"When we party? We Party Hardy!!!!!!"
LadyLee yells out over the crowd.
"Turn down the music!!"
DJ Diva keeps spinning on the wheels of steel, oblivious to LadyLee's request.
"YO DJ! Turn the music down for a second."
No one pays attention.
LadyLee pulls the plug for the DJ booth out of the wall.
"Why you do that, LadyLee!???" the crowd groans.
"Because it's time to eat!!!!"
*Party people RUSH the kitchen*
What's a party without food, man!!!
And we got it all here. You know I had to fire up the grill:

And you KNOW there's always someone hollerin' about they don't eat pork. GEEZ!! So for them, I grilled up some shrimp and crab!
I cooked up some gumbo...
And for you REAL country folk: My grandma brought over some chittlins!
The salmon and biscuits are almost ready!
And for the super health counscious folks, we have all the stir-fry you can eat!
Grab a plate, and Party ON!!!
Oh, and don't forget to leave room for dessert.
Tiny, grab that ice cream out the freezer!
Party People, make sure you have a few of LadyLee's Oatmeal Raisin walnut cookies and Chocalate Chip Pecan cookies.
Tayari was suppose to bake her world famous Red Velvet cake, but she came straight here after getting off the Greyhound bus. The chick was late for her own party, as she was trying to run down the Brand New Heavies...
You forgot about the cake, you GROUPIE!!!
That's alright, 'cuz we got the double chocolate cake!!
Yeah, you know I got it covered...
"Ain't no party like a LadyLee party,
'Cuz a Ladylee party don't... STOP!!!!!!!!!!!"
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!