It's tag time.
I don't like tags. I have a tendency to walk around with a Wal-mart receipt in my pocket, scribbling tag points on it for many, many days trying to come up with whatever number of points needed to get the job done.
But once I finish, it's alllll good. I learn much about myself. I throw the nonpersonal stuff up on the blog, and keep the personal to myself. I will do the same here.
Blog fam yells... dang, Ladylee!!!
LOL. Boy oh boy, you all really love that personal ish, don't you? I may or may not put something here.
Believe it or not, I had more than 8 things, so I could pick and choose. And, I should be able to do this tag in one post. We'll see.
But if you are smart, I am sure that you can read between the lines...
So check it out... here we go.
1. I want a doggone Lexus soooooo bad. Not even a new one, mind you. I don't like the new ones. But I want a 2000 Lexus ES300.
There's a problem. I can afford it, but I don't drive much. I am chauffered to and from work by the Infamous Hen-Dog. Plus, I like not having a car note. So I don't see the point... right now, that is.
Therefore... I chill. And ride shotgun with Hen.
2. I hate calling people by their gub'ment names. In other words, I am a nickname fiend. If you don't have a nickname, then I will make up one for you. Not a problem. Not sure where this started. It is a pleasant way in which I entertain myself.
3. My English is incredibly busted, i.e., I am ebononically inclined. Don't correct my english. How dare you even think about correcting my English?*LadyLee takes you by the hand and walks you over to the wall where the doctorate degree so lovingly hangs*
I made GREAT sport of messing with my ex-husband's family in this manner. I swear, they were the most trifling folk I've ever met, yet they sat around correcting each other's english. I would sit there and split verbs and everything else... just to mess with them. They wouldn't dare correct me, and I think they knew that they would look silly if they tried.
Don't get me wrong. I can bust out and speak very properly if need be. I can even kill the southern drawl/accent if I have to. Thing is... it takes a lot of concentration. And I talk real slow when I do that. Either that, or I am EXTREMELY quiet.
I'm not hating on speaking properly. Never would I do such a thing, as it is the right thing to do. I thought the debate about teaching ebonics in school was totally ridiculous. I think I am the way I am because of the people I hang around. I remember when I was 10 years old, my grandmother was in college and was taking English classes. We had the most fun sitting around conjugating verbs, etc... She cleaned her language waaaay up. I respect her for that.
I'm just being me, that's all...4. I would love to go back to school and get an MFA in creative writing. But I've pretty much had enough of school. It would creep me out to have to actually write for a grade. That is some craziness. I would probably flunk out from bad nerves. It takes me a moment to compose myself to write something for class as it is, and there's no grade for it. Things work a lot differently when I'm doing it just for the enjoyment of doing it.
5. In that same vain, I would love to go culinary school. But like I mentioned above, I just can't wrap my head around cooking for a grade. Now I would do these things on an audit basis. I just pay to go, and learn. But what use is that? Can you do that? Why drop 30,000 to 80,000 bucks to not get any credit. Hmm... I think I will just take my little writing class for now. How 'bout that?
6. I like to change lyrics to songs. I get ESPECIALLY giddy when I can throw "Oldgirl" into the lyrics and bust the English up a bit. I do this mostly when I am alone. No one really knows I do this, except for the Infamous Hen-Dog... He thinks it's funny, and tends to join right in.
Example: I have about 300 songs in heavy rotation on my laptop. One of my favorites is Teena Marie's "If I were a bell". Why? Because I can change the lyrics
"If I were a bell/Baby I would ring/Tell the whole world that you are my everthing."
"If I was a Oldgirl/Oldboy I would ring/Tell them Oldgirls that you is my everything."
Yes, this is stupid. And I am totally suprised that I am sharing this with you. But it is a personal quirk. Alas, another way I entertain myself while I'm out watering the garden or vacuuming the carpet! LOL!
7. I "drill write" like crazy. I like to write a bunch of stuff for no real reason, save for figuring out a character's personality. I didn't know that that was what I was doing until I heard an author at the Atlanta Writers Club mention it in his talk
"You better drill write, drill write, DRILL WRITE!!"
*Ladylee rearing back with a raised eyebrow and looking at him in pure horror. LadyLee knocks the **crickets aside** then furiously writes down the whole concept in her notebook*.
I have all kinds of stories laying around. And what's interesting is that I finish them. I won't do much with them, I like to dissect them. It helps me correct of some of my bad habits, problems, etc. I find two or three interesting things that I can snatch out and use elsewhere. Plus, I may or may not use them for class, etc... I even throw the short stuff up here on the blog from time to time. Most are too long to put on the blog, though. Ya'll would KILL me if I even thought about putting some 25 page ish on here!!! (That reminds me... there's another story week coming up in a few weeks.)
8. I am NOT a technology buff. I don't care for computers, internet, cellphones, none of that. I am STILL trying to figure out why I pay an extra 100 bucks a month for services that I got along just fine without some 10 years ago. When did it come to a point where anyone feels that they can't exist without their cellphone?
You wanna know how I got my first cellphone? No, I didn't go out and buy one. That would've meant that I was looking at the fact that everyone else had one, it's the trendy thing to have, and I just gotta have one. As a result, I refused to buy one.
No, it didn't go down like that. I got a call one day, back in 2001 I believe, from LadyTee. She had a cell phone and had been whining about how much I "needed" one. But I ignored her.
She called me up one day.
Land line phone rings.
"'Sup gal?" (my usual greeting).
"Lee, give me your social security number," LadyTee demanded.
"For what?"
"Shut up and give me your damn social security number."
"N**** shut up and give it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*LadyLee frowning at the pure harshness of her tone.*I gave her my social security number. Two days later, the FedEx man showed up with a cell phone. THAT'S how I got my cell phone.
The screens were green back then. I remember super shoe queen blogger Serenity23 and I yacking on IM one night and I told her that I still had a "green screen" cell phone, to which she responded with a "WHAT???" It was Serenity23 who taught me the fine art of text messaging, which bothered me for a while, but I do it if I have to.
I finally got a new cellphone a year ago when my "green screen" broke. Still, that does not answer the question... Since when is it that we became so dependent on technology???
Okay... I have offically fulfilled my tag obligations. Did you learn something about the Oldgirl. I have learned much about myself. And that's a good thing. But I am tagging others: Serenity23, Kayla, The DJ DIVA, Microphone Queen Sharon, Rosemarie, Rose, Sister Toldja, Luke Cage, Hassan... That's more than 8, and remember: it is optional...
*remembering the days I didn't have a car note* I want a new car so bad but the only thing stopping me from getting one is knowing my Malibu will be paid for next August.
ReplyDeleteI change lyrics to songs because I don't know the orginally lyrics.
If I leave my house without my cell phone best believe I'm turning around to get it. Plus I hardly know any numbers.
Green Screen?
Oldgirl for real.
I change the words favorite? "Bust a nut on cloud, shout out loud, You're the one for me!"
ReplyDeleteCracks me up every time!
I did my tag!
@ dat southern gurl...
ReplyDeleteNo car note is like heaven... goodness. I want to pay for the Lexus in full if possible!
And we need to get back to the days of the PAYPHONE!!!
@That Original Oldboy Hassan...
Yes. The green screen. Now that right there is some Original Oldgirl ish.... And I would still have it if it didn't zonk out on me. Really though.
@The DJ DIVA...
Leave it up to you to....
Anyway... Let me be the first to say "Congrats" on your nuptials this Sunday:), Mrs. Scribe!
thank you sister girl!!!!
ReplyDeleteI also like to sing in my hugo chavez voice...change the songs to a Spanish accented version.... :P