It's Monday!
How the HECK did I go a whole week without posting? O_o
Last week flew by in a flash. Not sure what's up with that. I think it is all because things at work are much more hectic, and I usually do my writing at night. I have to work all that out somehow. Trying to figure that out. And yes, I will figure it out... with my slow self.
Presidents day. Today is Presidents Day. Happy Presidents Day.
(Whatever that means).
I'd much rather say "Happy Black History Month!" LOL
But I am happy for today. Why?
Because I am OFF!
And it feels GOOD.
I woke up around 5:30 this morning, went through my usual routines, put a load of clothes in the wash, and then went back to bed, where I finished a wonderful book I'd been reading since yesterday morning, Bring on the Blessings by Beverly Jenkins. It's been a REALLY long time since I'd read a book that I couldn't put down. I need more of that.
This morning I had cereal for breakfast. Shredded wheat and vanilla milk. Mmm, mmm, good.
Not sure what I'm doing today. Aunt Flo showed up yesterday. *lee throws self out of window*
I need to run to the Black People's Wal-mart, but I might don't make it today, honey!
I WILL wash and fold clothes today. Not sure why I didn't do that this weekend. HARD HEADED, that's what it is. Hard headed! *lee slaps self upside the head*
Whitney Houston. Did ya'll see the Whitney Houston Homegoing Service this weekend? WOW! Amazing! Four hours long. That is all I can say about that. I actually sat and watched all four hours of it.
It is still odd that she died. And we are all speculating, "Yep! Overdose!" But no one knows that. So many people die per year from simply slipping in the tub or shower. That in itself amazes me. But, it is testament to the way we think, and it brings to mind somethiing I read in a book some twelve years ago.
"You can do many great and positive things in your life, but you will ultimately be remembered for the bad things you did, even though they in no way outnumber the good things you did."
It is sort of like a mole on the face. We focus on that mole on the face, and not the entire face.
Hmm... Just something I think about, even with my ownself.
We don't know what happened with Whitney Houston. We can only assume. Nevertheless, one of the great singers of my generation has passed. As will many more. As we all will someday.
That is all I have to say about that.
Lucy the Lexus. So I bought a Lexus. I mentioned that last week. I meant to put up pictures of it. But I didn't. I wanted to write a whole post on it. But I won't.
But I will do some abridged type thing right here right now...
There it is! Lucy the Lexus! At the Dealership!

And there's the salesman, "Mr. Larry", putting my tag on!

I had to beat her dog back. "Get back, Mitch! Get back! Get back off the new ride!
(Lucy is 12 years old. But it is new to me. That is all).
There's Lucy! Resting comfortably in the garage!

"Me and the kids, we coming over to help you clean out out the garage," LadyTee said. "That way you can get both cars in there."
I have a double garage, but man... I'd be done scraped UP some bodywork trying to fit both Lucy the Lexus and Pam the Protege up in there. That parking situation better be perfect and it better be RIGHT. And I don't see that happening. Nerp!
But come springtime, I'm cleaning out the garage.
Right now, the most I'm going to do is sweep that sucker out. I need to cut down some trees because if I have to sweep leaves out the garage one more time, I'ma scream. Ugh.
Okay, we're suppose to be talking about the car. I like it. It rides so smooth that I can't tell it's on. Although, it's not as roomy as the Mazda. I find that... odd. But that's cool. That sucker is paid for.
"Lee, why you didn't get a brand new car?" you holler.
That was never the intent. What do I look like having a $500 dollar car note... when I only drive 5000 miles a year?
And if you know me, I'm one of the most nonmaterialistic chickens you will ever meet.
Add to that that a lot of people do things to impress people. I don't.
Now if I drove a lot, then new car it is. But that isn't the case.
My dream car has always been the 1999-2000 Lexus. I bought my dream car. With no car note.
And that's the way I wanted it to be.
*big swooping cartwheels*
That's all I have for today. And check it out, I'm posting everyday this week. Why?
I'm going to make it a STORY WEEK!
I'm going to put up some character sketches I've been fiddling with for the past few months. If you read my manuscript Watch, then you will understand it more. It is related to that book, and it's helping to shape part II of that story... Still Watching.
So I'll put up character sketches of three of those characters. All of them will be incorporated back into part I, but more prominent in Part II.
Even if you haven't read Watch, I think you will find something entertaining about them. I found them entertaining people. And they had me... pontificating about life.
They will have you in such a way also.
To keep you alert, let's sweeten this up a bit. Whoever comments during story week will be entered into a drawing for LadyLee's world famous cookies...
You like that, Honey Chile?
I thought you would.
Enjoy your Presidents' Day.
And stay tuned for... ((((Story Week))))).
You had me at "Still Watching"
ReplyDeleteThen I saw cookies!!
You forgot to mention that when I come to ATL, we going down to the rim shop and getting you some 26's and a paint job w/ "Oldgirl" in the flip flop paint! LOLLLLL
ReplyDelete@Adrienne... no cookies for my Mama. That is all.
***dropkicking chicken across the barnyard***
Like I told you last week... I am in my 40s, not my 20s. That is all.
Gurl, those cookies look delicious. I will be commenting for the prize. (PS, I live in Atlanta, you can save on postage if I win) LOL
ReplyDeleteThe only phrase sweeter than "no car note" is "LadyLee's world famous cookies".
ReplyDelete@chele - I cosign that comment! Yes, ma'am!
ReplyDeleteNo car note!!!! WOOOO WHOOO that is pure AWESOMENESS....
ReplyDeleteagainst my better judgement I shared my cookies( thanks again) with my men children and I only have 4 left.....I at TWO yesterday one two!!!!! Soooo when I get my hands on another batch.....I WILL NOT BE SHARING....
I'm gonna wash my tin out and mail it hoping it increases my chances....
dee in san diego
@fromnytoga... Postage is cheap in Georgia. It is a BEAST going everywhere else. You know it's a trip when i have it is a line item in my budget. Almost like a bill! LOL.
ReplyDeleteHope you win! Comment everday for better chances at winning!
@Chele and singlema... Aren't you Oldgirls, like, running and training and all that? No cookies for you if you win. A big shiny apple instead. LOL
@Dee in San Diego... Man I tell you! It is such a joy text messaging with you! You make my day:)
You only suppose to give the babies one cookie a piece. You suppose to charge them for cookies after that.
Man... do NOT mail that tin back to me. I buy those at the thrift store. Throw it away!!! I have a good stock of them right now!
Story Week AND Cookies!?!?!? It will be heaven indeed! And the wonderful way you write, I'm truly not sure which will be tastier.. :)
ReplyDeleteAww Lawd! It's the Dr. Lee's cookies! *wipes drool off my chin*
ReplyDeleteLucy is nice AND no car payment, wonderful.
ReplyDeleteWe're gonna be doing some virtual fighting in here for those cookies! :)
No car note is the best type of car to have and it's your dream car to boot!