So... on Wednesday afternoon, I went to morning bible study. It was interesting. Never seent the minister who preached today. She was a lady minister, and I like them. I learned some interesting things. She's an older lady, maybe a church mother. She had some INTERESTING Celie Color Purple type stories (and you know I like that type of thing, lol).
But my mind was on making a thrift store stop since I was on that side of town. I needed some cookie tins. I like to buy them cheap from one particular thrift store, clean and bleach them out good, and use them for cookie gifts.
Anyway, I was going to run in there. Takes me about 5 minutes to run in there, get my tins, and BOUNCE.
I somehow got the most noisest buggy ever. It was so noisy that people were looking at me. You could hear my empty buggy coming your way, man. So what. I was only going to be there for 5 minutes. I did what I had to do in about 2 minutes. I know exactly where they keep the tins, I know what size I like... all that. Throw them suckers in the buggy and
I got side-tracked, though.
I saw something I hadn't seen before.
They had some enormous rugs hanging from rafters.

I wheeled my noisy buggy that way. (Much noiser now, as it was filled with empty aluminum tins- all clanking as I moved). I'd been coming in there for years, and that was something new. I had to investigate.
So I decided to investigate. They were NICE rugs. Most 8' x 12'. Very clean. And they were going for $100 or less. Even though I didn't want to buy one, I spent time perusing them.
Then I looked to the right at a shelf in front of the rafters of rugs.

I thought that was funny. Not a doggone name brand amongst them. And they were all dirt cheap.
I wanted to ask one of the workers who walked by... "'Scuse me, do you have the Lysol Brand? Some Formula 409, perhaps? What about some Chlorox products?"
I glanced over them. There were some interesting names... brands I never heard of.
There is NO way I'm cleaning my kitchen counters with Bang cleaner. Nerp. Not gonna happen.
I spent a good 5 minutes looking around. So much for doing a 5 minute drive-by cookie tin run.
That was interesting. I took pictures to pass along to Play Mama, since she is a thrift store fanatic. I wanted to show her that our thrift stores are high class! If I need a nice rug, I know where to go. (Still passing on the cleaning products).
So, I had my cookie tins. And I was about to head to check out. I wanted to make sure I copped ALL the good cookie tins. I wheeled my noisy buggy back down that aisle.
And then I saw a woman about 15 feet from me. She looked familiar.
I looked closer.
It was my mother.
*lee's eyes go wide*
She wasn't looking my way. Her back was to me. Then she turned to the side. She was perusing the women's shirts. She held one up in the air and considered it. She apparently didn't like it, and placed it back on the rack.
*lee backing noisy buggy backwards up the aisle*
I have, like, complicated Mommie issues. She is someone that I do not deal with. Haven't since 2005 or 2006. If you have read my blog over the years... no explanation needed.
*lee backing noisy buggy backwards up the aisle hard and fast...grimacing at the noise I was making*
Mother is unpredictable. She may or may not go verbally postal in public. And I was thinking about that. I know I would get jumped on about something, even though I stay out of her way. (I am like a UFO). But I made it out of my aisle and was headed for the cashier.
But then I thought better of it. I sent Play Mama a text: "Okay... I see my Mama in the thrift store. I suppose I should speak." To which she replied, Um yes please.
So that gave me the courage to go and speak.
She was talking to one of the workers, and had opened her purse and pulled out a notebook to show her something. I slowly made my way her way, noisy buggy and all.
And I was in front of her. She and the thrift store worker looked up.
"Hey, Mama," I said. "How you doing?"
She yelled out, "Lisa!" (my family nickname).
Then she bust out crying. Just collapsed on her buggy and and boo-hooed.
Me and the thrift store worker were puzzled to say the least. I was just glad I wasn't getting cussed.
"Why are you crying?" I asked.
She said "I am just happy to see you." Then she ran over and hugged my neck.
Weird, weird, weird, weird, weird.
I hugged her back. Even though I had no idea what was going on.
She went back to her buggy and retrieved some cards. Apparently she had printed out her new grandson's pictures from the computer, and had taped them to cards with the birth information.
"That's okay," I said. "I already have pictures. Kari sent a bunch."
She went back to her buggy, told the thrift store worker that I was her oldest child. The thrift worker oohed and aaahed.
(I told you, seeing me is like a UFO sighting. Rare).
*lee feeling uncomfy about all of this*
I thanked her for the Christmas gift that she sent via my younger sister Kentucky and told her I had a gift bag at home for her. (There was much discussion between me and Kentucky about this. She told me exactly what to buy in order to stay out of trouble. I was almost finished buying stuff.)
That was enough for me. I said good-bye, and wheeled my noisy buggy to the cashier to check out my tins.
I paid for my tins. And headed out the door.
And pondered this whole experience.
And the whole 5 minute postulate.
I had meant to run in the store and do what I had to do in 5 minutes time. That's about how long it takes over the years to make it do what it do in that store. I ended up spending 5 minutes extra time in there playing with soft rugs, and laughing at off-off brand cleaning products.
And I spent 5 minutes talking to my mother.
You can't even see five minutes in front of your face, people."
No I can't, sir. I must agree with you. No I can't.
I had a couple of text convos about my feelings concerning this that evening. Serenity23 had questions, and we talked about it. Play Mama and I talked about it.
I called my sister and asked her to explain what THAT was all about. She had her theories. Our conversations about our mother as of late have been centered on me trying to keep my sister from not throwing in the towel. Kentucky is getting to the age where she don't tolerate unnecessary drama from out Mother, so there are battles and blowouts. (It doesn't help that I holler how my Mama live in Alabama and I don't have to deal with ratchetness. Kentucky kicks the hard eyeroll at me when I get going. She knows I hate ratchetness and drama).
I will just leave this crossing paths with my mother as a chance meeting. Pleasant. A rarity in my 42 years on this earth. Thankful for pleasant moments. And leave it at that.
Such can occur when you spend five minutes too long in the store. Anything can happen.
Anyway, Minister Phillips message concerning the 5 minutes was simple. Stop being all glum about the future. You don't know what the future holds. Tomorrow isn't even promised. You can't even see 5 minutes in front of your face. Plan wisely, live wisely. Believe God. Pray. No bad days, no sad days. Have faith in God and trust Him to lead You. He has good thoughts and plans for you. Get in line with it. Line your mind and thoughts up with that.
I know that's right. Good advice indeed.
I'll be thinking about that for the 2012 season.
Have faith in God and trust Him to lead You. He has good thoughts and plans for you. Get in line with it. Line your mind and thoughts up with that.<----- YES!
ReplyDeleteOMG @ the 5 reference. I claimed this year VICTORIOUS before I even gave the numeration any thought. 2012 adds up to 5 and I'll be 5 yrs cancer free, turn 45 this year, and will have lived in this county 30 (divisible by 5) by come December. 5 is the magic #. All that aside, I get the odd interactions with Mother's; {hugs} trust me I've had and still have my share with my own. Anyhoo, I cosign what pastor said as we simply don't know the day, time, or hour, so we gotta simply just get it in when/how we can.
ReplyDeleteDo that damn thing girl and just keep on moving.
I got momma issues too so I can totally relate to this post. I do not think you running into your mom was a coincidence by any stretch of the imagination. That was meant to happen. It also fell right in line with your 5 minute lesson as well. Imma ponder on this a bit more. I imagine this the kind of stuff you could analyze for days. I bet that was some good talking there with chicken Serenity and momma ok that's the kind of stuff I would analyze for
ReplyDeleteI love what you said at then end too. That there about summed it up..
good post and great example as well.
have a good weekend.
Thanks for all the food for thoughts for 2012. I needed the 5 Minutes FFTs. I will be repeating the 5 minute quote from now on when I am tripping about something.
ReplyDeleteLisa Lisa Lisa, I've missed your stories.
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting a smile on my face.
I strongly believe in kismet (it is also one of my favorite words ever). There is a reason and time for everything. This is a perfect example of that.
ReplyDeleteMan, I can relate to this on so many levels. Maybe, it was conviction that brought her to tears. She knows she hasn't been the best mom and believe u me the older you get the more aware you become of your past failures. Mary