A food for thought week? Can she pull it off?
I don't know. But I am busy this week, under a couple of deadlines. "Food for Thoughts" are simple, and I can actually get away from my longwinded-edness. And I can give you something out of the deep dark coffers of my personal journals.
But these will only probably only be a few thoughts and phrases... you know, ish on my mind.
I don't know...
Blog Fam cups hands around mouth and screams... "Shut up and kick it, Oldgirl!!"
(Yeah, let me cut the long winds. LOL).
I keep a small blue suede journal of phrases and sayings that I will most definitely use in currently written and future stories. (Imagine me saying, "Oh yeah, that's good right there, I'm going to do something with that.) I always keep an couple of index cards laying around so I can scribble these things down and transfer them later to my notebook...
Today I have a couple of lines I plan on inserting into a rewrite of my story Leaving Jersey. I have a character in there that everyone seems to love, Elba. She's an older white woman, and just looking at her, you would think she was just your average Grandma type. But she has seen and been through much in her 65 years... These sayings are just a couple of things that would come out of her mouth...
So with that said, here are two thoughts from there.

Sometimes you want to take a pumice stone to your heel, and rub a little baby oil across your toes... just so the glass slipper will fit just right.
Interesting... I'll let you fool around with the meaning of that one. I just happened to be watching an episode of Good Times one night and picked up on the last part of that phrase. (Yes, I find mess like that in the darndest places).
One more for you. . .
You think the love you make with him is going to be like something out of a fairytale, all wonderful and beautiful, lovely and free. . .But then. . .
When it's all over, said and done. . .
You realize that it was nothing more than two dogs screwing in the front yard.
Oh my!
Yeah, that was pretty, I don't know... GRAPHIC.
But don't hate. Think back (and hopefully you will have to think waaaaay back to MANY years ago... and not yesterday).
You know you've been in such situations. I know I have.
You know, I don't like fairytales. I think many of us women (and men) get caught up in some mess because our folks sat us down in front of a television and force fed our hearts and minds the wonderful Snow Wh.ite, Cinder.rell.a, and Sleep.ing Beau.ty fairy.tales.
As a result, we try to turn something that's not good for us into something out of a fairy tale.
And then we realize, after the abuse, hurt feelings, betrayal, and pain that we should'nt have ever allowed that relationship start up from the beginning. We shouldn't have ever allowed ourselves to get so emotionally attached to such a person and situation.
Why it gotta be like that, man?
My solution (if even for myself)...
Less fairytales...
More wisdom.
Really though.
I like these.
ReplyDeleteI am not a fairytale type person either. But I am a hopeless romantic and their is a difference. The second one was right on time for me.
Sometimes we get caught up in the fairytale dream when reality is playing a different version.