**LadyLee twists the top off a cold bottle of Manachevitz and pours herself a Mason Jar full and sips it with a straw.**
Dang, Serenity. you bootleg wine sommelier… I know that just made you CRINGE.
Manachevitz on ice… so nice, so nice!
Turning 30.
‘Tis a monumental thing.
For I, LadyLee, have been perched on the highest mountaintop, screaming to the top of my lungs, my hands cupped around my mouth for effect, something that really tics Serenity, the clear heeled one, off something terrible.
“You don’t know Nothing ‘til you turn 30.”
**Ladylee ducks as Serenity 3-0 hurls her clear heel shoe through the air**
(Man! She can’t STAND when I say that.)
Those of you who, like myself are leaning up against 40, or beyond even, know what I mean. We thought we knew EVERTHING in our 20’s and looking back? Man, come on, you know you can look back and see some old off the wall crap you did, just ‘cause you just KNEW what you were doing.
And you didn’t know your head from your behind!
Don’t ACT like you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about!
“You don’t know Nothing ‘til you turn 30.”
One of my male friends didn’t agree. He said it’s more like the age of 32, or something like that (for men, I suppose). Shoot, LadyTee has been told by MANY peeps lately that you don’t start actually LIVING until you turn 40! Oh my!
Well, it’s weird… It’s like, somewhere between the ages of 27 and 30, some metamorphical (is that a word?) thing takes place. It’s like the thick cloud of smoke engulfing your peanut head starts to clear out. You start figuring out what you need to do, and get to doing it, and lo and behold, it’s is actually the RIGHT thing to do, and it produces good fruit (results). You may even go through some things spiritually. At any rate, things start to fall into place, because you’re making better decisions and what not.
That’s what happened with me. And I’ve had the priviledge to sit back and watch Serenity 3-0 go through her “metamorphical” thang.I’ve been fooling around on the blogosphere with Serenity since some time in 2005. I think I related to some of her family isshas, and most importantly, her attitude in dealing with such. I am the type of Oldgirl that when I have family or people isshas, or my people are tripping on me or stressing me the “blank” out, I simply disappear. I won’t be talking to them. I have NO tact in dealing with people. I don’t know how to cheese in people’s faces or stroke egos. You will NOT stress me out. Stress aggravates my autoimmune isshas something terrible. Have a nice life, I’ll holler.
But I was amazed at her ability to deal with fam in the face of craziness. I wish that I had that type of tact and patience. That, I do not have, and uh, I probably won’t have it.
Then she started going through her spiritual thing, trying to pinpoint her purpose, where she was spiritually, all of that. She blogged through it all, and it was nice to see her blog about this this, as I deal with my own spirituality issues too. I think I would go blog out of control in her comment section… She started reading my blog. It was a bit, uh different from my blog comments over in her neck of the woods.
This confused her a bit, because you know, when you enter my blog, The House of Ladylee?
You slip off into that giddy, giddy, funny-funny, all things SMURFY…
Laaaa-Laaaa-La-La-La- LAAAAAH!
She came over one day, busting out windows in the House of LadyLee, TRIPPING in my comment section, complaining about my smurfiness and screaming some craziness to the effect of “Why don’t you write something to help a sista out?” I didn’t know her well. Not enough for her to be raising a ruckus like that. It got to the point where I was wondering “What the heck is this broad’s problem?”
So, that is where the “Food for Thought” posts that I do every now and again come from. Serenity be needing some help, LOL. But no, all the “smurfiness” is just a small slice of the LadyLee pie. A slight sliver, really. LadyLee is the deranged, serial killer, chicken scratch side of my personality…
Much more to me than what goes on over in these parts…I am CONSTANTLY thinking about spiritual things and the relation to whatever I’m struggling with and/or trying to conquer or overcome in my life. She and I have talked much about this on other blogs, IMs, on the phone, emails, etc…
All of her convos, verbal smackdowns (LOL), encouragements, etc… have been a blessing to me…
For the past couple of years, she has been sitting on the busted curve, a hard frown clouding her face and her lip all poked out… Her spiky clear heel shoes tap the asphalt.
And she’s been clutching her secured ten dollar “Oldgirl-in-Training” card.
(Yo S, that card got teeth marks on it. You been chewing on that, gal? Cut it out!! LOL!)
*Serenity removes the card from her mouth*
And she’s been working that “OIT” card, and has been vicious about it…
I told her that she was too young…
Because, if you remember…
“You don’t know NOTHIN’ ‘til you turn 30.”
But now, Serenity is 30…
And that card is like a training bra… Serenity has been whispering in her squeaky voice:
"I’s a big girl now, LadyLee!"
She can now throw down her chewed up secured training card, and pick up this brand spanking new Original Oldgirl Platinum Plus card.
Does she get it because she’s been wanting one? Or because she just turned 30?
No to both questions.
If that was the case, she wouldn’t be getting one. Wouldn’t qualify for one. She would’ve had her OIT card snatched by now.
If you can remember, when I gave The Queen of Lurk City her card a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about what constitutes Original Oldgirl status… If you haven’t read that, go back and read that. I won’t rehash here…
But I will talk about something else that has gone on with me,in relation to all this. And I know Serenity will appreciate this, because this is on some ol’ non-Smurfy (darn!) “Food for Thought” Tip… giving you more insight into LadyLee than I care to give.
(But I don’t care. I. don’t. care!!! It’s Serenity’s Birthday! *LadyLee tosses rose petals in air and busts bottles of Shiraz (Serenity’s favorite wine) on the hard concrete floor!*)
I think, back in the winter of 2007, Serenity started blogging about being interested in a career change. She was a paralegal at the time, and the new career had something to do with something related to insurance. She didn’t mention this much on the email thread. Not sure why the thread had gone pretty much silent back then. But I do remember her talking about it on her blog, and doing her research, and talking about it more and more…
There were so many words on top of words on top of words…
She eventually got an interview for a job in another state, some 12 hours from her home state of Louisiana.
What REALLY got to me, what brought a tear to my eye, was when she said in a post something to the effect of whatever happens will happen. It was in God's hands, and she was going to basically occupy until she heard something.
When I read that… I thought, “Oh. No. The fiery headed chicken (inside joke) is about to GO!”
I think she got the call a couple of days later, and they offered her the job. She took the job, meticulously planned the move, and she was there.
All that she did… it taught me a lot about courage.
I don’t tell people this, but courage is something that I struggle with something terrible. I have a tendency to choke, THEN get the courage up… then make it do what it do. But courage…it is something that I pray about often. Still do.
On her way to Charlotte, Serenity passed through the Atlanta area, and we had breakfast. It was my first time meeting her. I was very quiet. You know how that “star-struckedness” thing go. I mean, this was a chick I’d been dealing with for awhile, who knows more about me than most peeps (and I am SURE she thinks I am VERY strange, lol), but I’d never met her. And there she was, in flesh and blood.
I sowed a gift her way that morning. Didn’t tell her why or anything, just gave it to her.
I was happy for my friend. She showed me something important.
Words produce thoughts…
Thoughts produce action…
Actions produce our destiny…
And this can go either way, bad or good… but with her, I saw the good.
She also showed me what it means to have courage. I remember being at home, washing dishes one night, praying and saying… "Lord, If Serenity can do this, move like that, I can take a doggone writing class. I can. And I will.”
Yeah, decisions happen when I’m washing dishes, LOL.
And I did. And I am VERY happy that I did. Yeah, I have my isshas in class. I don’t like being the only black person. White folk don’t get what I write (except for you, Rosemarie… you seem to like my writing, lol). But… I will have the COURAGE to work past my irritation with that. I must say, the pros faaaaar outweigh the cons. I always learn something in class that takes me a step further towards my goal of learning to write well.S23 was the catalyst for such. As a matter of fact, when I have to summon up courage to do things these days, I think about her whole process, and all the blessings that have come from that. If she didn’t step out on faith and have courage, she would be sitting in the same place she has been wondering what would have happened if she would have taken that step. And it let’s me know that you never know who’s watching, who’s learning from your example.
Within the past couple of weeks, Serenity has been blogging about another situation that has caught my eye (Serenity, I’ma need you to STOP with the 3-4 blog posts a day. Stop it, I say. You know I don’t read blogs like I use to.) S23’s Aunt Tee, the woman who raised her, has been visiting with her for the holidays, and some situations have come up where Serenity has had to take care of some of her Aunt’s financial business, much to her Aunt’s dismay. It really got to me…
“Now, why is that, LadyLee?” you may ask…
I’d been discussing with my Aunt Joyce that one of my goals for the New Year was to set up some type of account for my grandma that was linked to mine, where I could transfer funds at will so she could have her gas and grocery money. I think my grandma’s gas is 20 bucks a month. And Grandma don’t eat much. SURELY I can take care of little stuff like this, ya know?
I needed to know from my Aunt if Grandma could keep up with a simple debit card. And I needed to know if Grandma knew what the meaning of “stealth” was… as in, she don’t need to be telling my Mama, uncles, and cousins and them about this. (Man I HATE that they be hitting her up for money). I hear that they don’t do this much anymore… i.e., me and Grandma can get our “stealth” thing going on.
I’d been dragging my feet on that… until I read back through some of Serenity’s recent posts yesterday morning and saw her exasperation over the situation with her Aunt…
What Serenity said was enough to quicken my step, enough for me to take action. Yesterday, I found myself sitting in the back office of a bank discussing some things with a personal banker. I found out that Grandma and I have the same bank, and I told them exactly what I wanted to do. I put Grandma on the speaker phone, and was able to set some things up just the way I like…
S23 has inspired me to take action once again…
So, for THAT S23?
For THAT… not this whole turning 30 thing (even though that is a requirement because, I reiterate… “You don’t know NOTHING ‘til you turn 30", LOL).
For THAT: You get your Original Oldgirl Platinum Card Carryin’ Status.
I hereby extend to you your Original Oldgirl Platinum Plus Card, good worldwide and on every planet in the solar system, good even on the Sun itself...with no monetary limits whatsover.
So if the police ever try to run up on you, or some folks try to jump ya, you can yell-
"Get back! I am an Oldgirl!"
I'm an "OG"!
"Get the **** back!!"
No, you'll still catch a beat down, and you'll still get locked up...
But you'll have the pride attached to being an Oldgirl...So, now, instead of that 10 dollar card… you have a Platinum plus Card, good on all planets, even the SUN!!!
You have the pride of knowing that..
One who is an Original!
One who is full of wisdom!
One who keeps it real!
One who has been through it all!
One marching like Miss Sophia on her way to a place of peace and victory......
Stand tall in your 5 inch clear heels
And make sure you don’t fall
Be proud
Say it loud
I, Serenity 3-0, am an… Original Oldgirl!
So, Oldgirl…I have managed to collect a few interesting quotes from your blog. Still got some digging around for a few gems that have inspired me… I told you that I would give you a whole week on my blog, but uh, since your birthday fell on a Thursday… you can forget about it!! I give you Fridays instead. The Friday “Food for thought” will come from you.
We’ll call it “Serenity’s Soup” or “Serenity’s Bottles of Boone’s Farm”
Happy Birthday, Serenity, you Original Oldgirl you!
::: wiping tear from left eye :::
ReplyDeleteNow that's how one does a tribute!!
Damn! You made me cry at my freaking desk and you know I only cry durign that time of the month... First off, if I ever hear of you dropping a bottle of Shiraz.... I will go nuts! Second, my heels never are 5'... Usually 3-4 inches.. Why you have to drag out my old photos... Remind me of what I used to look like... I didn't realize you felt that way about my hairbrain decisions. I usually just make a decision adn roll with it.. I'm a big girl and can handle the consequences.. I have been really blessed to have you as a friend and you have one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen! I'm glad you are doing something for your grandmother, but I know you know that time means so much more to people than money! Alright enough of this.. And for the love of God, do not under any circumstances, put Serenity and Boone's Farm in the same sentence.
ReplyDeleteThat was a whole lot of praise...Happy birthday S30...enjoy your card! Can you buy me something with it? LOL
ReplyDeleteSomehow I knew you would get one before me LOL...I'll continue to be a young-in...while you rise up to the OldGals LOL
"Serenity’s Bottles of Boone’s Farm”
ReplyDeleteI love it!!!! That's the perfect title for a tribute to her. Happy 30th Birthday V...you have officially joined us "grown" folks!!!!
That was a nice tribute.
ReplyDelete"Serenity couldn't help herself when she saw the bottle of Strawberry Fields Boones Farm sitting on the grocery store shelf. She opened the bottle right there, being careful not to cut her finger on the screw top. She looked around to see if anyone was watching. When the coast was clear she raised the bottle to her mouth, and drank until it was empty. It was better than Shiraz, but she would never tell a soul."
Fact or Fiction? Hmm... All I know is you said don't put your name and boone's farm together, and I just did. Now, What YOU got to say about that!!?
Boones farm is the king of cheap wines. And you must not know what Manachevitz is... The older people do. You wouldn't speak to me anymore if you did...
Don't cry. A cryng chicken is a horrible sight to behold, lol.
The first rule you've broken: you are NOT suppose to work on your birthday. You are suppose to take off. And working on a 30th birthday? That is high treason!
You know, this post was a page longer than here... I lost some info. Glad of that, because it was probably only for me. Hmm.
In a nutshell, I went into the detail of God's major way of answering prayers that I don't discuss with anyone (like my courage issues), is for people to cross my path, and keep crossing until I "Man-up", take note, get instruction, and take action. It could be nothing more than someone saying one simple word, etc. I know we've talked about "mental post-it notes" alot. That move of yours and all of your planning and prayer concerning it became a "mental post-it note." And it still is whenever I'm being a punk, lol.
No you didn't realize I take note of things... Me and LadyBug talked about this a couple weeks ago. I told her that that move of yours has given me the courage to do a few things in the past year, the writing being a very minor example...
I don't spend much time with Grandma. Hadn't seen her all last year. She is like me... At the age of 79, she is very hard to catch up with. For instance, I took her to the movies and book shopping on New Years day, and it took a hot minute for her to work me into her schedule, lol. But my Aunt said that she chooses where to go because of the gas prices. Grandma spends relatively little in gas. There are little things I can take care of for her. And yeah, I do plan to get by her house a couple of times a month (if she can work me into her schedule, lol.) I must admit it was nice to sit down and have dinner at the little fomica table in her kitchen... The movie we went to see, "The Great Debaters" reminded of her past, and uh, you know, she had to tell it ALL, lol.
OK, i am blogging in my own comment section. Have a happy birthday, gal. Have a glass of Shiraz on me.
Double Congrats to Lady Serenity on her birfday and attaining her Original Oldgirl Card! As an OG myself, I welcome her into the order and second the thought processes that brought her in.
ReplyDeleteI too remember my initial introduction to Serenity's blog and I recall thinking how very parallel her life seemed to be to my own. As a strong single mother with blatant love for her son Tyler, Serenity made me remember my early years of motherhood.
I remember being so impressed by the way she tackled all of the drama and turmoil she happened to be facing during those times and though I am an infrequent lurker on most of my favorites blogs these days including hers, I still drop in when I can and have continued to be awed by how fabulously she manages to live her life! Though I have not commented much recently I hope she knows that I still "keep tabs" on her and make sure to check up on her whenever I talk with that OG Ladylee!
Not a wine expert myself, much of the humor of these "wine dozens" you all are playing is lost on me though I do recall Manischewitz and MD 20/20 from my youth ;) However, in honor of her big 3-0, here is wishing the new Original Oldgirl Lady Serenity a bottomless bottle of her very favorite Shiraz and a beautiful crystal goblet from which to sip (guzzle) it!!! (LOL)
Thanks Sharon! And Lee, I have no early idea what manachevitz is... Never even heard of it.. But I'll take your word that it's the cheap stuff that rots your stomach out.. You know my first sip of liquor was in 9th or 10th grade and it was Thunderbird with koolaid.. My how I've grown up... Oh and DJ is hating b/c she ain't got her card yet.. And that other little VA chicken is as well.... Hmph!
ReplyDelete"You will NOT stress me out. Stress aggravates my autoimmune isshas something terrible. Have a nice life, I’ll holler."
ReplyDeleteOkay, have you been following me?
Like you, I have lots to say!
S30 is a mentor of sorts and certainly in your life for BIG purpose. Don't loose touch with her. Even if her destiny brings her around the world.
Your writing is off the hook! I always mention the midnight laugh and tonight was no different. Regarding your writing class, you're there to learn, and to teach. They [white people] better write it down!
I'm over 40 and I would never trade youth for the wisdom I've gained.
I thought Manachevitz was the wine they served on communion Sundays or for Passover?? Ooops
ReplyDeleteOkay, you're now my official historian, LOL.
You're probably right... I don't know what the origin of it is. Let's just say I grew up around some very creative people, who got their hands on it from somewhere. Hmmm...
What a wonderful tribute! You are hilarious!!! Yep, Umma need you to hurry up with the writing class thingy so you can write a few bestselling novels!