Super Duper Tuesday is coming up around these parts... And I've had to think about the candidates. I hate the presidential elections, as no one candidate embodies all that I really want to see in the White House. It can be really exasperating.
I rarely talk about anything political... not since the days of Katrina and such. You know how I like to keep it smurfy over here at the House of Ladylee...
But you know I have to get my 2 cents in.

I bet we'lll see him again in 2012. He's like the little engine that could, ain't he?
But he came in 3rd in his own state. And the writing was on the wall.
But he'd never get my vote. He had this big antipoverty message but has worked for a hedge fund that was involved in investing in companies that foreclosed on mortgages of New Orleans Katrina victims. Talk about an oxymoron for the ages! That didn't make sense to me.
He made his announcement of bailing out of the race yesterday from New Orleans Ninth Ward. How ironic!!

I said, you know what?
I won't be voting for Hilary. You know why?
Because I can't figure out if she or Bill is running for president. And I will not be voting for "Bilary".
Now, ya'll know Bill is going to slip up and say REAL soon: "During my third term as president, I will Blah, blah, blah." You KNOW he's gonna slip up and say some craziness like that.
That is, if somebody don't shut him up!
Hilary, MAN UP and stop being a PUNK!
You mean to tell me, you've supported Bill in all his endeavors for over 30 years, had to deal with all his messing around...
Had to deal with all your bizness being put out in the street...
And had to deal with that Monica Lewinsky craziness, i.e., cigars and stained dresses...
And Bill can't sit his ass down for a minute and let YOU do YOUR thing?
MAN UP, Hilary! Stop being a PUNK! It's your time to shine. This is YOUR show, not Bill's. News Flash: YOU are running for president, NOT Bill!!!
MAN UP and stop being a PUNK!
Nevertheless, you won't get my vote. Your whole downplaying of what Martin Luther King did, and ultimately giving Lyndon Johnson credit for the civil rights is some craziness.
Lyndon Johnson wasn't jailed for his beliefs. Lyndon Johnson didn't march nowhere. Lyndon Johnson wasn't spied on by the FBI. Lyndon Johnson wasn't harassed!
Oh, and uh... Lyndon Johnson wasn't assasinated.
Yeah, thumbs down to YOU, Hilary.
And this whole Bilary thing is spooky. You know the two of them have been laying up in bed at night for YEARS giggling about this. Bill's been whispering softly in her ear in the late midnight hour:
"First I'm going to be president, then you're going to be president."
Just spooks me, that's all.
Plus, there has been a Clinton or a Bush in the White House since I was 18. I'm damn near pushing 40 now. I'm NOT down with this dynasty crap!
Tell you what... Hilary has a decent platform and all, but unless comes out with secretly recorded convo of Hilary straight snapping on Bill, telling dude to sit his butt down so she can do her thing? She won't be getting my vote.
Yeah, Hilary... I need to see you give Bill the GAS FACE just like in the picture above. At least stage that ish and make it believable.
She is off my radar...
Because if she gets the Dem. nomination, the Republicans will eat her for lunch. You know they're waiting on that!!!
Really though.
Barack Obama. You know, I like Obama. I really do.
It's like someone has been hanging out in the bathroom a bit to long, blowing it up after eating a whole bowl of chitlins...
...and Obama comes in with his can of Lysol and makes it all fresh again.

I agree with most of his platform. But I like the fact that he's bold enough to at least try to jump in the race and offer some glimmer of change.
But you know what I keep hearing from older black folks??
"The good ol' boy establishment gonna get him into office and mess him up on purpose. They're gonna blame him for it ALL! It's a conspiracy!"
Or people are afraid a crazy redneck gonna assasinate him.
I've thought about these things in the past.
I'm glad Barack Obama doesn't think like that. I'm glad he's letting his faith and courage take him past all the question marks? I'm glad he's going for it.
And he's got Bilary shaking in her/his shoes.
I say GOOD!
And as Obama says... YES WE CAN!!
Not sure if I'm going to vote for him. But he's in my top TWO.
I've also heard: "He don't have enough experience!!!"
Now these
And don't it make you feel good to see, even though he is Harvard educated, etc., that he don't have a blond-haired, blue eyed white woman on his arm? Don't it make you (black women) feel GOOD to see someone like Michelle up there, who looks like she could be in our family?
No, I don't care who you love, as long as you love the one you with.
But, there are sistas out there... You KNOW some of us would be hatin' HARD if he was with a white woman! It perplexes me that we hate that so much. Kinda like we feel like we been duped, you know?
Don't ACT! You know what I'm talking about.
Yes, that's a silly point, I know. Brought it up because it has been discussed all around me.
I applaud his courage... and his stand. A lot of black folks hatin' on him, saying he ain't black enough.
I am GLAD he has the courage to say YES I CAN!!
Now, as far as my thoughts on those Republicans...
Stay Tuned.
I voted early so I could work the polls as a volunteer from 5AM to 8PM. That's all I'll say about politics.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the nice comments you left for me on Sharon's blog. I look forward to reading you regularly.
Peace and Love,
Alizé (
"Plus, there has been a Clinton or a Bush in the White House since I was 18. I'm damn near pushing 40 now. I'm NOT down with this dynasty crap!"
ReplyDeleteWell geeze, when you put it like that... It's true! LadyLee -- we're in the same demographic!
YOU handled that and I have nothing to add! Great analysis OG, I am honored to be your contemporary!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great breakdown of the candidates. I'm really thinking Obama will get my vote tomorrow. Can't believe the primary is tomorrow. We ahven't seen this in Cali ever before.