"LadyLee... How the heck you gonna be all late with the Chirstmas report?"
I just am. My Christmas wasn't all that spectacular. I was just happy to have 2 weeks off. I don't really celebrate the holidays. I'm not really down with hanging out with the family and what not. I was more interested in being by myself really. (Yes. I admit. I am selfish. SUE ME!)
I don't do the whole family get together thing any more. That is over. Stresses me out because I always get in some doggone trouble. I am 37 years old, and I am DONE with all unnecessary and preventable drama.
Looks like the older I get, the less of it I tolerate. Makes me come off as evil, but I don't give a flip.
What I do is, during the week of Christmas: I spend a whole day with my Grandma, and a whole day with my Aunt. We all seem to enjoy ourselves a little better that way.

So we were rolling hard in my z00m-zoom down the highway and I was carefully explaining this arrangement to her.
"It's called confidential, Lee. You want me to be confidential."
I glance at her and then back at the highway. "Yeah, yeah, confidential. Do you know what that word means."
"Yes I do. Confidential means confidential." She nods real slow.
*Lee frowns hard*
"Alright, alright. Long as you know."
Grandma nods again and gives me the hard eye squint.
I'm convinced that Grandma has a little undercover gangster in her. LOL!
I like hanging out with my Auntie Joyce. She always got some type of project going on, whether it be her oil painting, her doll making, sewing, soap making... She always into something. We like to get together, sit at her dining room table and work on things. This time, I was crocheting a blanket for Oscar-Tyrone. I actually finished it up.
Yes, he finally got himself a blanket. I made it with extra yarn left over from Tayari's blanket. I had to pretend it was mine for awhile, but I layed it at the bottom of the bed, and he has taken to it.
But Auntie, she came out the box on me. She took coffee filters and made some, uh, lovely snowflakes, something like that.
Auntie asked an interesting question:
"You wanna try, Lisa? I'll show you how to do it."
I looked at her like she had lost her mind, then straigtened up my face real quick. "Uh, no. That's alright. It's real pretty, but uh, no, you do YOUR thing, Auntie."
Of course, I made plenty of cookies.
I have a 100 dollar budget for Christmas, which means people get homemade gifts or a simple "Merry Christmas", if you do get that from me.
LadyTee got her usual gifts, which I know I've given her for at least the past 10 years: storage bags, soap, and cookies. This time I did something new. . . she'd been talking about parchment paper, so I got that too!
And it's that good soap, too. She got locked up once, and they gave her the jail issued soap. She complained to the officers that she had sensitive skin, and couldn't use it, and that she only uses Dove or Tone. Of course they laughed at her.
I, as her best friend, from then on, make SURE she has her Dove and Tone soap! Always!
I know she yelled at me something awful on Christmas morning, because I said I would be over there early. We were suppose to go to the dollar movies to see Tyler Perry's Why I Got Married. I messed around and got up late, and dedided to do some writing, which angered her. Plus her son got a Playstation 3 for Christmas.
"Anyway Lee, all you gonna do is get in that back room with Nell and play that doggone game!!"
Yeah, this was my intention, once she told me that was his major Christmas gift. Yes, I've been wanting a Playstation3, but have had to come to terms with the fact that I can't spend that type of money on some ish like that when I have other priorities. (Yes, I am growing up, finally).
"No, LadyTee, I will just have a look at it. Maybe 10 minutes or so. That's all."
*silence on the phone line*
She was hassling me something awful. I was suppose to be over there by eleven in the morning, but I think I got there by three.Once I saw Nell, I was like... "Yeah, Yeeeeaaaah boy. I heare WE got US a Playstation3."
He had that same glow in his eyes that I have when it comes to gaming. He and I both LOVE the Playstation basketball games.
He wanted me to come look at it.
I had to play it off, or else LadyTee would diss me again, like she had been doing all Christmas morning...
"Dude, let me go in here and talk to your mama for a minute. But set up that Basketball game. Set me up as the Celtics," I whispered. "Go head on and set everything up. I'll be back there in a minute."
I talked to LadyTee, who was in the den, for a half hour or so, then pat her on the shoulder and told her that I was going to go check out Nell's game, and I would be back in a few minutes. She looked like she wanted to go off, but she didn't.
Yeah, I think me and the boy played that game for a good 2 hours. LOL!!
Later, LadyTee, her daughter, her mother Bobbie Jean, and myself went to the movies. That was a good time, especially since the price was 50 cents a piece! They made me drive, so I drove them NUTS with my Coffy Soundtrack.
Afterwards, LadyTee had me drive way off deep in the woods to some house that had a gazillion Christmas light decorations. They had it set up where you drive through their property and look at the displays. It was pouring down rain, and I wasn't in the mood, but I went along with the program.
Some of the displays were... interesting.
Man... when did the peeps from the Wizard of Oz get involved with Christmas?
And when did Snow White and Seven Dwarfs show up for Christmas? Snow White even has a wreath in her hand...
Yo... why is Snow White looking like she's had too much coffee... or too much meth... or has she had too much crack? I mean, she didn't look in the zone like that in the movie or in my coloring books... She looks like she might be singing that "You said I gotta go to rehab... I keep saying no, no,no!) LOL! And my goodness... I'm tripping out on Santa with the Baby Jesus. WOW! And I do love the cake with the candles!
I was all tuckered out after all of that... I went home and went straight to bed...
Overall, it was a great Christmas!
You always posting pics of food when I'm sitting here starving.
ReplyDeleteSnow White pic is hilarious. I've never seen Snow White, the Dwarfs, or Dorothey and 'em during Christmas time.
"I am 37 years old, and I am DONE with all unnecessary and preventable drama."
ReplyDelete- see this is what makes you an OG...most folks never develop the common sense necessary to understand that some (maybe most) drama is preventable and therefore, unnecessary. However, you know I ain't feelin' you on the avoidance of family thang so we gonna have to spend '08 teaching you how to prevent drama while still being able to be in the midst of yo' peoples! You already have most of the skills (i.e. the Celie curse and the hard eye squint you should have inherited from Grandma just to name a couple), which means all I have to do is teach you how to use them on folk to eliminate any chance of any drama coming your way! LOL!
By the way.....I didn't get no cookies ;(
@ That OG Sharon...
ReplyDeleteYes, I am DONE with drama. A lot of it- I've found that I can stay out of the way of it, and that's what's up.
Look Ma, I'm not fooling with my fam on the holidays! That is over with. I am going to ENJOY my holidays from now on! The bloodline will have an audience with me on non-holidays only. You must want me to open up my Book of Cuss, and I like to keep it closed!
We ain't a tight nit family like you and your crew... and it's like, a 1000 of ya'll, and maybe only 10 of us. And out of the 10, there's only 2 or 3 I care to even deal with... So, uh, you gonna have to do a lot to convince this old dog of some new tricks. LOL!!
I didn't get any cookies either! Hmph! Stop showing photos of them if you ain't gonna share... We can keep it "Confidential". You know what that means right? LMAO...
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post for some reason, but uh 0008, we're gonna cut out all the fluff and go back to some REAL posting right?????? And keep messing around and you gonna get yourself an Amy Winehouse cd in the mail.
@That OG Serenity...
ReplyDeleteLook here, gal..
In the words of Mister... This here is MY mailbox, uh, I mean, MY BLOG. Which means, you need to stay at your spot and do your 3 or 4 touchy-feely posts a day. I've turned the January Fridays over to your quotes, but that's it! I'll let YOU handle all that... I will stick to my FLUFF. I like to keep it SMURFY!!
I told you negresses when I get some tins, I will mail you some cookies... Why don't YOU send me a tin and I will fill it up... I find some small tins, we will do a test and see what happens...
That goes for you and the OG Sharon.
((you busta))
And please. don't send me no Amy Winehouse CD. Please.