Today, I wanted to post about my adoration for men who can crochet.
You may ask "LadyLee, is there such a thang as a man who can crochet?"
I read a story a few years ago about some maximum security prison out in California that had a waiting list for a knitting class. The inmates made blankets for sick babies at local hospitals.
That is nice!
That jail thing bothers me a bit though. I don't know about all that.
Well, I suppose that there are men out there that like to crochet. But I don't happen to know any.
Well, let me scratch that. I know one: My baby brother, Kari aka Milk and Cookies.
But he don't count. THAT'S MY BROTHER.
And I taught him how to crochet. And I had to trick his little tail into learning.

"It's real easy, boy," I said.
"No, Lee. That's for girls!"
So, my tactics had to change.
"You know, Kari, if you crochet a blanket for a girl, she'll do anything!"
Kari peers at me with a raised eyebrow.
"I mean, if you make something for her that takes time and effort... Us women, we LOVE that. "
"For real?" he yelled.
I nodded real slow.

Now, the problem with him... he had no sense of style or color matching. He'd hijack a ball of yarn from me, then use it up, and then come get more.
"Shawty, lemme get a ball of yarn."
I'd look at what he was working on.
"You need more blue, and I don't have that."
"Let me hold that pink, Shawty."
"It don't match. And it's a different grade of yarn."
"Stop tripping, girl! Just let me hold that."
So, he managed to make a blanket, but it was a MONSTROSITY. It contained every color known to man. It was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen in my life. I'd cringed everytime he brought it around, and he would not listen to reason. So I let him do what he wanted to do.
He gave it to one of his little lady friends. She was smitten with him after that. I remember him telling me, his eyes wide "Lee, you were right! Women love that type of stuff. That blanket was horrible, but she liked the fact that I made it with my hands. She LOVES that blanket. Talks about it to all her friends."
Someday, he will figure out that I know what I'm talking about. LOL!!
Now that's the only dude I know who can crochet. But like I said, that's my bro, and he don't count. And I haven't seen him pick up a crochet needle since then...

But then, in steps my Eye Candy, my neighbor Tiny...
Dude loves to flex his muscles... And I ain't mad about that! (I, like any other warm-blooded female, loves some muscles, lol!)
But he'd have to hear me talk that trash:
"Boy, if you were Hershey bar dark, was my age, and you made as much money as I make? Boy, I'd have to run up on YOU!!"
So... He calls me one day.
It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. I was taking a nice afternoon nap. No, let me rephrase that. I was in the bed, under the down comforter, laid out on the down pillows, sleeping HARD.
My cell phone rings. It is near my head, so by reflex, I answer it.
It is Tiny.
"Lee, what you up to?"
I cringe. He knows I don't open my door. So what he'd do is call, guage if I'm in the house, then let me know that he's on my front porch and that I need to open the front door. HUMPH."I'm snoozing."
"I got a question for you," he said. "Can you make a spread for my bed?"
I frowned. "Uh, how big?" I asked.
"For a king size bed. A California king."
I start calculating things in my head. Something like that would take at LEAST 250 hours.
I snicker.
"Man, that would take a good 250 hours."
"So. You think you can hook that up?"
*DEAFENING silence*
If I would've been fully alert, I would've opened up my Book of Cuss and read him a few verses!
Listen. I'm not making anything THAT big for NOBODY. If ya'll EVER hear me making something that big for a dude, you KNOW that there is some uh, toe-curling activities going on.
No, there's quite a bit of toe-breaking, neck-breaking, bone-crushing activity going on. Somebody better come check on me, because you know that I am SPRUNG and outta control!
I have a King size bed, and uh, I'm not even making a spread for my own bed. HUMPH.
"Lee, you not going to answer me?"
I rubbed my eyes, and tried to come up with an explanation, lie, SOMETHING.
"Look here, playa. That'll take to long, and yarn is hard to fine. I won't be able to find all that in the same lot number..."I gave EVERY excuse in the world. Most of it was true. It is difficult to find large batches of yarn that match up.
He yips on and on trying to convince me. I let him talk. Just to get him off the phone, I said "I'll think about it. I'm going back to sleep."
That was last year. And I haven't thought about doing it, nor WILL I think about doing it. NOPE.
He came over one Saturday evening awhile back. I'd made some crab stuffed shrimp, and he went in the kitchen and fixed himself a plate and sat down and ate (Some folks know how to make themselves at home, don't they? HUMPH). I sat on the couch and crocheted. He soon got a case of the "itis" because he collapsed in my lounge chair.
I was a bit perturbed, because I'd been ripping and running all day, and I wanted some peace and quiet. He was talking about something (Man, dude is TALKATIVE. It's like talking to a woman sometimes. You know how we get to talking. LOL).
Then he busts out with....
"Lee, that don't look too hard. You should show me how to do it."
I frowned. "It ain't hard. I ain't in the mood, though. I will show you how to do it some other time."
I was at crunch time and REALLY needed to work hard on what I was working on to finish it up by that next week.
I notice him eyeing what I was working on. I pulled it close to me. "Uh, don't get no strange ideas, bruh. You not touching this! You're not messing this up!"
"But I learn fast. Just show me."
He whined like crazy. It was quite irritating, to say the least. I looked around for some spare yarn. There was some on the couch. I made him stand behind me and look at what I was doing. I gave him the yarn, and he was right. He picked up on it REAL quick.
*LadyLee raises eyebrow and smiles REAL hard*
That was a bit too much excitement for the Oldgirl, lol.
But like he said, he caught on quick! And was happy about it, too.
Uh, that was earlier this year. I haven't seen that boy pick up a needle and yarn since then.
Guess he don't want his bedspread. Because he would have to be the one crocheting that! LOL
So on goes my "dreams" of a man who can crochet. Ya'll know, if I ever come across a brother who can get down with the crochet needle, is hershey-bar dark, has NO kids, has great credit, and makes as much money as I do... well, I'ma have to run up on him.
(That's a hot wish list, aint it. LOL!!)
Really though!!
Have a great weekend:)
Totally off topic [I know] but the name "Tiny" is NOT very fitting for your neighbor!
I can see teaching men's knitting classes in your future.
ReplyDeleteHell, if I took up residenc in the ATL, I'd sign up.
You forgot to add, "...and is MY age" to the last paragraph. I think that I'll just stick to a man that LIKES to cook...and can successfully perform that toe-breaking thang you mentioned, lol.
ReplyDeleteOk...why is he named Tiny? I'm thinking of all kinds of scandalous things!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteThose inmates were anxious because they wanna get close to that knitting needle…makes a good shank! lol
Side eye @ calling your brother “milk and cookies”
Can tiny make the pecks jump? Gawd…that just makes me swoon!
Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteYou don't want much do you?
But then again Terry is on to something. Teach a class and you will create the proper candidates! Might even get that Hershey man to sign up!
Awww, I love when you post pics of Tiny and his muscles.
ReplyDeleteI don't know a man who crochets. I'm sure you be able to find your hershey dark bar in one of those prison knitting classes.
@Ms. Behaving...
ReplyDeleteI asked dude that a long time ago. I said "You's a big ol' sucka! Why they call you Tiny." He said because he was a preemie (3 months), with sickle cell trait and asthma, jaundice, pneumonia and other ish... So the name stuck and they just keep calling him that.
@Terry in his cheap seats...
LOL! I can see you smoking one of your premium cigars... and frowning down at a lovely pink granny square. OH JOY!!
The LBeezy...
Uh, I might have to relax the age requirement by about 5 years. Haven't decided that yet. We will see!
Now the Toe-breaking! That could be a good thang!! LOL
@Opinionated Diva..
You know, I thought his name was Tiny for the longest, but he actually has the same name as Oscar's middle name. LOL!! I'm still laughing about that!
Yes, he can make those pecks jump. But not around me because I laugh a bit TOO hard like that. I'm sorry, but I find that type of thing, I don't know, ODD. LOL
I can't call Kari the Milk and Cookies anymore. He just turned 21so he can drink legally. And his wife is 30 years old. Not sure she would appreciate that term. So I MAY have to relax that. Hmmm...
i would bet $$ ur brothers lil gf still has that blanket. even if its not at her house. its tucked away in a box at her parents
ReplyDeleteKari will ALWAYS be Milk and Cookies, dammit!!!
ReplyDelete@King 68 the 2nd...
ReplyDeleteDon't want much? That's a LOT!!
LOL!! Ya'll tripping with this class thing. Buddy, I just don't have the time!!
@That Southern Black Gal...
Girl, If I hook up with someone in prison, PLEASE come down to the ATL and knock me upside my head. Nothing against the prison bruthas, but I am NOT strong enough to deal with such!!
Tiny offered to get in the Speedos and take a few pictures. I'm sure you would've liked that, LOL!!!
I bet she does! And she's STILL talking about it!! LOL!
@ The LBeezy...
I suppose you are right. He will always be Milk and Cookies:)
Way COOL! I think you are onto something. You could have men/women date hook-ups. Women and men could meet and talk while they crochet!
ReplyDeleteAll THAT is possible! I sure hope you find him.
ReplyDeleteI was laughing hard at your brother asking to "hold" some yarn.
This should be in movies! You could be a comedic writer. Believe!
Palin's Daughter? I love the way they call the boy who impregnated her the "fiance". GTFOOH! That is her babydaddy. Boils down to race.
ReplyDeleteIf one of my kids was missing and a decomposing body was once in my trunk, I would already be in St. Gabriel Women's Prison. Boils down to race.
More than a foriegn voice answering the phone (thanks NAFTA!!), I HATE when they lie and say they are Rachel or Timothy. One asked my husband "Hey, did you watch the big game?" Knowing it was scripted, my husband said, "No. I missed it cuz I was visiting INDIA. Which teams played and who won?" The outsourced rep was so confused the call was "accidently" disconnected.
About your friend getting laid off? When God closes the window that you squeezed thru, he flings open a great big ole door that you can walk thru with your head hung high.