(Uh, that means Good Morning!)
Not exactly a great morning for me. Aunt Flo showed up unexpectantly yesterday. I am NOT a happy camper. It is 5:30 a.m., I have a headache, and I should be at home sleeping hard right about now.
. . .Or at least stuck off on the edge of town alone in a tent, like the women of biblical times were.
So fellas, stop reading for a second, or skip ahead, because I have a question for the females out here during these "special" times of the month.

They are, like, 9 bucks a box, which is highway robbery. I've seen some 2 dollar coupons in the Sunday papers. But my goodness. All I gotta say is technology is a MUTHA!! I hope whatever engineer in the lab came up with those get a PHAT raise or something!
I FULLY endorse those suckers.
It is the official pad of the House of LadyLee!
Okay fellas... you can read now.
My weekend. It was pretty uneventful. I have more trouble than usual sleeping on the weekends because I am so glad to be off from work, lol. But I did the usual: got up, washed clothes and cleaned up. I think I yacked on the phone real early Saturday morning with my BFF LadyTee for awhile, which is unusual, because that chick gets her beauty sleep.
Then I hung out with my financial group, the Triple F Possee, i.e., the Financial Freedom Fighters. I tell ya, I like those Oldgirls. They are making such financial breakthroughs... Man, I just want to touch the hem of their skirts, you know what I mean? Maybe some of it will rub off on me!
I like my finance group.
*Lee smiles hard like Celie*
Anyway, we had our outing for the year, and we chose to go grocery shopping together. I actually sat my tail down and came up with a loose list of what I needed, and even organized my coupons.

None of the other Financial freedom fighters had been there either, so this was interesting.
I noticed one thing: there was no music in the place. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I felt like I should be meditating or praying while I shopped. I whined terribly about this, as over at my White People's Kroger (the place I normally shop), they kick PLENTY of Luther and Jodeci REAL loud. The Green Eyed Bandit ignored my wails, told me to go ask the people about music.
I just left it alone... But I got some good deals there, and will be going back!
I learned that the Obi-Wan Kenobi of our group, Kat, LOVES honey crisp apples. I'd never heard of those. I made sure to follow up behind her and get one. Maybe they will make me as smart and wise as her!
I am happy to say that I saved 1.40 cents with my coupons, and only went over my 50 dollar budget by 3 dollars. Hooray for me!
So now, I have a better plan, and I've learned some good tips from the ladies that I can incorporate into my own shopping.
But besides that, the weekend was normal. I crocheted and watched football on Sunday. I fixed a big pot of turkey chili, a pan of cornbread, and some baked chicken. I have some cabbage and collard greens left over from last week. So I shouldn't have to cook at all week! That's the way I like it!
Happy Birthday Auntie Joyce! My Auntie Joyce turned 59 on Sunday. I mailed her a birthday card.
She called me, almost speechless. But she said one thing that took me aback:"Lisa, I always see these on your blog, but I didn't think I would ever get one."
She was so grateful for that card, and talked much about it. It was a Papyrus card. I wrote her a one page letter (the card was so pretty that I just didn't want to write in it). My aunt is a cat person, and this is the card I sent her.

She went into deep detail on the style/genre of painting it was. I saw many *crickets* while she talked about it, but I could hear the glee in her voice. She is a teacher at heart, and never hesitates to educate me on her craft, for which I am grateful.
My Auntie is an incredible artist, and I was taken aback by the card (bought it in July), because it looks like something she would draw. Here's an example of some of her work...
Yeah. That's what's hot. They look like photographs, don't they?
My Auntie is the best artist in the Solar System, hands down.
Happy Birthday, Auntie!!
Food for thought for the week. I heard two interesting things about "worry" yesterday:
Worry is meditation on what's going wrong in your life.
Worry is you saying that you don't trust God to hear you or do what He says He will do concerning you.
Hmmm. I often think about this. I think we all worry in some form or another. Why, look at all these people worrying over the economy and what not. This completely baffles me. Just imagine if we didn't have the news pumping this "fear" into us. Would we be so caught up?
But for me, escpecially in my 30's, I have asked myself one question: Am I going to worry about my situation or is this an opportunity for me to work my faith in God, who takes care of me, who knew me and my path when I was still in the womb?
Your scripture for the week: Luke 12:22-30 (Message Bible Translation)
Final word: He takes care of the birds of the air, and the lilies of the field...
You are a bit more important than any of that.
How much more He will take care of you?
Really though.
We all have long laundry lists of blessings and breakthroughs. I submit that that list won't stop growing, even in these times.
And the church said...
*LadyLee fans self with her Obama church fan*
(Don't YOU wish you had an Obama Church fan?)
Ya'll have a mighty fine week... on purpose.
My Sister called me to rave about those pads by Always. I stopped using the Always brand...felt like pampers...But I am going to try the new infinity on the next visit...LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd can I have a card for no other reason than, you are so talented and your cards are so lovely! Perhaps a small collection that I can send out to folks. I am a stationery addict. Will pay of course *smile*
I saw those pads the last time Aunt Flo showed her face. I was about to grab them until I saw the price. I can get the regular Always for $3. But I'll try them out next time.
ReplyDeleteLovely cards.
Great quotes on worry. Something had me worried this whole weekend and it's still on my mind this morning. I'll try to put it to the side and know God will work it out.
I'm feelin' you on self-serve markets (Aldi and Fresh & Easy). We need to work that dollar. Holla!
ReplyDeleteI am a fan of the white people Kroger also, but you must step up your game there with coupons for double and occasionally triple. Sometimes they take other store coupons as well. Stop by my place as I posted yesterday and today about this specifically.
I have made two pots of Turkey chili recently and that stuff goes quick around here. Our toppings are cheddar cheese, green onions, and sour cream. Yum!
"We all have long laundry lists of blessings and breakthroughs. I submit that that list won't stop growing, even in these times."
Preach it! I have even found that God is being creative on how I bless others. He never ceases to amaze me.
So, uh, what brand do you use, because Always is the thinnest out there. You ain't seen thin until you see that Infinity pad. I took one look at it, and was like "Yeah right!"
They're high as all get out, so borrow one!
I'm tripping on the "small collection". LOL!! You trying to put a sista to work, Babz!
I'll holler at you on email about this!
@That Southern Black Gal...
Girl, they cost 9 bucks! I was like "What the...?" I HAD to buy them, just out of curiosity. I swear, that MUST be what those female astronauts wear!
Glad you like the cards!
We gotta stop worrying! But I think it is only human nature. We gotta work our faith somehow, Gal!
At Aldi's, you can definitley work a dollar. And I used my coupons at the Krogers! I'll stop by and have a look at the coupon post!
I made my chili with turkey chili, some leftover andouilles sausage, stewed tomatoes, onions, and half a bag of the 15 bean mix. Talk about good! Never had it with the sour cream, though. I've heard of that, but that definitely ain't a southern thang.
Well, you've schooled me on enough things related to worry... I am thankful for that.
Have you heard the news about your fav writer yet???
@Carleen, that Botanical Chick...
ReplyDeleteCarleen, I knew Miss Celie had something up her sleeve, but she's all secretive! I couldn't get it out of her, despite my many many threats. LOL.
Good for her. She truly deserves that award:)
You're nuts Old Gal...and I had you ranked with one of those --don't say shigitty wrong in front of them or they'll correct you-- and give you a pompus..."you so dumb stare." Naw, You are definitely my kind of gal...smart...yet stupid off the chain funny... You're serious but you don't take yourself seriously.. Are we sisters?
ReplyDeleteLOL! Sanitary pads for $9.00 I will have to force myself on this one --I like 'um thin and I change OFTEN (TMI!) -- so I might try these suckas...gotta share with the young 'un to I might hide them--LOL!
P.S. --I'm still crocheting... and brought the expensive yarn -- can we say Christmas gifts... LOL!
@ The Cyncere Sister...
ReplyDeleteOh, come on Cyncere Sister. I ain't THAT stuck up!
But you did walk up on me 3 years ago at a journal writing meeting and say "You are a quiet scientist, just quiet, but I bet you have a good heart!" I didn't know you thought you had to watch your words in front of me! LOL!! Heck NO! (But I will look at you with the "dumb stare" and... ponder. You got that part right) I ain't as mean as peeps think I am... I do like to, uh, sit back and observe peeps!
Yeah, too much information about your Aunt Flo rituals... and those pads are too expensive to share with Baby Cyncere... Give her those doggone 1970's thick Kotex!! LOL!!
Glad you are still crocheting. Holla at me if I can be of any help to you!! You know I can if need be...
I'm loving that Obama church fan - i wonder how much I could get for it.
ReplyDeleteOhhh - you went grocery shopping?!?! I can't grocery shop with anyone but me - no one loves to grocery shop as much as I do. I can hit up three or four stores and get the best deals...and you have to stop for lunch in between. It's a must to go up and down each aisle to make sure you don't miss a deal...but I don't know why others despise going with me.
Anyway - honeycrisp apples are the ish my girl - for real - get up on them. I love putting them in my chicken salad!
so i had alot of little comment to make... then i saw the obama church fan *gasp* lol did you make it yourself. lol
ReplyDelete$9 for some pads?!!!! They better have wings, flowers, weaving..., lol, but you have piqued my interest. I'll have to check them out.......when I get a coupon.
ReplyDeleteYour cards are sooo pretty, I smell a side hustle!!!
Bwwahahaa at the church fan, loves it!!
Like your quotes, been worrying about the same thing for the last year....
ReplyDeletenine bucks? i better be able to take that sucka off, wash it, and put it back on later for nine bucks a box.
you will have to share your grocery shopping tips with me fa sho. i just dropped sixty bucks last night for the equivalent of a gallon of milk and some bread. DAMN..times getting HARD!
@ Master Chef Darius...
ReplyDeleteDude, I'd never heard of a "honey crisp" apple. I am a fuji chick.
I never go shopping with peeps, but this was a shopping/educational venture. I learned much! It is all about hunting down the deals and being prepared though.
You like my church fan!? Boy, if I could mass produce them, I would.
LOL!! Don't YOU wish you had an obama church fan?
LOL! Don't be jealous!
@Magnolia Peach...
PEACH! Where the heck you been, chile????
Girl, get them pads. If you have to go and walmart, open a box, and steal one...
(no, don't you do that).
I wish I could work a side hustle with the cards. Have to figure that one out!
You like my church fan? Don't you wish YOU had an Obama church fan?
You doing all this worrying, since last year. Guess what: you still here. It ain't done you in. That's a plus. Stop worrying, and start working towards the solution. That's what I will be doing.
@That ATLien Nikki...
Stop tripping!!
LOL @ washing out a pad... THE HORROR. But, you do realize they use to only have rags a hundred years ago. Whew goodness, glad I wasn't born around that time!!!
I'll see you tonight at that knitting circle. I'll hook you up, gal!!! I'll bring you some pads, a container of chili, and some cornbread...
I would bring you a church fan, but that will cost you $19.99!!
Please tell me why they are worth $9? The ones I get are Always and they cost 3 bucks and some change.
ReplyDelete@That Oldgirl Chele...
ReplyDeleteLet me repeat: these pads take it to a whole nother level, babes!!
A WHOLE nother level!
Beautiful card, Lee! Goodness..I would have been speechless, too. I haven't tried those pads by Always. I stock up on that stuff, so I haven't had to buy anything in ages. I'll keep them in mind, though.