On Sunday May 1, 2011, I was laying across the bed, eating a piece of chocolate cake, talking trash on Twitter with a folk, thinking about getting myself together for my workday the next day, when it came across from one of my breaking news twitter news company...

Bin Laden is dead.
I don't celebrate his death. I ain't out here with my USA t-shirt on, waving my USA flag. Me and Oscar-Tyrone ain't around here turning cartwheels.
But I ain't sitting up here crying for his tail either.
And like one of the wives of one of the men that perished in the most tragic terrorist attack on US soil 10 years ago: It is not natural to celebrate anyone's death, but somehow this feels natural.
That ain't my thoughts. Those are hers. She been dealing with the residual effects of loss for 10 years. I haven't.
People's lives preach a sermon. My life preaches a sermon... Your life preaches a sermon.
Bin Laden's life preaches a sermon.
I'm thinking about a couple of things this morning.
1. Dear Trump. So you were busy whining about the President's birth certificate. You whining about my President's Harvard and Columbia grades. Wondering how he got in, wanting to see his transcript.
While you and your
Just goes to show you...
Thought #1: Simple minded people think about simple minded things.
And let's not even talk about inferior complexes. Yep, I have a RIGHT to talk about it. I have a "Dr." title attached to my first name. Believe you me, not much time go by before I run across a fool who got a problem with that. Humph.
Listen, Trump. You ass out, man. All ya'll are. You can't top this. You not ready to be president. You whining about stupid stuff. Ain't Obama fault he smarter than you. Get over it.
Please admit. Obama handled his business. Kind of silly to sit up here whining about some grades, ain't it. Man up!
Yeah! You just learned what UPS means by "What can brown do for you!"
Thought #2: Ain't no such thang as getting away with anything.
Nope. Just like there is no such thing as Santa Claus, The easter bunny, or the tooth fairy... no such thing as getting away with anything.
"Well LadyLee, you can't say that," you may holler. "They assassinated Martin Luther King! They assassinated civil rights activists all over the place. They killed abolitionists. They beat and killed the slaves."
Yes. I agree with you. Many people died for freedom. It's sad. Make you and me mad.
But I will repeat what I said last week in a post.
The most powerful man in America (ESPECIALLY after giving that order for the killing of Bin Laden) is Barack Hussein Obama. The most powerful woman in America is a black woman (Oprah Winfrey)...
So tell me... why do you think white men put white sheets over their heads and hang black folk and burn crosses in their yard and murdered black folk. Why do you think a sniper sat in the window that day in Memphis and killed MLK? Why do you think these things took place?? Let's take it waaay back: why was it illegal for slaves to read?
Another question: Do you expend so much energy keeping a people down? If those people you trying to keep down didn't have potential, would it be worth it to do such?
Because if people were truly inferior... they ain't worth all that.
No such thing as getting away with anything. With all the efforts to keep black people down (and this still goes on), the most powerful people in this country of each gender are of the black race.
It's a shame that white folk have more faith in our potential than us black folk do.
"What that got to do with Bin Laden, LadyLee."
Shoot man... I'm just thinking out loud. And I don't care who you are, you don't get away with nothing.
Bin Laden is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of folks violently. Suicide bombings, all kind of terrorist acts. Did you actually think he would get away with all that? You think someone who gets a kick out of killing folk gets away with that?
I think not...
mostly because of thought #3.
Thought#3: You reap what you sow.
Being a scientist, I've gotten in trouble at times for having spiritual beliefs. That's okay. I only been on this earth for 41 years and some change, and I don't try to figure out things with my intelligencia. Just ain't that intelligent. And then my spirit and my soul (which houses my mind, will, intellect, emotions) are 2 totally different things. In other words, I don't apply my finite intelligence to spiritual matters. These are matters of faith. For me. Might be different for you. I'm cool with that. I feel secure enough and happy enough with my beliefs not to debate such issues.
Anyway, I marvel when I can see spiritual law and natural law run parallel to each other. I am at awe when I see the tangible born out of the intangible. I love it when I can understand some scientific principle I'm trying to get a grip of, and I only fully "get it" when I fully understand the corresponding spiritual point of view.
(Okay, I'm getting to deep for you. Deep off the pages).
Let's see. Let me get plain with you. I had a garden out back for a couple years. And I LOVE green beans. LOVE them. To the point that half my garden was green beans. Man, I got me a couple of packets of green bean seeds and planted them seeds and in about a week, those little shoots came up, and in about five weeks I had me some green beans.
GOOD EATING! Good fresh beans.
Now. You gonna be looking at me crazy if I planted green bean seeds and I get to whining
"I wanted Watermelons!!!! Oh Lawd, what happened! Where my watermelons at!?!?!"
If I wanted watermelons, I should've planted watermelon seeds. I can't get around that one, can I? Nerp.
So... taking this over to a spiritual level.
I notice with myself, who I am today, right here, right now... is a direct result of all that I've been listening to, all that I've been saying and all that I've been seeing.
My spirit is like fertile soil. Very well tilled, very well watered, ready for seed. Whatever I'm exposing myself to on a daily basis, whelp... that's what I'm planting in my spirit. I'm incubating that seed, watering, feeding it with good fertilizer.
And a crop goes up. The results of all that shows up in my life.
That's easy enough to understand.
If I cuss folk out on a daily basis, do dirt to folk constantly, etc... that is a result from what's in my heart... And what's in my heart, uh, that seed got planted there somehow. And that crop is going to grow in my life. And you best believe it won't be a peaceful crop. I'ma have trouble... and if it look like I don't... it gonna hit my kids. (Which is worse).
Folk trip on me because I'm constantly trying to be of help to people. Especially if you praying about something, believing God for something, got a goal or a dream, working on some mess in their personal life,etc. Honey, I'm getting in on that. What can Oldgirl do for YOU, babes?
It's the same as me getting on my knees, and planting some seed. If I glance ovde and see you planting some good seed, I'm going to slide on over next to you and help your butt. While I'm helping you, being of service to you, someone drops to their knees and is tending my garden.
Nope, it aint' "What about me? What I get out of this?"
I don't have to ask that. It's like throwing a boomerang out. It comes back to me and bust me upside the head. In a GREAT way. I ain't mad about that AT ALL.
I reap what I sow. Period.
You actually thought Bin Laden could sow his own brand of seed and don't reap?
You actually think he could kill hundreds of thousands of people, bomb buildings, mentally affect the families of all these hundreds of thousands of people killed...
and not reap?
No, he wasn't reaping what he thought he would reap... the annihilation of anyone and anything that don't line up with his beliefs.
Nope. He planted tomato seeds expecting to get squash. That's impossible.
You sow fear, discord, confusion and death... you reap the same.
Bin Laden couldn't get around this spiritual law... one that transcends all religiosity.
Saddam Hussein couldn't get around it.
Hitler couldn't get around it.
And uh, newsflash. Your boy Qaddafi won't get around it.
So no, I don't turn cartwheels over nobody's death, not even Bin Laden. I don't hate on anybody that do.
No, I ponder... and ponder the sermon that his life just preached to me.
The sermon that was his life has ended.
And I learn and understand the lessons there within.
Yeah! You just learned what UPS means by "What can brown do for you!" ---> this.right.here. HA!
ReplyDeleteNot to make light of the rest of the meat of the post. I feel you about being glad this man is dead, yet not ready to go have a pep rally outside about it. Shoot, you know folks are thinking retaliation, but lets not egg them on.
Love this post and these type of deep convos....I couldn't agree with you more..
ReplyDeleteDoc you be preaching and having this chicken here thinking hard on your post I swear I learn new stuff every day or stuff that I should have paid attention to but you break it down into pieces that are understandable. Like that elephant. :)
ReplyDeleteThis here ----> Whatever I'm exposing myself to on a daily basis, whelp... that's what I'm planting in my spirit.
Is the truth.
My spirit is like fertile soil. Very well tilled, very well watered, ready for seed. Whatever I'm exposing myself to on a daily basis, whelp... that's what I'm planting in my spirit. I'm incubating that seed, watering, feeding it with good fertilizer.---- Goes back to our conversation earlier. YEP. I'm watching ALL that other stuff.