Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Night Freestyles After Dark... The Disinfectant Edition

Happy Friday!

Whatever that means. Once again, my days are melding together. Friday is Friday, and nothing much I am looking forward to for the weekend.

Ya'll... they out in the streets trying to do some Jim Jones-Guyana mess to us.

I just wish someone in the press corps jump up during these silly press conferences and holler "KNOCK IT OFF! WE TRYNA LIVE, AND YOU STANDING UP HERE TALKING ABOUT INJECTING OURSELVES WITH DISINFECTANT!"

What the hell, man.

Everybody sitting up here all stressed out, couped up in the house, yearning for answers, and here he comes DAILY with a bunch of bull....

Ain't nobody got time for that!!!

And I try to give him the benefit of the doubt. This is someone who is uber-wealthy, and probably hasn't had to push a cart down the aisle of a K-mart or Wal-mart, trying to get some bleach because he gotta clean his house. He may not know that you can't inject yourself with disinfectant.

And I heard today that he was talking about he was being sarcastic.

No you weren't, Sir. Ain't nobody got time for no danggone sarcasm. CUT IT OUT and be a leader!

I stopped watching the press conferences. After a couple of weeks, I figured out that they were bootleg political rallies. I cannot. I cannot deal with that. I cannot. I like hearing from the scientists. I just look up the highlights later on YouTube.

And on the other hand... what would happen if Obama stood up during a pandemic and said some dumb crap like that?

These YTpipo's heads would pop off. Hell, the black folk would've dragged him.

It would never happen, because Obama would listen to the professionals... and would not get up and embarrass his country like that.

Listen... the only Lysol I wanna see is the one in the store that I can buy (if it is available) to disinfect the air and surfaces. And that is real hard to find right now.

I wouldn't mind seeing this too:

Really, tho. That's it right there. That'll take all this Covid out the air. ALL of it.

I am a scientist. I know what happens if you inject yourself with disinfectant. Someone needs to give my president a high school level biochemistry primer. And a news conference should not be a brainstorming session. You're supposed to brainstorm before the meetings and not run out saying dumb stuff.

Rant over.

I hope this has been a great week for you. It has been okay for me. This teleworking thing is O_o.  I really need a laboratory. It would be perfect if I could set up a lab in my garage. Really.  But for now, I must figure out the telework thing.

It didn't help that our supervisor (who I have seen NO emails from in over a week), sent some long email today talking about how he's been having a good time playing basketball and soccer and spending time with his family. And he also said basically about how nobody better be coming up into the lab and contaminating the lab, cuz we don't know if you sick or not, and how folks got pre-existing conditions and they got families and you don't want to be infecting them...

blah blah blah blah...blah blah blah blah BLAH!!!


Man... I just closed my computer and went and sat down and watched the View.

And on top of that, we got a free hour off today for administrators day.  Mind you, I'm not an administrator person. I am a scientist. However, since he said that in his email...

I REALLY turned the computer off and went and sat down somewhere. 

And besides, it is Friday. I tend to do a little work on the weekends (which needs to stop). I just sat down somewhere.

Quote of the Week. I was listening to something on Facebook watch, and you know how it rolls over to the next video. Well some lady was preaching down. And she said something interesting.

Fear is the belief in negative possibilities.

Oh my. Such a short statement, but chocked full of truth. I won't discuss it, because this post will be 100 pages long . No ma'am. I think I we should just let it marinate. I have been journalling during these corona times. I think I will use it as a journalling topic. So I may revisit it later in a blog post.

Song of the Week. When I post a song of the week, it is usually something I have been listening to all week. Nothing much has struck my fancy this week. Earlier this week, I was highly interested in "That Girl" by Stevie Wonder.

It is part of the soundtrack to a story I am writing. So it helps me in my writing process. And that's a good thing!

That's it for my freestyle ramblings. Ya'll have a good weekend. Georgia is wide open for black folk activities this weekend.

I will NOT be participating. Nope!! I even had a medical appointment on Monday. It is something routine. I pushed my appointment to June. I gotta see all this play out, you see.

So ya'll be safe out there. Wear your masks, and wash your hands, stay MANY feet apart...

And remember... use your chlorox products ONLY as directed on the label. Don't be fooled by silly ish.

Be aware!! Do not drink your disinfectant! Do not pop disinfectant pills! Do not inhale disinfectant from an inhaler. Be aware!

On purpose. 

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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!