We were talking on the phone one night and I said to her...
"Kramer's coming over tonight."
She yelled "What??!!!"

"Oh, oh," she said, with a very hard sigh of relief.
She knows that I am ADAMANT about not having some dude lay up in my house. I got this fear of a joker trying to move in. I know, that's wierd, but my Mama's last man kinda just moved into her house without asking. She knew he lived there when his mail started showing up on the regular. So, uh... that freaked me out...
I tell a dude, when asked where I live and who I live with... I tell him I live in ATL, and I live with 10 of my relatives (grandma, cousins, sistas, mama, daddy, brothers, uncles) and we have to take turns sleeping on the floor. Yeah. THAT'S how you keep a dude from moving in. LOL!!
But I'm jumping off subject here. Waaay off subject!
Kramer is Hen-Dog's cat. It's actually his daughter's cat.
They've had him for a few months. When they first got him, he was cute, but he appeared to be quite, I don't know... annoyed.
Cute little kitty... but as you can see, he's a bit attached to Hen-Dog.
I asked Chayse a big question.
"What you gonna name him, Chayse?"
She picked him up and cuddled him close. "I'm naming him Kramer."
The look on my face called for explanation. Why would she name her cat after a Sein.field character?
"No, that's the name of an animal on one of her cartoon videos," Hen-Dog said.
"Oh, OK." Thank goodness for that.
Kramer is a good bit bigger now, all these months later.
"Kramer is crazy!" Hen-Dog exclaimed one day last week. Hen-Dog said that Kramer tares up the trash, and does a bunch of other crazy stuff.
I offered to keep him over the holiday weekend. We could see how Oscar-Tyrone acts towards him. I was thinking that Kramer has excess energy, and another cat would give him a way to work all that out. Plus I've been trying to decide whether to get another cat to keep Oscar company. Maybe I can keep Kramer, or maybe he can just hang out at my place from time to time.
It could be Kramer's personal vacation spot.
So Kramer came over. I think Oscar-Tyrone thought it was Jeremy, my orange cat that died couple of years ago. Oscar-Tyrone was a bit excited, but soon realized that this was a foreign cat, and would have absolutely nothing to do with him. They had a couple of "kitty conversations" and let's just say that Kramer calmed down REAL quick. He stopped all that running and clowning... And for awhile, Oscar kind of stood around and observed Kramer.
And yes, he did what many of us do when we are vacationing... He did A LOT of sleeping.
As you can see, he's a bit fond of my favorite chair. He also seems to like the coffee table. I don't know WHAT'S up with that, because Oscar-Tyrone doesn't jump on tables. (I think he got tired of being yelled at so many years ago and abandoned the whole idea). I let Kramer lay there, assuming that that was just his thing he liked to do. After all, he was on vacation.
But what's really funny is tht he started sleeping on Oscar's personal blanket. Oscar ran up on Kramer a few times, and had that look that said "I would kick his butt, but he don't know any better". Oscar was the bigger man, and let him sleep on his blanket.
There must've been more private "kitty conversations" later on because Kramer will not get on that blanket anymore. Hmmm...
There are beams over the living room, and Kramer explored those also.
There were quite a few times when I was looking for Kramer and it turns out he was laying on the beams watching me walk back and forth. Darn cat!
He spent a good amount of time just staring out the window. You can see Hen-Dog's house from my house, and I guess he was looking that way.
"Where's my Daddy?"
Nevertheless, as time passes... Oscar and Kramer seem to be getting along.Well, Oscar is tolerating him. I woke up this morning, and they were even chasing each other around.
So, this moves me closer to considering getting another cat.
We'll see!
Otherwise... Kramer is always free to vacation at my house!
Kramer is gorgeous! I could see why Oscar was jealous LOL
ReplyDeleteKramer is beautiful! I really like that shade of orange on a kitty.
ReplyDeleteOscar should be worried he didn’t even get a full frontal pic in this post.