It is COLD outside.
And from the looks of the extended weather forecast on the local news, I suppose it will stay cold.
I actually went ahead on and turned on the furnace. Yep. As my best friend says,
"Turn on the heat, just to knock the chill off the house, girl!" Yep, knocked it off a bit too much, because we were about smoked out up in there. I think I have it at a nice temperature now.
And, have you seen the price of gas?! Gas is so cheap right now that I got myself a FULL tank of premium. That's supreme, babes. My Mazda beater hasn't had a tank of premium since 2001! LOL!!
My boss is not at work today. GLORY!!! The Infamous Hen-Dog is in charge! And if you ask him a question, he gives that "I don't care, leave me alone LadyLee!!" look.
Thus, it will be a laid back day, and I might take off out of here early. I asked Hen-Dog if this was fine. He peered at me curiously, blinked hard, then waved bye-bye.
Yeah, I'll only work 5 hours today. I got ish to do!
My weekend. I woke up on Saturday morning just full of GLEE! I walked out of my bedroom singing a song, a happy, happy song...
"I don't have to work today! I don't work today! La-La-la-Laaaaaaaa!!!"
*Cats scrambling out of LadyLee's path REAL fast*No work this weekend. Boy, that felt good.
I was the Queen of Chores all morning long. I cleaned up the kitchen, cleaned up my bedroom, vacuumed, and washed clothes- with a smile on my face! I even did a little crocheting, trying to prep for
LBeezy's blanket.
So, 'scuse me while I post some more samples for the LBeezy's perusal:
Crochet Concerns. This one is the one liked by most of the chemists here.

Dr. Hazel Eyes gave some long-winded complicated explanation involving depth and definition, which had me seeing
*crickets*. She is correct, though. I think.
This one was liked, but negroes were whining about how it had too much white going on, and they didn't feel like washing it.

Hen-Dog was cool with it, as long as he had a woman that would keep it clean. HUMPH.
This one, the alternating one, was just... weird. It plays tricks on the eyes (which could be a good thing, really). Something went wrong with the strip ridges.

Again, this has been the topic of HIGH discussion at work this morning. We are having isshas with the big piece with the alternating rows. Ol' Mean Ass Cynthia made some funky complicated suggestions, which caused me to angrily yell "What the hell are you talking about, girl?!" She gave me a look of disgust, one of them Big Mama side-eye looks. I queited down. I didn't want to catch a beat down over some doggone yarn.
Beezy, if you want that one, you're going to have to decide on a uniform ridge color. As you can see, it's all white ridges and one blue ridge line. I suggest all blue. But that's just me, Ma! Make up your mind, because on November 1, I need to get cracking on this.
Okay, I know that bores you, oh dear blog family... but it excites me to no end!
Moving right along.
I even went to the movies this weekend. I spent part of my morning, before doing chores, finishing up The Secret Life of Bees. Then I hit the theatre in the afternoon. Very good movie. And it stuck pretty close to the book. You can't beat that!
I did quite a bit of sticker shopping for my cards. I buy most of my stickers way out on the southside of town. So, that was a lot of fun, as I don't do that very often. I also bought a gang of yarn. I was a shopping fool, lol!
FFF Possee -ACTIVATE! I had a "Triple F" Possee meeting, i.e., a Financial Freedom Fighters meeting on Sunday. Man oh man, I LOVE getting together with these broads and discussing our finances. And you can say whatever you want to say, with no doggone judgements or anything. Yeah, I get chastised here and there (because I am about 10% trifling, lol), but it is always followed up with VERY good thought provoking suggestions that, if I do them, it changes my whole situation.
I am SO grateful for this group. Changing a few bad habits over the past couple years has really helped me financially. And I am low on the totem pole of the group, because every one else is making such grand strides. Heck, I get all excited over their achievements, feeling like they are my own!
And that's how it's suppose to be, right? Rejoicing in each other successes.
I am pretty sure that's one of the way to open up the door for my own successes.
Ladies, we need to get together once a week! (Yeah right. The online component of our group discussions will do just fine).
Me and the lovely neighborhood Crackheads. So, for my FFF meeting, I whipped up a nice batch, about 2 and a half dozen, of triple chocolate chip pecan cookies.
Why was one of the local crackheads banging on my door yelling "I know you up in there Lee! I smell them cookies! Gimmee some cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I have come to learn that cookies are good bargaining tools. Let's just say that I got ALL of my front porch trim painted for 10 bucks and 3 cookies. (I didn't even have to supply the paint. I suppose dude "found" it somewhere. Hmm.)
I know my sister is pissed, because when I make cookies, I leave her a few. I don't eat them myself, as me and sweets don't get along too well. So I may have to make her a batch.
I will post on this next week sometime, as this whole crackhead and local experience, and me getting chastised about MY porch and yard is just a bit, I don't know, puzzling, to say the least.
Bedtime. I have a bad case of insomnia these days, and it is an off and on problem. My doctor says it is due to my condition. She gave me some pills for it, but that ish knocks me out, and I don't like that feeling. So, I would say, for the last week or so, I haven't been falling asleep until about 1 in the morning. That's not good!
Needless to say, I fool around on my laptop around this time. And there wasol' ATLien Nikki, the Iniquitous One, floating around on IM. On Saturday night, I im'd her on her blackberry, and she was at a party. I know she was like "WTF?" in the midst of doing a hard cabbage patch dance move. LOL!!
But we had a LONG discussion the next night, Sunday night, at around 11 p.m. or so. I am trying to write a poem right now, and I need for it to make a little bit of sense (Man, ya'll know how my ish be like some poetry on crack). It is only for a blog post, but I need to make it sound halfway right, lol. So we discussed that, and the root from which it is growing from. She's like, a pit bull when it comes to critiquing my work, not afraid to make me cry and wail, so she gave me some real good suggestions.
I have a few pieces that have a slight erotic component to them. Anyone who knows me knows that I can't STAND erotica. We have all swung from the proverbial chandaliers. I don't want to read about it! Well, if it is spare, and in context and related to the story, then it's cool. Otherwise, it is just fluff. (Keith, I like some of the "Escapades" poetry. I'll make an exception for you, player.)
Nikki knows how to do the erotica thing with the whole emotional component weaved in. I know she will help me along with that. I know if she say that it sound tight, then it is tight. Chick don't mince the words, lol. As long as it is spare, I don't really care. But I need it to make a couple of stories work out.
But, during our discussion, she told me something that I've been told a couple of other times over the past couple of weeks:
"Lee, you are much too hard on yourself."
That gave me pause. I know I am, but I can't help it.
Maybe I can.
I'll leave you with that. I must go off to the laboratroy and ponder such statements.
I had a good weekend, and I look forward to next weekend.
Have a good week. . . on purpose.