What's up with Lind.sey Lo.han and her whole crew (Brit.ne.y Sp.ea.rs, Pa.ri.s Hil.ton.?)
I know I shouldn't really give a flip... and I really don't.
But it's just the principle of the matter that disturbs me.
Why is it that everytime I turn on the news, or one of these entertainment shows, that I gotta see one of the young "starlets" out drinking and driving and getting arrested? No, I don't knock the partying, because we all partied at that age. But the drinking and driving... the drugging...
What's up with that?
And if I'm not mistaken, the behavior is being... glamorized.
They have alllll the resources in the world to get whatever help they need for their problems. There are people out here who WISH they could afford to get rehab at one of the ritzy centers. And they are just wasting it all away.
Maybe it's just me. I am not as popular as Par.is Hil.ton, Bri.tney Spears, or Lind.sey Lo.han. I don't have the huge entourages that these chicks have. But you best believe that if I was out somewhere drunk as hell, I could call up one of my friends, and they will come get me and make sure I got home safe (especially LadyTee, without a doubt).
So you mean to tell me that these chicks don't have people around them who will do the same?
Humph. They need to check out who they have around them then...
With friends like that, you DEFINITELY don't need enemies.
You know when it's going to become a real problem? When one of these girls are out drunk driving and they kill a carload of people. THEN it will be a problem. Right now, everyone is patting them on the heads, going "woo, woo, woo!"
With that said, I'd like to give a shout out to Raven Simone. You don't get all the publicity that these confused chicks do, but that's alright. Thank you for not getting out here driving drunk and showing your ass out in the street. The only thing they say about you, Raven, is that you've gained some weight. Don't pay the haters any attention. That's better than you being out driving drunk, snorting coke, and acting a fool.
Now you KNOW if SHE was out acting like she'd lost her doggone mind...
It would all of a sudden be a problem.
I'm sure you have had your isshas, Raven, but thanks for not embarrasing us...
Really though...
Now she is saying it wasn't her....it was the black guy. LiLo better get to stepping. She carjacked the guy's car and now says he did the driving. Gurl done lost her mind.