Did you vote today?
If not, you better get on it doggone it!!!
I voted today. Stood in line for a couple of hours. Read an interesting story during that time entitled "The Lizard Man". Creeped me out a bit.
Neighbors were tripping. Looked like my whole street was up in there, screaming out my gub'ment name. HUMPH! Wanted to yell shut up! I don't want people knowing who I am! Geez!
There was some poll worker that kept coming out hollering at us, yelling "If you see any elderly, let 'em through. Ain't right for them to have ta stand out here and wait!!"
We were like "What the...?" I craned my neck, look all around (as did everybody else). I think we were all expecting to see some joker giving an Old Gal with a walker a hard time. Nothing like that was going on, though.
We all decided that she just wanted to hear herself talk. So we let her ramble on.
But it was an uneventful time. My feet hurt from standing so long. I may have to ditch my treadmill walk tonight.
There are alll kinds of election parties going on. The accounting firm that does my taxes sent out some party email about all the catfish you can eat and 3 dollar daquiris. I was on my coworker, trying to get her to call them folks to see if that catfish was FREE. If so, me and LadyTee and a whole GANG of folk were going to run all up in it!! LOL!!
Of course it was not.
But, I will go home. No parties for me. I'm not even hitting up the crochet/knitting circle ol' ATLien Nikki turned me on to.
I have to work tomorrow.
I will not watch the news.
Things I have to do tonight. Let's see:
Clean up the kitchen. Straighten up my bedroom. Get my clothes and lunch ready for tomorrow. Crochet about 30 squares for LBeezy's blanket (Square count 128, gal!). Do about 1.75-2.0 miles on the treadmill since it is too late and dark to fool around on the track near my house. Take my meds. Feed and water the kitties. Get together the materials to make my Aunt's birthday card.
Probably won't eat dinner... eat an apple or something.
Hmm... life goes on.
But there will be a new president tomorrow.
Don't know who...
I'm neither here nor there with the elections and who wins. I wish SO much that I knew how it felt to be "fired up". I just finished reading The Secret Life of Bees, a novel sat back in the 60s, where one of the black characters had spent MUCH time practicing to sign her name. (You had to sign it perfectly to qualify to vote). When she finally got registered, she was so happy, cheesing down, yelling (paraphrasing here)...
"I'm gonna cast my vote for Lyndon B. Johnson!"
I LOVED that scene. The author really portrayed that woman's glee well.
Boy, I wish I felt like that. But I am weary. I am sick of TV ads, so many that I have them memorized. It's waaaaay too much going on. And when they try to use fear to sway people... wow. You know how I feel about that. Goodness.
I just want it to be over.
But, you just make sure to get out there and cast your VOTE...
Yes Yes YES! I voted!
ReplyDeleteAnd I made calls for the Obama campaign in Florida.
I am feeling so damn GOOD!
I can feel it coming in the air tonight...hold on!
Yup - I voted!
ReplyDeleteShole DID!!!