Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ten Tuesday Thoughts

1. I am loving the cool fall days. It's a big change from all the heat or summer. My electric bill is nice and low. And a bonus- no monsoon rains!! Glory!

2. I have reached the 5000 mile mark on Lucy Junior.  I drove that in only a little over 6 months, which is odd, as I usually only drive no more than 6500 miles a year. I think it was all of those doctor appointments way out in the southern 'burbs. That's a lot of driving, even for me.

3. Good movie:

It's a zombie movie. Scared me so bad that I missed a crochet stitch. Sigh. Odd, because zombies move slow in all the movies I have seen. These were moving very fast. My goodness. As you can see in the poster, they will climb each other to get at what they want to get at. It was some pure craziness.  

4. Another good movie

 If you see it, see it in 3D Imax. My goodness. It felt like I was floating in space right along with Oldgirl.  Interestingly, I went to church on last Wednesday morning and the minister talked about it for 10 minutes. He pulled a whole spiritual principle out of the movie. Had me a little O_o at first, but man, it made plenty good sense. If I could figure out how to post it as a food for thought, I sure will.

5. This year marks 15 years since I received my Ph.D.  It doesn't feel like it was that long ago. But I understood through that experience that all the things we go through in life are temporary. It may be painful, but it is temporary. Everything has an expiration date. Even our lives.

6. Book I am reading right now:

This is a very good book. This man has some very good ideas about creation, Noah's ark, the pyramids, Atlantis, Angels, Jesus, and much much more. Very enlightening read. I am learning a lot. And that's a good thing.

7. Quote of the day:  "All change begins with a decision. And a decision means that you cut off all other options."  

8. Another Quote: "Challenges come in life. Everyone has them. The important thing is how you respond to those challenges. For the way you respond to those challenges show who you truly are."  Just heard that one while sitting here watching from T.D. Jakes program..

9.  It is going to rain tomorrow. That means I need to get out here and cut the grass. Sigh. I think I will do the front yard today and the back yard tomorrow.

10. Favorite morning drink: The juice of a ripe lemon in 50 ounces of water. It takes me an hour to drink that, and I am running to the bathroom every 15 minutes, but I feel so much better during the day when I do. I am more likely to not become dehydrated, and It helps to start the day off right!


  1. Not only have the temps dropped here, but the rain is coming down (2 days now)...I love it!

    I saw World War Z on accident and loved it. Neither me nor my husband like zombie stuff, but we both enjoyed it and then for the rest of the night we were on edge, lol.

    I love that quote of the day about change. I have some more thoughts on that...hmmm.

  2. I saw that world war z and it freaked me out. FOr some reason I thought about the airplane scene when I was headed to LA. SMH


Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!