It was suggested as "A wish for all the Difficult people in your life."

First of all, what deranged mind came up with that?
Second, who knows anyone THAT difficult?
Third, I would love to give that to management right now. WOULD LOVE IT.
Oh... wait a minute, I am a part of management right now. Albeit temporarily.
My boss is on a detail doing something else for six weeks, and each of us (her lowly peasants) are taking turns (one of us a week) in the supervisory role.
Now, I PRIDE myself on not ever being chosen for a managerial role. It is well known that I have no love for management, as they have thrown this Oldgirl under the bus many a time (I have permanent tire marks on my face). A Scapegoat bumper sticker is slapped across my forehead from time to time. I don't care to be a member of their "elite" crew. So I make sure that I don't volunteer for JACK, and don't know how to do nothing extra.
Yeah, I know that sounds crazy. They've just worked your girl a bit too, uh hard, over the last 7 years. Let's just say I've been supervisor for only one day in the past 7 years, and it was during the holidays when EVERYBODY was gone and there was no chance for some craziness to pop off. And yeah, ONE TIME is enough for me to slap on my curriculum vitae that I have managerial experience.
But, my very pregnant boss, The Darth Sista T, ran up on me a couple of weeks ago.
"LadyLee, you're acting [supervisor] next week."
*LadyLee stunned beyond belief. *Crickets* fly around her head*
"Nawl, man!" I yelled a bit too loudly.
"Oh yes," Darth sista said.
And she had a smirk on her face and a funny look in her eye. It was that look that said "It's been awhile since I've thrown your a$$ under the bus, Oldgirl."
Of course, the Infamous Hen-Dog got a kick out of this.
"LadyLee, I'ma need you to put on the high heels and a suit."
"Hell no!" I yelled.
I don't dress up for work. On the VERY rare occasions that I do, the guys like to bend down with a tissue and pretend to shine my pumps. Not a good look.
They can deal with my usual bummy labwear (sneakers and sweats). And I will go to a meeting like this. That way, that will be the very last time they will have me attend a meeting. LOL!
And the past few weeks have been VERY quiet in the lab. But on my week, we get swamped. So that means some long 10-12 hour work days all week for me. It is only Thursday, and I am a very tired Oldgirl.
But... I have been very sure to WHINE to my boss. I've been blowing the Darth Sista's phone up something terrible
*Phone rings*
Darth Sista T: "Hello? "
LadyLee: "Man, I got a question!"
*Phone rings*
Darth Sista T: "Yes."
LadyLee: "Yo, how do I do blah, blah, blah?"
Darth Sista T: "I'll be right over there."
*Phone rings*
Darth Sista T: "What?"
LadyLee: "Look here, I'm confused. What's up with blah, blah, BLAH!?"
Darth Sista T: Sighs hard. "It's easy, girl. Just do A, B, then C."
LadyLee: *crickets*
Darth Sista T sighs hard again. "I'll be over there."
That's what she gets. I think I call her, or worse, RUN UP on her at leat 10-15 times a day.
And she don't like that ish. She's pregnant and wants NO PART of my whining. She squints hard at me like my mama use to do when I was up to no good.
Yes, I complain like the next person.
But I won't embrace the complaint. I WILL EMBRACE THE SOLUTION.
I will work my 10-12 hour days. I make some SERIOUS to do lists everyday, and it feels good to look back and see that I've made some progress that day. I've been wailing real hard about my time management skills deep in the coffers of my personal journals lately.
"There is time to work. There is time to play. The thing is, there is no time to waste." (LadyLee 2008)
So I've come up with some pretty good ideas for my own personal time management in the future.
And that's a good thang!!
And, this whole acting supervisor thing is like a hairdo: TEMPORARY. It will be over on Friday.
Really though.
The other solution is to put the role of "toilet paper" pictured above in the supervisors secret little bathroom... next week, when I'm not one of them.
I've learned much. (Don't tell the Darth Sista that).And I've learned that managing scientists is like managing cats. I've learned that I don't care for administrative duties. I'd rather skip along like a smurf, thank you very much, and work on self management...
Exciting news... Next week is **CHEMISTRY WEEK**
It is not what you think...
You know how I like to flip the script, and do things LADYLEE style...
Now, us chemists have interesting war stories, i.e., stories about times where we almost blew something up, etc. We sit around and retell these stories of old to each other. In some cases if tow or more of the people involved in the craziness are present at the retelling of the said stories, we do reenactments. We do this because it is AMAZINGLY funny, ESPECIALLY if we come out of the whole bit of drama unscathed.
Blog fam yells... "Yeah, we hear you LadyLee, but that sounds boring complicated!"
Shut. Up.
This here my blog. And trust, the ish will be funny.
Here's a taste of one of the posts (rough draft).
The year was 1994. I was with my man that night at his apartment in Vinings, a west Atlana suburb. It was a cold winters night and we had a nice fire crackling in the fireplace.
I was in graduate school at the time, and had come over to spend the night because he had a night off. (He worked at night).
We'd been looking at television, and SOMEHOW (LOL) ended up on the floor, in front of the fireplace fooling around and such. .We ended up making love. It was good, I must say. Plus, I'd been drinking, both beer and wine. (I have NO idea how I ended up drinking wine, because I was NOT a wine drinker. I preferred Beer, Boones, and Malt Liquor. Hey, maybe it was the cheap Boones in that wine glass.)
There was no soft music. We were bootleg, you see. That means getting it on in the indigo glow of the televison.
So like I said, we made love in front of the fireplace. And we're laying there, wrapped up together in a bedspread in the afterglow, you know, talking and kissing and what not...
Then. . .
All of a sudden. . .
(To be continued.)
Yeah, I don't know, but I think that got your attention.
Don't worry. I ain't going erotica on you. No way.
This is some CHEMISTRY week craziness. Been wanting to do this for a good year or so, so let me indulge my, uh... nerdiness.
I was sitting here telling the full story to a couple of chemists, Cowgirl Cre and Ol' Mean Ass Cynthia. Cowgirl Cre laughed real hard. Ol' Mean Ass Cynthia peered at me curiously and cracked a smile (and that is a lot for her to crack a smile).
Like I said... maybe it's a chemist thing. I'll let you decide.
But we gonna test this out. Come back next week and see.
Stay tuned.
You know I'm stealing this line: "There is time to work. There is time to play. The thing is, there is no time to waste."
ReplyDeleteYou wrong for leaving us hanging but I will be back. LOL
You are wrng for this. Very wrong. I will be conjuring up endings all weekend.
ReplyDeleteBe nice to Darth Sista. She's probably tired. ;-)
@ that southern black gal...
ReplyDeleteSteal away, gal!
As usual, Serenity has requested a "food for thought" on time... sigh. And that line will be apart of it.... I think we will call it "The Southern Black Gal postulate #1". Yes, i likes the sound of that!
Yes, the Darth Sista IS very tired. This is the best time to harass her, ya see.
@the two of you...
Yes, i am wrong for leaving you hanging. But a taste is just a taste, you know. But when one thinks of chemistry, one thinks of some ol' hard or boring ish... I'm going to try to make it all exciting with an interesting tale or two. LOL. So be sure to come back:)
I will be back next week foe sure. Gotta know what happens next.
ReplyDeleteI'll be back. The chem series gave me the only A's I ever received at UCLA. LOL
ReplyDelete@The Bball Mama... Dang Miss Celie, where YOU been? LOL!
ReplyDelete@ OH JOY! She's a chemist at heart:)
@That Oldgirl Sharon... Shhhhh... stop screaming into the smokin' microphone. LOL
You have a knack with long posts. If it were anyone else I would scanned the length and made a quick exit, but with you, I can't. I know your thoughts will be reflective, humorous, and telling of another slice of who you are. Love it! I'm always coming back for more.
ReplyDeleteYou so crazy, always tryin' to stay under the radar. It never works for you! Just what you least want to do or be is coming head on in your direction. Come on girl, move forward and stop complaining! ;) That's what you get!
ReplyDeleteYou know what's up. I write my LONG posts for me. And if ya'll read 'em, then more power to ya!!!
Come on, man... Let me whine and whine and whine! LOL!!!
This has been an uh, interesting experience. My boss called me and told me to watch my "wording" in an email I sent to someone in response to something (and cc'd her). So when she said that, you KNOW I had to whine about THAT. ("I told you I wanted NO PARTS of this, Darth Sista, blah, BLAAAH!!!")
Poor woman... I'ma have her pulling her hair out! LOL!!!
My week is OVER. And that's all that MATTERS!!!