I have my favorites...
My Favorite female sanger, Miki Howard
My Favorite male sanger, Alexander O'Neal
My Favorite actress, Alfre Woodard
Favorite Actor, Jeffrey Wright
And you know I have my faaaavorite writers...
Brandon Massey, the Black Prince of Horror
I've met him a couple of times and have had email correspondence. He's very nice, very mannerable. I didn't expect this. I expected blood to be dripping from his mouth... I expected the brotha to jump up with an axe and kill everybody in the room, turn into a vampire or a ghost, or levitate the podium and hurl it across the room.
*LadyLee readying herself to make a MAD dash for the door just in case Brandon goes NUTS*
But he's done none of that so far. He's just an amazing writer who likes to write that type of craziness...
And you know? I also have a favorite writer of the female variety:
You know...
"Miss Celie" a.k.a. "RaCer X" a.k.a. "The Queen of Lurk City"
*LadyLee bows so hard that her lips kiss the ground*
Taya.ri Jones!!!
Tay.ari Jones!!!!! *LadyLee tosses rose petals in the air, then lays prostrate on the floor*
The One and Only... Ta.yari Jones!!
*LadyLee passes out on the hard concrete*
(Yes, it's not your imagination playing tricks on you. I do jock her pretty hard.)
Now why am I so excited? Because her birthday's on Friday!!!
And it's excuse for me to add to my cadre of "Tay.ari shrine" posts!
I went back and counted... There are 15 shrines all around the House of LadyLee blog.
That's almost boderline obsession. Almost. This week, we'll kick it up to 20. Now, THAT'S boderline obsession. LOL!!
Because after this week?
Tay.ari's gonna keep her gun cocked, and her security team nearby...
LOL!!! LOL!!
Nawl, I ain't obsessed. I'm just thankful, because this chick does a WHOLE lot to help an Oldgirl out.
And she don't have to do that, man! But I surely appreciate it!!
Now, I have several posts planned for her birthday week. However, there is a sudden National crises in the lab, and for some reason, I feel like these fools management gonna jerk me into it. I mean, they know I throw MAJOR temper tantrums when they bother me, but uh, what can I do?
*Lee diving and hiding under desk whenever management walks by*
Yeah... uh, let's just say, I plan on making myself VERY scarce and extremely difficult to find.
If they leave me be, I plan on having the following posts up this week:
1. "Pink" ... a poem dedicated to Tay.ari and her favorite color. She'll most definitely dry heave when she reads it. A hard eyeroll and the gas face will soon follow. That's okay, because I'm gonna post it anyway!!
2. "Convo with the Queen, Part III": We had a phone convo last week... As usual, this freaks me out, but I am a maverick. I got through it. *Lee pumping fist in air*
3. "Convo with the Queen, Part IV: The Curse of the Purse": She called out of the blue. (Twice in one week... WTH?) This again freaked me out something terrible, but I held my cool...
4. "Greyhou.nd Blues"... You know I had to write a short story. I need to work a little more on it, but what the hell... I'm posting it anyway, doggonit.
5. And finally, "THE GIFT". Now, I, the Original Oldgirl, am a real fan, a TRUE fan... THE ULTIMATE FAN. You about to see what type of gift the ultimate fan gives!! LOL!! (Anyone out there who reads my blog who knows about it or has seen it, you BETTER not mention it in the comment section. Kick me an email instead. Or if you work with me, I have it today, and I'm shipping it when I get off work... Come by and see it!)
And, uh, is it time for me to hand out another **Original Oldgirl** Platinum Plus Card? Will she recieve her Original Oldgirl status this week??
Will SHE be given the priviledge of calling herself an Original Oldgirl???
Stay tuned to find out...
I know this is all about your girl, but I had to say that I LOVE The "All True Man" Mr. Alexander O'Neal. If you EVER hear he is playing ANYWHERE, holla' at ya' girl! BTW, happy early birthday Ms. T.
ReplyDelete@Sister P...
ReplyDeleteYes, 'tis all about my girl...
but scratch that...
Quick Station break!!!
I am a big fan of Alex, and the All True Man CD is my favorite. If he EVER comes to town, I will most defintely go see him...
Okay, back to our regular programming... LOL!!
I too was happy to see Alexander O'Neal on your list. He's still around?
ReplyDelete@Carleen... He's been living in London for the past few years, I believe, but he's back (supposedly). He's suppose to come out with something next year.