Uh, the presidency looks a bit wide open.
Bush gave a ho-hum State of the Union address. I was watching it, but halfway through, I decided to go wash dishes and pick fuzzballs out the carpet.
I would have felt better if he would've just jumped up on stage and told the truth:
I'm just like Adam [of the bible]! I messed it up for EVERYBODY!!!
Then he should've thrown down the microphone, stomped his foot and yelled, circa Coming to America Eddie Murphy style:

SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!!! (foot stomps) SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!!!! SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!! (harder foot stomps)
Then he should've walked off stage.
That would've been better than the same ol' same ol' speech, where everyone kisses his behind and claps after each and every sentence. (What's up with that anyway?)
I don't know. Seems like we are kicking into the same ol' routine here. Hmmm...
There are only 3 candidates left for the Republicans.

Rudy said he'll skip Iowa, NH, all dat. "I'm going to FLORIDA! I'ma DO the darn thing in Florida!!"
I thought that was funny. It made as much sense as taking a class, skipping all the regular tests, and depending on the final exam to get you through...
When the final exam is worth only 30% of your grade.
You STILL fail the class, man!!!
LOL. And that's what he did.
And I didn't like him that much anyway... He was always st-, st-, stuttering. For some reason, that bothered me. You're that nervous? REALLY? Hmmm...
Mitt Romney. I've always joked that I would vote for him because I thought he had a cool name. Did his folks really name him MITT? LOL. No. His first name is Willard. Willard Romney. Mitt Romney sounds better. Rolls off the tongue better.
Now, I like Mitt's economic policies, but that's it. Personally, I need someone to make the tax cut permanent because an Oldgirl makes good money and I'm getting SMASHED on taxes. If they change the tax cuts, I may be out here begging for bread.
But I'm not impressed by him. He flip flops like crazy. He loves to give the answer that everyone wants to hear at the time. He confused me when he all of a sudden hijacked Obama's message of "Change" a couple of weeks ago.
And the one thing he said that had me rolling: "I saw my father march with Martin Luther King."
No you didn't! I don't even know you, never even heard of you, don't know anything about you, and I knew THAT was a LIE!
And they proved it was a lie. Then you had to play it off and say "See, what I really meant was..." and start trying to conjugate the verb "see", trying to make it all figurative. Sir, this is the age of modern technology, and people can easily look up EVERYTHING these days. And they proved you to be a LIAR.
I guess he wanted that black vote pretty bad, huh?
He seems to be running behind, but his pockets run DEEEEEP. He's writing checks out of his own pocket to fund his campaign. Hope that works out for him.
My secretary Dee says... "He sure is fine!" And she had that twinkle in her eye when she said it. LOL!
Yes. He is a fine man.
But being "fine" won't get you the presidency. And by the way everybody's now endorsing John McCain, I'm not so sure that a bottomless pocket of money will either.Mike Huckabee. One thing I can say for Huckabbee: He's going to get the Christian conservative evangelical vote. I thought I was going to vote for him at one time, because I agree with some of his platform, but he is like, third or fourth on my list these days. Let's just say, if my top 3 bounce out the race, well, I would vote for him... and I would be melancholic about it.
Black folks don't like the Confederate flag, Mr. Huckabee. Most see it as a bad symbol. I think that you didn't get much of the black vote up there in SC, did you? Hmmm.
(Funny how this race has come down to who says what instead of the real isshas, isn't it? You gotta love politics, lol.)
John McCain. For some reason, I like John McCain. Once again, I like some of his platform, and some of it I do not. I think if he gets into office, our soldjas will be in Iraq FOREVER. He is a moderate republican and I like that. But, for some reason, I feel like it will be "business as usual" with him.
He is effective at bringing together Republicans and Democrats, though.
And have you heard this being kicked around: That if he gets the nomination that he's going to try to get Condoleeza Rice as his running mate?
Now McCain is old, like in his 70s or something. What if she is his running mate, he wins the election, and God forbid, he dies in office.
That means a black woman for president. OH. MY.
My best friend LadyTee got all excited about that.
"Girl, I'd be on the highway driving 100 miles an hour. If the police stop me, I'd go off. 'Do you know who the "blankety-blank" president is? I wish you would try to write me a "blankety-blank" speeding ticket!!"
LOL. Let's just say the sistas pride level will kick up a few more notches higher than it already is. More little black girls actually seeing with their own eyes that you can obliterate the glass ceiling.

That's a shame. He's the most researched candidate on the internet. He gets down in the debates. When I tell people I like him, they say... "I was thinking the same thing. You know, that dude has good ideas."
No I don't like all of his platform, either. But I do like his idea of getting rid of the IRS. I do like his idea of bringing ALL the troops home from IRAQ, Korea, EVERYWHERE, and using that money to pay down the national debt. I do like the fact that he thinks we need to take care of our own country instead of going into hock trying to police the whole world.
Yet he won't win. He's doesn't fit in with the "Establishment". Humph.
And he's too radical. Talks way too much trash.
I can appreciate that he has competed in every primary and caucus, instead of ignoring some. That speaks big to me.
Please, my fellow bloggers. We're all intelligent people here. Go and do your research. Vote for the best candidate for you. As you can see, I have a couple of people in mind, but I STILL have more reading and thinking to do before Super Tuesday.
All I know, I hope we get someone in office who is sincere about seeing America in a better place in the future.
I really do.
Damn! OG, CNN should kick Wolf Blitzer, Cooper Anderson or Anderson Cooper (I can't keep it straight), and all the rest of 'em to the dang curb and hire you in as their politico!
ReplyDeleteYou know I feel you on Ron Paul, its a dayum shame most of us are so afraid of radical when most of the time to exert real change that is just what you need!
Whats the point of change in this country UNLESS it's RADICAL!
I'm done with you. LOL @ Bush yelling Sexual Chocolate. Jeb Bush may try to run in 2012 with his sneaky azz. Know damn well his brother didn't win FL in 2000. Made Al Gore say never again.
ReplyDeleteOut of the Republicans I like Ron Paul just b/c of he want to get rid of the I.R.S. Huckabee was the governor here in Arkansas and there is no way I would vote for him. We are still struggling in Ark b/c of him. He took over after Clinton left office and it hasn't been the same since.
Rudy Giulani, I just don't trust him. Chris Rock had me laughing when he said "everyone is talking about how good of a mayor Giulani was after 9/11, what about 9/10". LOL. Plus he has/had a couple of mistresses and you know how they tried to get Slick Willy (Clinton).
At first I was feeling John McCain but after he made the comment if he becomes president he will be another Reagan. And that's what we don't need! Reagan cut all programs dealing with inner city and allow drugs into the country while his wife stayed on tv talking about "say no to drugs".
I already know who I will be voting for Tuesday. The brotha is on point on many issues I care about.