Let's just say, I'm taking a "Station Break" of sorts.
Yep, I will be off until Monday! Can you believe that?
Just thinking about it makes me all giddy, giddy, GIDDY!!!
And I always tell my boss, when I have time off (which is RARE), that she gonna have to catch me at a Wal-Mart or a stop sign if she even THINK about calling me, trying to catch up with me so I can come in to work.
So, with that said...
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Hope you get plenty of "Itis" from eating too much... but most of all:
I hope you remember to pause and think of all those things you are thankful for!
Alright, next week is a special week for Miss Celie...
a.k.a Racer X!

If you don't know who "Racer X" is by now, you haven't been reading my blog AT ALL... so you best run on over to her blog and get acquainted!
It's her birthday week, and she turns 37 on November 30th.
And let's just say, I got a couple of suprises for Miss Celie...
I know she has that scared perplexed look on her face right about now. I know she is thinking...
"Let me get my gun, and keep it close by, because that deranged stalker LadyLee got isshas."
Don't worry, gal ... I'll keep it kosher, and as always, on the bootleg PR tip...
I got a few suprises planned for next week... Let's just say that it's going to basically be "Celie week" over here in these parts.
Watch out, now!
Until then... have a Happy Thanksgiving:)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Lee!