, you know, that age where she's losing teeth and skipping along like a smurf. So we got into a short conversation in the kitchen while she was deciding what she wanted to drink.
"So Ti-Ti, that's your nickname. I don't even know your real name. "
She looked at me through wide eyes.
"So, what's your real name?"
I stopped where I stood and bent down towards her. "What?!"
I thought I was hearing things. "Hunh?"
"My name is Tayari."
"T-i-a-r-i," she spelled.
"Spell it again," I said.
She peered at me like she was trying to figure out if I was "special". "T-i-a-r-i," she spelled again slowly.
"Oh, alright," I breathed.
I gave her a Tahitian Treat fruit punch, and she was on her way...
Poor little girl. She almost got helmed up in my kitchen. For a second there, I thought Tayari Jones had possessed the body of this young girl, and had decided to come to my little get-together. She was about to answer some writing questions. Poor child was almost about to participate in a mini-writing workshop.
Anyway, Ti-Ti went outside and sat down at a table in the garage and played cards with LadyTee's kids. I took them a plate of cut-up fruit, cheese, and crackers, to which the little girl went "OOOOHHHH!"
Yeah, I like her. She likes to eat fruit like I do. She can come over anytime!
She didn't stay long... Her mama, Kiki, picked her up. Ti-Ti gave me a big hug and she was on her way.
Now, LadyTee's son Nell's best friend Pat came along. I've met Pat a few times. I am glad that Nell has a friend now, because LadyTee's kids like me a lot. That's not good. LadyTee constantly threatens them. I remember how Nell, when he was a 1-year-old, would stand at the door yelling...
"My friend is here! My friend LadyLee is here! It's my friend!"
This use to piss LadyTee off somthing terrible.
"She ain't your friend, Nell. She's MY friend!"
Poor little boy. He was so confused.
"He's just a baby, LadyTee," I would say.
"I don't give a damn, Lee. He needs to get his own friends!!"
Okay. 17 years later, LadyTee is still wailing the same thing. Only now, Nell, who's over 6 feet tall, ignores her when she makes threats. I've stopped yelling "He's just a baby, LadyTee!" Than never works or makes her ponder anyway. So I was glad that Nell brought his friend along. I think LadyTee is glad too. She's so doggone territorial. LOL!
Anyway, LadyTee said that Pat had just graduated from high school. I congratulated him. Told him that I would give him a bottle of champagne, but seeing that he was underaged, that wouldn't be a good idea.
So I looked around the kitchen, and found a bottle of Panna Italian water in a cabinet. I gave it to him, and told him to uh, just pretend it was a bottle of champagne.
He of course gave me that look that Ti-Ti gave me earlier, like I was uh, "special".
And he was yacking on the phone to some of his women. His voice was all low like he was trying to sound like Barry White. Hell, I almost expected some quiet storm music to start playing. Obviously he hasn't talked to my brother or some of LadyTee's young male cousins who try to mack on the phone... while LadyTee and I are present. Let's just say... we talk MUCH trash in the background:
"Pat, I KNOW you ain't talkin' to some broad on the phone while you over at my house."
"Pat, who is that broad? Don't let me find out who she is?"
"Pat, tell that broad that you is MY man. I know who she is and I know where she live. And when I run up on her, it's ON!"
Poor Pat. Poor girls on line hurried up and got off the phone. Hope we didn't ruin his game. Just a way that me and LadyTee entertain ourselves, that's all. He will learn to take his convos to another room, LOL.
To be continued...
You and LadyTee need to quit! I tendto do the same things to my nephews who already know I'm about to "clown" while they on the phone. Sounds like ya'll had an interesting holiday.
ReplyDeletePat took it all in stride. I think he just chalked it up to me and LadyTee being a bit "touched".
It use to bother my brother something terrible when we did it. He always ended up having a lot of explaining to do! But you gotta admit, Chosen... it is SO funny to mess with them like that!
Oooh! I love my little namesake! (I don't care how she spells it!)