I've had a most excellent 2 week vacation. 'Tis a good thing when the chains break off and I can get away from the Oppressor.
Really though.
But I'm back now... back at work.
Back in the saddle, shorty!!
I was crazy ill for most of December, to the point where I don't remember much of what went on that month.
But now I can breathe.
It's a new year. I can breathe.
I limped out of 2007...
But I got a strong walk right now. Maybe I will break out in a full sprint any minute now.
My Phrase for 2008:
Taken from my blog sista the LadyBug Mocha. So important that we made it a postulate.
LB Postulate #1:
MAN UP! Stop being a PUNK!!!!
I remember when she first said that. We were all on the email thread and Serenity30 was whining HARD about some "female problems". (Yeah I said it. Don't ACT! We all have them once a month, LOL). LB, in her always professional and courteous email "voice" was trying to encourage and console her. I was, too. LB continued in her encouragement, but at the end of one email she wrote:
MAN UP! Stop being a PUNK!!!!
(Okay, it's one of those things where you had to be there to get the full effect. The ish was truly funny at the time.)
But it has been a mantra of sorts for me for the past month or two. Reminds me to not focus on the problem, but to get my behind in gear and DO something!
I've been encouraging others with this mantra.... Oh, we must leave everything off after the "Man Up!"
It comes out as "Man up, it's gonna be okay, it's gonna work out fine... the new year is here."
Sounds softer, kinder and gentler doesn't it?
Looks like everybody was having a JACKED UP time in the latter parts of 2007... I had to say that a bit too often.
But I, LadyLee, need something that hits me in the head like a sledgehammer... and "Man UP, Stop being a PUNK!!!!"... well, it get's the Oldgirl moving in the right direction.
Really though.
My Song for 2008:
I don't listen to current urban music or music that's out right now. Don't like it, can't stand it. Chewing gum for the brain, that's what it is.
Case in point: You know it's bad when, riding with Serenity30 and she had a CD playing and I was wondering silently to myself ("I know this girl ain't playing some Liza Minelli. Or is that Judy Garland???)
I didn't want to say anything, but I eventually asked her...
She said it was somebody name Amy Winehouse. Funny, never heard of the chick.
(I heard that song... "They said I got to go to re.hab, I said no, no, no".... You've got to be kidding me. Really. You can't expect me to filter such garbage through my eargate. Goodness. The chick can sing, though!)
No chewing gum for the Oldgirl... I'll take a piece of fried chicken please.
In other words, I'll take some REAL music.

It's made up of mostly instrumentals, and most songs are 1 to 3 minutes long. There are a couple of songs that sound like someone was a bit, uh... inebriated or something like that. But it is a very good soundtrack!
The words of one particulary song, kind of get around to what I'm feeling about transitioning from 2007 into into 2008.
But there is one song I like in particular that really moves me... you know, one of those songs that lifts your spirits... 'Tis the type of song you play when you're washing dishes and vacuuming the floor, lol.
THAT type of song.
And it gives me hope for the New Year, I don't really know why... but let's just say it's LadyLee's theme music for 2008!!
Shining Symbol (Coffy Soundtrack, circa 1974)
[Music all doggone slow and depressing]
[Music all doggone slow and depressing]

It's not the end.
It's the beginning.
The law surrounds you.
The court tries you.
The jail engulfs you.
It's not the end.
It's the beginning.
Darkness conceals your sable soul.
It's the beginning.
The law surrounds you.
The court tries you.
The jail engulfs you.
It's not the end.
It's the beginning.
Darkness conceals your sable soul.
[Music kicks up, gets all hopeful!]
Revenge is a virtue
You stood up like you should
Standing up strong
Like we all wish we could!
You're a shining symbol!
A shining symbol!
A shining symbol!
Of Black Pride!
You're a new breed
A future seed!
A new breed
A future seed
Of Black Pride... Yeah!!!!
You're a shining symbol!
A shining symbol!
A shining symbol!
Of Black Pride!
You're a new breed
A future seed!
A new breed
A future seed
Of Black Pride... Yeah!!!!
Revenge is a virtue
You stood up like you should
Standing up strong
Like we all wish we could!
You're a shining symbol!
A shining symbol!
A shining symbol!
Of Black Pride!
You're a new breed
A future seed!
A new breed
A future seed
Of Black Pride... Yeah!!!!
You're a shining symbol!
A shining symbol!
A shining symbol!
Of Black Pride!
You're a new breed
A future seed!
A new breed
A future seed
Of Black Pride... Yeah!!!!
I don't know, man... That song makes me feel all - warm and fuzzy inside. Gives me hope, you know. Like, you was JACKED up in 2007, but we 'bout to do the darn thing in '08!!
Don't know how I got that out of that song... Maybe it was all the cold medication I inhaled in December... it was playing games with my brain. LOL!!
I had a lot of Christmas pics. Couldn't get them loaded up on my sis's bootleg computer, so I walked away. I didn't bother to fool with my other computer sources.I was thinking about going wireless this year, but decided not to.
I think I'm going to go the route of peace this year, where I have more quiet time... a chance for me to slooooow down, and read, write, pray... think clearly.
But you know me! Gots all kinds of wonderful tales in store for the House of LadyLee!
Stay tuned!
And Happy New Year!
Hmmmmmmm......Coffy huh? Now that's some deep shit to be bopping to LL. Maybe you should take her lead and grow out the fro and go the whole 9 cause your fellow OG is definitely feelin' hers!
ReplyDeleteI've got a motto for 2008 and theme music of my own....
I bop down the street, hallway, or wherever to the theme song you bestowed upon me for the glorious occasion that was my 41st Birthday - Jill Scott's Living My Life Like Its Golden and my motto is simple:
Which is how I plan to avoid the vicious cycle of expecting different results while doing the same dumbazz thang!
Happy New Year right back, on the grandest scale any of us could ever possibly imagine.
Ha...ha...And yet, I have been somewhat of a punk lately. Yep, 2008 is about getin' my azz in gear! But a softer, gentler "MAN UP"? Say it ain't so...is that made by Johnson and Johnson?
ReplyDelete@That OG Sharon. . .
ReplyDeleteListen, YOU grow the fro. I will listen to the music, lol.
I like that "Do it Different"... gotta use that one.
@ LB...
MAN UP and stop being a PUNK, LB!!
And you must get soft and gentle with it in some cases. Telling someone that can get you shanked!!
Haaaa... get in gear, gal!
My theme music changes every week but currently it's "Be Ok' by Chrisette Michelle ft Will.i.am. That song just gets me boppin around my office!
ReplyDeletemotto? Things will be great in 08. As with Obama, sometimes you just gotta believe! But it will be followed up with heavy work!
Sorry to hear you was so sick mayne.