And I ain't talking about Spades. (Still trying to learn that. And is the devil. Just want ya'll to know that).
I like playing REAL cards. I like playing poker.
I've played Carribean Stud in the past at Casinos, and I usually break even.
Not enough for me to go professional or to be a card carryin' member of Gambler's Anonymous, you see.
But while on vacation, there was Texas Hold 'Em games held out near the pool in the Activity Center.
And on the day before we left to come back to flooded out Atlanta, an Oldgirl decided to take a little field trip out to the pool and catch a little action.
It turned out that there was a 20 dollar buy-in...
I could do that. Heck, I'd only spent 30 dollars in tips while there for 4 days. I could spare 20 bucks.
I took a seat at the table and ordered a margarita.
There were trash talking white dudes there. And a couple of European gals, too. One of them threw 20 euros into the pot. (That was interesting. I'd never seen Euros before).
There were 8 people in all... A bit too many, but heck, it was all in fun...
That fella sitting directly across from me... he was talking his ass off. Analyzing everybody and every move. Bragged about playing in tournaments. Yada, yada, yada...
They were all very interesting people. I didn't have much to say. Just listened... and watched, mostly.
I was mesmerized by this tatted fella. I know it had to be painful getting those tats all on his arm.
I wondered what kind of job he had, where he can be tatted up like that. I wanted to ask, but folks who know me know how I am around people I don't know.
I was eerily quiet. Playing and snapping pictures of the action.
(I know they were wondering why the heck I was taking pictures, lol. No one asked.)
Oldgirl had a few chips...
That was my short stack... about an hour into the game.
The chatty fella across from me was hollerin' "Don't count her out! She has a short stack, but she could come back!"
Folks weren't listening.
An Oldgirl stayed in the game while others were being picked off.
An Oldgirl hustled a few more chips...
I kept on playing. 2 hours in, I ordered up a strawberry daquiri with a shot of tequila on the side.
Tapped my feet to an INSANE 15 minute version of Diana Ross' Love Hangover. (I really LIKE that song.)
An Oldgirl knows how to stack chips...
Yep... That Oldgirl knows a little something about chips.
It got down to me and the tatted fella. They were whining about how he and I should split the money.
"N'awl,man... let's keep going, heads up," I said.
By that time, close to 3 hours in, Def Leppard was blaring over the loud speaker. It was really irking me and it was time to push dude. I was ready to go curl up on a lounge chair down at the beach with my book.
Final hand: Tatted dude had a Jack and a King... I had a Queen and a Jack.
LadyLee got them Euros!
LadyLee got ALL the bread!
That's how you do that there. Really.
I had a good time.
Should've been playing the first day I got there, lol...
That is how you do it!
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm really sleeping on poker. I thought jack and king beat queen and king.
ReplyDeleteGet your hustle on, Oldgirl!
I love talking to strangers when I there's liquor in my system. I would have known what kind of job tatted up dude had, how many tats he had, what are the meaning of the tats, etc.... LOL my bad, I had a queen-king. He had a Jack-Queen. I wrote it wrong (was half asleep,lol). Will go back and correct later...
ReplyDeleteLOL.... Ok. That shows how much I know. ;-)
ReplyDeleteWhat I DO know is math. Looks like you received a nice return on your initial investment;-) And copped some Euros(still worth more than teh dollar) for your next trip abroad. Yeah!
DAAAAAAAANG!!! You ain't no joke oldgirl.
ReplyDeleteWhy come all this time I thought you didn't drink? Or is it just wine that you don't drink?
@Chele... No, I don't drink. Just like I don't gamble.
Haven't had a drop of liquor since I've been back.
But honey... when it's allll inclusive, including the liqour? When they're just walking around the beach and the pool, asking "Ma'am, you want to order a drink?" and they are running to get that ish?
THAT'S when I drink... and they made all of it VERY strong. Not sure what was up with that. I was still walking straight, and not slurring my words, etc., lol. I was never drunk or even had a buzz for that matter. I was a bit concerned with the pool + swim up bar action... That don't sound too great, but people loved it, lol.
It's that hidden lush I got stashed and buried in the backyard with my good Book of Cuss, I suppose.
But normally, I don't drink. My sister has a bottle of Bahama Mama and Peachitini in the fridge, and I haven't had the desire to hit none of that cheap mess, lol... And I won't be having anything else until we hit up the Dominican Republican for my birthday.
Dang! Let me know when you want to take a casino trip...I'll hold your bags...and bring you liquor...for a small fee :)
ReplyDeletePlaying cards is fun, but it's better when you can win money at it.
ReplyDeleteYou cleaned up! Maybe I should learn poker.
ReplyDeleteWhy is the "DEVIL"?
ReplyDeleteI own the thing and it aint so bad, lol. BTW I have a Texas Holdem game I'm sure you'll love.