We threw out a little fertilizer on Memorial day and the garden got all happy happy!!
7 days ago:
NOW: Glory!!! And I even have a few beans starting to come in...
Doggonit, it's about time!!!
Now in that first pictures, a dog or a bear or something ran through and knocked down a couple of plants. That's the reason for the bald spots. Never fear, because we replanted in those areas last week.
My neighbor Stan gave me a cage for my tomato plant. I HATE cages, but I took it (free stuff is always a good thang!!).
But for some reason, my herb plants (basil and lemon basil) are burning up- just turning brown and shriveling up. It may be because of the type of fertilizer I used. So now, I have to go carry out a little research on how to properly care for these herbs.
Yeah right.
Uh, I don't think so. How 'bout I just dig them suckas up and throw them away!
Yeah, that's the ticket!!
Why? Because I decided before I even started this garden that I wasn't doing any unnecessary work. (And yes Urban Knight, I have STILL managed not to get my hands dirty.)
So if the herbs keep looking all crazy? They get DUG UP.
Really though.
So that's it for LadyLee's Garden news...
More next week...
LMAO...how doth your garden grow?
ReplyDeleteGood job!!!! and fertilizer as in manure? how many kinds are there?
Sharon retired? we may have to have a conversation offline.....
I am glad to hear that the gardening is going well. Those beans will up and in the pot in no time!There is nothing better than fresh homegrown veggies!