Happy Halloween to you!
*ladylee throws glitter and skeletons*
No I am not THAT happy about Halloween. But I am just assuming that YOU are.
I am not going to halloween parties or anything like that. I haven't gone trick-or-treating since my early teens. I may hand out candy.
But to celebrate, I have some official 2013 LadyLee Halloween paraphanelia, gear, and songs.
So let's check it out:
Official Halloween Picture
That was on the wall at my sister Kentucky's favorite mexican eatery.
The place is gothic. Last time we were there together, they played Johnny Cash.
And you know me. I was wailing "They rockin' this Johnny Cash, but I sho' do wish they would put on some Earth Wind and Fire!"
My sister is a diva. I am not sure why she loves this place so much. But the food is good. And the workers are really nice.
And I think that picture is up all year long. Hmm.
Official Halloween Decorations
My coworker brings out the crazy halloween decorations and spreads them in the middle of the cubicle. There are skulls and tombstones along the window sill. The spider freaked me out the other day when I walked around the corner and saw it.
And that voodoo doll... O_o.
I always whisper to her cubicle mate Supersonic Sushi...
"I'm gonna place a bible verse or a passage of scripture here in your cubicle because your girl... your girl right here... she got some problems."
Sushi doesn't seem bothered about this. She just lowers her head and works harder.
Official Halloween Outfit and Gear
A member of management (we will call her Runner Cee) came skipping down the hall yesterday. She had on a very nice dress.
(oh my... is that blue fangernail polish??)
"Well," I said. "You're going to Happy Hour right after work, aren't you?"
She laughed. "No. This is my halloween dress."
I just looked at her. I thought she was going to pull out a witch's hat. Or smile and expose some vampire fangs.
But she didn't.
"I just wanted to wear something festive with halloween colors."
I turned to my own boss (We were standing in the door of my boss' office). "Runner Cee here is going to Happy Hour. Right after work."
She even donned the nice halloween wrist gear.
She even had nice shoes.
They were her special Halloween Shoes. *said in best Forrest Gump voice*
I noticed her watch.
This confused me. With such a fabulous Halloween outfit, she should've busted up with a Gucci watch or some expensive gold or silver watch.
No. She sported a garmin. Runner Cee is a real runner. She has to measure every step. She has to measure how fast she takes those steps.
And for that day, she wore it so she could RUN real fast...
...to Happy Hour right after work,
Ha Ha!
(Oh she is going to give me the hard side-eye after reading that).
All in fun, hon!
Thanks for posing for the pictures. :)
(Wonder what she will wear today.)
Official Halloween Song
This song is for cubicle mate Cowgirl Cre. I remember thinking "Hmm... this is a scary beat."
And I was intrigued by a special sound effect in the song. The cocking of a gun, followed by a gunshot.
Cowgirl Cre use to love this old rap song with repeated cocking guns and shots. It disturbed me something awful, but she liked it. So now, every time I hear that sound effected as a repeated part of a song, I think of her. (I know, it is odd, but it is what it is).
Anyway, that is the instrumental. The rap is too vulgar to post on my pristine blog. I don't want to hear the "bitch" and "hoe" a million times.
Only the gunshots. Thank you very much.
And Niki Minaj looks mad scary on that cover. This could be the opening tune to some odd hip hop scary movie indeed.
So that's my official Halloween blog post for today.
Be safe tonight.
Don't eat too much candy!!!
And have a good day... on purpose.