The Obi Wan-Kenobi, the Guru of my book club, Kat, has blessed us with a little something inspirational for my blog... Kat's on program, and the sista is deep. Just a little something for the beginning of the week to ponder...
~Fade to black... slow harp music~

"Can I borrow your brains?"
This had to be the strangest question I have ever been asked. I guess the look on my face said so. The inquirer went on to clarify.
“I know you know this and I just need to borrow your brains for a minute to help me figure this out.”
Right then, in a moment of clear lucidity, I realized for the very first time in my life, that I have access to all of the knowledge, talent, skills, information that I need.
Before anyone thinks that I am starting to really lose it, let me explain.
God has gifted each of us uniquely.
I have long known that men and women’s brains are wired differently (and yes there are some with crossed wiring, some with loose wiring and some with no wiring at all). In any case, I don’t have to worry about what I don’t have or don’t know how to do…
I just need to learn how to “borrow brains”.
Some of the smartest women in the world surround me. When faced with an issue that requires additional resources, I can simply look around to those that God has knowingly placed in my life and...
...Borrow their brains.
I've never heard that expression before, but it makes perfect sense to me. It's a blessing to be surrounded by wome whose opinions, intellect and wisdom you'd not only trust but could depend on.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I've never heard that expression before either. I think I would've been looking at whoever said that like they were crazy or something.
ReplyDeleteBut it reminds me of something my grandmother told me when I was child: to make sure I pray about who God brings through my life, to pray about friendships and influences, because the people who you are around will have some type of influence on you and ultimately affect affect your life.
I too consider it a blessing to be surrounded by women who can bring their life experiences to the table and be a blessing...
Thanks, Kat for reminding me to be mindful of that.
What if you're surrounded by idiots?
I'm just kidding ... sort of.
I guess the point is, everyone knows something about something. That way, I don't have to know everything.
...if u are surrounded by idiots, run like $%#$. It is actually a good thing to know that there are some brains you don't want to borrow under any circumstances. If you did borrow them, it would leave them with nothing.
ReplyDeleteInteresting thoughts. I follow you about using the intellect around you.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a smart thing to do.