How are you, you MAVERICK? I would give you an intannet fist bump, but ya'll think that's a terroristic signal or something stupid like that. It's a greeting of sorts, like a handshake, but we won't get all over into that.
Girlfriend, I tell you...
I've been watching the news, trying to catch a few glimpses of MY NEW PRESIDENT for the last few days.
But, it looks like all I'm seeing is a bunch of Republican Haters. I mean, some serious Haterade sipping jokers.
(Newsflash: He's your New President. Enough said. Get over it.)
Then, it trips me out that the Republicans are actually hating on one of their own, you of all people, Sarah Barracuda.
Or should I say what you really are:
You were even crying on election night. The peoples said you even wanted to say a few words at McCain's concession speech.
(Even I know that a vice president candidate doesn't give concession speeches. Where was your head at, Good Governor?)
They said "No", Sarah, because you were nothing more than a pawn anyway.
And now you are a SCAPEGOAT.The definition of scapegoat is evident above, but according to, it is a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
The term has biblical origins. It is the name of a goat let loose in the wilderness on Yom Kippur after the high priest symbolically laid the sins of the people on its head. (See Lev. 16:8,10,26)
That's what you are, Sarah Palin.
First you were a PAWN.
That didn't work out.
Now you are a SCAPEGOAT.
You have been blamed. They are dogging you out, saying that you didn't even know that Africa was a continent.
(I hope they were lying about that. If so, you need to look into a news camera and scream "They lying! They some haters!")
Then they tripping out on how you spent up cash on clothes for you and your fam, when they told you to buy only 3 dress suits. You spent 13,000 on makeup. They said you spent 40,000 bucks on your hubby Todd alone.
(I hope they were lying about that, too. If so, you need to take a verbal bat to somebody's head. Really though).
They are saying so much stuff about you, you scapegoat. They are even sending someone up to your place in Alaska to look through your stuff to see what clothes you kept.
(I hope you didn't take any of those expensive clothes with you. If so, you better hide that stuff out in the woods. I would hide it in the place where you stand in the backyard and stare out at Russia.)
I, for one, think it is horrible the way they are treating you. But you were a pawn that didn't work out. And instead of finding and correcting the reasons they lost, they are blaming you. The Republicans need a message, a consistent message. And they didn't and don't have one.
That whole "MAVERICK" thing didn't work. So, they did the easy thing...
Blamed it all on the Scapegoat (YOU), and sent your tail back to the wilderness (ALASKA).
I myself have been a pawn, a token. And I have also been scapegoated. It hurts, it really does. I guess that is why it is bothering me when I watch the news and see them drag you through the mud. It ain't right. I hope you step up and defend yourself.
But you will get over it, and go on with your life. You will go on to do great things.
If I were you, Sarah Scapegoat, I would go back to Alaska, continue doing a good job as you have been doing (your approval is 85%, which is unheard of). The one advantage here is that you are much loved and well liked back in Alaska, and now you are a household name.
You should stomp back HARD on these repubs, your own politcal party with that
PALIN 2012
That's gonna be a PHAT bumper sticker. Really though.
You'll most likely be running against the governor of LA... Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, the first U.S. governor of Indian descent.
You know, your party should be over the whole skin color and terrorist/muslim crap by then. They might be over tripping out over people's names. Maybe they will be interested in issues rather than who they think people hang out with by then, too. His name is being thrown around right now, and it looks like he might be being prepped to run. (And I bet he knows basic world geography, so you better figure it out yourself, Sarah).
You've gained valuable experience in that Good Ol' Boy network. Better remember and come up with a game plan.
And remember, write down the names even, of the people orchestrating the scapegoating of you.
And make sure you have them nowhere near you in 2012.
Ya heard me?
I thought you did.
Have a good day... and send me a recipe for caribou stew, please.
I'ma try to work that out with some beef stew chunks or something...
Much obliged!
LadyLee...That Original Oldgirl.
You know you are gonna have to go hang out with her and eat REAL Caribou in that stew!
ReplyDeleteI feel ya on this one Doc! Shame that they (Repubs) couldn't see that we (people with sense) knew it was a marketing ploy and nothing more.
You know - you are HILARIOUS!
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ "How are you, you Maverick!"
If Palin runs for President in 2012, at least she has name recognition going for her... but, at this point, that may not work in her favor
ReplyDeletePresident Elect Obama is going to live up to my expectations and he will be running again in 2012. Gov Scapegoat should wait until 2016. ;-)
Seriously, they should never have put her on the ticket and they know this. It was a move of deperation. It would have been brillant if it worked, but it didn't so it was just stupid. Sometimes you have to go for broke..
She was doing what they brought her in to do and she does it well. I feel for her a bit. Just a bit though.
Kudos for seeing the weak being ostracized and bringing attention to it.
ReplyDeleteObama is in, and I doubt he's going anywhere in 2012.
Hey Old girl,
ReplyDeleteOld girl #2 rearing her head here (How ya doin' chica?) First let me say that I have been OBSESSED with this election. I told old boy that if McCain and Palin won, we would seriously consider returning to his "fatherland". I am a minority here in the nice red state of LA. I had me some nice conversations with folks who seemed level-headed, but the racism prevented them from accepting the truth about dear Sarah. However, I have to disagree with you about the scapegoat thang. Being a minority woman and working in the same field as you, I know where your coming from when it concerns white men telling you things that aren't true concerning your intellect. However, this relationship that Sarah has with the GOP is co-dependent. They need to bash each other to remain relevant. Without it, no press AT ALL. We're all focusing on "The One" now. And let me tell you, he's too damned smart to be playing into the traps that they're setting for him. Damn his team is so SMART! They took down the Clintons AND Rove in one election. It blows me away. Don't be cryin for Sarah. She's the type that likes the camera, so she won't go away. Hell, she says she knows Africa was a continent, which I would like to believe is true, but damn old girl, she believed that she was talking to Nicholas Sarkozy for almost seven minutes. Also, don't shed any damned tears for her. For everything we went through at that horrid place that treated us like shit just because they could, they would probably have passed the Governor just because she had a nice ass, and she would have taken it and rubbed our damned noses in it. Let them destroy each other into oblivion, while we on the other side try to work together to set the country on a better course.
Peace out gal! I just turned 39!
Wow! We're getting old!!!
Send me an e-mail sometime!
Well, I'm in New Orleans. Jindal got in because he went up to Northern Louisiana with his "posse" to woo the votes up there.He had to get their votes to get in and he did. When he ran against Blanco, he lost because "some folks" would rather have a white female than a man of color in office (in Louisiana) any day. Only AFTER he proved himself during the Katrina stent did they even start to look at him.