And I hate to admit... I am not the biggest gung-ho fan of the holidays, either.
But I did take a few pics... Not as many as I usually do, but just a few.
I actually bought fresh flowers for the coffee table... Just the bit of the diva in me coming out, babes!
I love Alstroemeria... They come in such a huge array of colors and they are dirt cheap!
My cat Oscar-Tyrone was terribly shocked that I was actually at home all day for a few days.
He had a perplexed look on his face most of the time. I thought he was going to say, "Um, LadyLee, shouldn't you be at work right now?"
He likes to watch TV alot these days (what IS up with THAT!), so that kind of made him feel better about my being home.
That is, until, I would interrupt him with a kick ever so often...

He'll be alright.
I also made my gumbo.
Took me doggone 6 hours to make that ish. Took me a good hour to clean up my kitchen and restore it to order. Took 2 days to get the gumbo smell out of my house. I made enough to freeze. Let's just say I should be straight until the fourth of July (if I can keep folks from coming over, looking in my deep freezer, and screaming "Ooooh LadyLee, lemme have a quart!!").
(Gotta put a lock on that freezer!)
I made the Infamous Hen-Dog his own special pot, since he don't eat the swine! He likes beef sausage (uggh!). Me, I gotta have plenty pork sausage in my gumbo. He better be careful that I don't trick him (Nah, I'd never do that, LOL!)
Anyway, I took a couple of quarts over to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner. We placed it in one of those old, OLD serving bowls that Grandma bought back in the 1960's, long before I was even born. Funny how she breaks out the old serving dishes every holiday...
The fam destroyed the gumbo... I shoulda brought over more of it!
The turkey was the bomb!!
As you can see, we don't fool around with decorating the turkey, or doing all that fancy ish. Throw that sucka on a platter so we can go head on and eat.
Grandma makes the best giblet gravy in the world. I almost asked her for the recipe, Chele, but um, Grandma is even more bootleg than myself, and I didn't want to confuse you, hon!
As always, I was happy to see my uncles.
And I met my new cousin, my Uncle Tweet's first grandson, Richard.
Now, peeps want to call him Lil' Richard... but um, forget that.
It is too weird to see that my Uncle Tweet has grandkids now. I still think of my uncles and auntie as being in their 30s, even though I am in my thirties... I was always remember them from when we were all MUCH younger!
And guess who else I saw...
My brother, Milk and Cookies!!!
Now I haven't seen the boy in over a month... He is stationed an hour away, but can't seem to find his way home. (He has a new girlfriend... I wonder if that has anything to do with it?)
He also has a new set of rims on his car. I found them interesting.
I was a bit perturbed by that. I thought he could do something better with his money! But you know how we all were when we were that age. ~sigh~
He was especially upset that I am riding around in my Zoom-Zoom, sans the front passenger side hub-cap.
As far as I'm concerned, if I don't need a hubcap for the car to roll, then screw it. As long as my car gets me from point A to point B...
It's all good.
This makes me feel as if I'm getting old. Oh how I yearn for the days when I was young, and had dreams of having a "tricked-out" car!
(Yeah right!)
I'm looking for a set of hubcaps right now... Haven't seen any that I like. All I know, like I told Milk and Cookies, I ain't spending thousands of dollars for no doggone rims, and that's that!
So that's it for me. The Holidays are normally a difficult time for me, some years good, some years disastrous. It's a time that I have to be on guard against being caught up in family drama with my Mama, etc... And I don't like that. I like to be at ease and I like to be myself.
But like I said, I have good and bad years. I just hope to make it through without a scratch.
I hope and pray my 2006 holidays will go well... and I hope the same for you, too!
Geeze Ladyleee!
ReplyDeleteI went to Houston for the holiday and Beaumont. And do you know that NOT ONE of my aunts or uncles hooked me up with any Gumbo. NOT ONE.
They tried to rope me in, by claiming Gumbo was on the Christmas menu. One of my aunts went so far as to give me not 1, not 2, but 3 bottles of roux. (Did you know you could buy Roux in a bottle?) Tole me I should pratcice making my own Gumbo.
Geeze Ladyleee!
ReplyDeleteI went to Houston for the holiday and Beaumont. And do you know that NOT ONE of my aunts or uncles hooked me up with any Gumbo. NOT ONE.
They tried to rope me in, by claiming Gumbo was on the Christmas menu. One of my aunts went so far as to give me not 1, not 2, but 3 bottles of roux. (Did you know you could buy Roux in a bottle?) Told me I should pratcice making my own Gumbo.
Happy Holidays!
Hard to make it thru ain't it.
ReplyDeleteWe will tho.
The holidays can truly be rough miss LadyLee. Although you wouldn't have had a thought of that by looking at your awesome pics. I loved them all, and the togetherness of family can be truly an incredible and euphoric feeling. I have an upcoming post that addresses the highs and lows of this time of year. Nicely done post too luv..
ReplyDelete@Sherri aka
ReplyDeleteDang Celie! I know you were disappointed! You had your mouth set for that gumbo, didn't you? I know you were pissed!
I didn't eat any of mine, especially after spending 6 hours making it. I just threw it all in the freezer!
And they sell roux in a bottle? Are you SERIOUS? I had pics of my roux process but didn't post them. I hate that whole part of it, as sometimes I end up burning up the roux, and end up having to start over!! You gotta let me know who sells this roux in a bottle!
Ai'ight gal... they hooked you up with the roux... now go make it yourself!!! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, it's all good, man... I just can't deal with all this hoopla, etc. Seems as if we forgot the reason for the season or something. Same old madness every year, and that doesn't fair well with someone as nonmaterialistic as myself! I am having to learn to use this time as a time of reflection and a time to be thankful. And focusing in that direction...that is making me feel much better.
@Frank (Luke Cage)...
Yeah, the holidays are hit and miss with me. I'm like "Aww man, here we go again!" Everything is either quiet, or I end up getting caught up in some BS that I didn't purposefully cause. So right now, I am on alert status, which I HATE! Just want to chill and be me, you know? That's all...
Glad you like the pics, hon! They in no way can compare to your awesome artistry... Man, you make an Oldgirl want to go somewhere and paint and draw!!
And as always, looking forward to your post!
that gumbo looks SOOOO GOOOOD. i've already got one of your recipes down. you're gonna have to hook me up with that gumbo recipe too.
ReplyDeletewhen i was milk and cookie's age, i didn't want rims. maybe that's just a young dude thing, not a dudette thing.
you're gonna make it through the holidays shining like a christmas bulb, shining and beautiful! i think this time of year is hard for alot of us, so you're not alone.
You hooked up that gumbo, girl. I love Thanksgiving but I am not looking forward to Christmas. I'm ready for January to be here.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it about guys posing next to their rims? Definitely a young dude thing ... I have never cared about how my car looks as long as it runs.
I was real sitting here vibing on your background music.
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the hubcap thing. I can not see me buying rims for my beep beep (05' Chevy Cobalt) BUT if they are a gift I will rock them LOL.
Plus, shame on you for the food pix when it is 4 oclock and I have to work for another hour and a half.
Let me just say that your page made me want some gumbo LOL...darn it...
ReplyDelete@ATLien Nikki...
ReplyDeleteShorty, that gumbo recipe is long as hell, but I do have all the pictures of everything I did, so I may put the whole recipe up in december, I don't know. (The whole BOOTLEG version, of course... you know how I roll!)
No, as females, we didn't want no rims at that age... but I bet you can think back to something you wanted back then that you DEFINITELY don't want right now, hunh??
Like that brutha FITZ you was just cooing about over on your blog!!!!
***Nikki, don't talk... Just listen***
Just playing girl (but that ish WAS funny).
Yes, I WILL make it through the holidays shining like a Christmas bulb! I like that! I gotta use that!
@ that original OG Chele...
Man, i can't wait either. But I don't have kids, so I don't expect to spend more than 100 bucks total on ALL gifts. That's it! This means baking cookies for peeps, etc... I told my bro and sis a couple of years ago to give me a handmade gift (paint a rock or make me a card) because i'd appreciate that more... i told them, we gonna take it back to the old days when you got only fruit and candy for christmas...They looked at me like I was crazy.
Get on out there Chele, and fight them chickenheads off for those gifts! LOL!!
Now Chele, you may not have wanted rims at that age, but like I told ATLien Nikki above... you know it was some stuff that you wanted that right now you wouldn't want...
@Writer-writz, Honey-Libra, and Kris...
ReplyDeleteHa! Ya'll really vibing off of that gumbo, hunh? And just think, I didn't even eat any, just froze it all up, just in case I want some next year...
It had to be good because the fam crushed it...LOL!!
And like that background song? We have been trying to figure out who sings it! I've been googling the lyrics, etc... but haven't been able to figure it out. I've been getting emails about it, too.
If anyone knows who that is, let this Oldgirl know!
Hey Miss Ladylee, thanks for reading my blog! I came over and got caught up on yours, and girl you are funny! And such a great writer!
ReplyDeleteSo, you know I'm gonna try to make that stuffing. But I gotta substiute something for the chicken, 'cause I don't eat it.....I'll let you know what the vegetarian remix tastes like!!!!
You need to gon' head and post that gumbo recipie too!
You just keep amazing me with your talents... the gumbo looked tantalizing. We will get through the holidays, I promise.
@Sister Toldja...
ReplyDeleteGirl, I am so happy I found your blog through Hassan! You take FUNNY to a whole nother level! And you are LOOONGWINDED just like me! LOL! You are an INCREDIBLE story teller. You crack me up!
Glad you like what you saw at my spot! Thanks for stopping through!
OHHHHH the Kat makes a visit!!
I'm not worthy!
I'm not worthy!
Glad you like the gumbo pics. I have yet to try any of it, because I was so incensed about spending 6 hours babying it! UGGH!
See you soon!
Hmmm.... I'll pulling out the digital camera now. Going to send you a pic of the Roux in a Bottle.
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