Can someone please explain to me what the heck is going on?
Can someone please enlighten me?
Can we all just get along?
I am SO doggone embarrassed by this!
It don't help that I have NEVER been a big fan of Jesse Jackson.
Reverend Jackson!! I'm more embarrassed by this than when I saw that picture of your MISTRESS walking down her driveway with your 2 year old love child!
*Lee hurling herself off the roof*
Is he drinking a big tall glass of haterade? Is he jealous? Is he mad about something?
What the. . .???
Man, I tell you, President Obama... Ain't NOTHING like finding out what people REALLY think of you, is it? I'm glad you accepted that apology. That was the right thing to do. That was real "presidential"of you!
But don't deal with that dude!!!! PLEASE!
WOW!! Someone help me understand this. Maybe I missed something. Help me to feel... better about this!
(Okay, we will go back to our regular Original Oldgirl programming.)
uh, jesse just a hater. for real.
ReplyDeletehe doesn't like the fact that obama has something he didn't have to galvanize the troops, across party and race lines to campaign for him.
jesse was never a genuine person to me and this just serves to prove the point to the folk who didn't have a clue. just look at jesse's actions over the last twenty years...only time you see him is when there's a photo op. he hasn't made SIGNIFICANT changes since...hell, since mlk was alive.
jesse is a fake and this is the most real he's ever been...just so happen to catch it on tv.
i am SOOOO GLAD...now folk don't even have to cater to him. he can be ignored and obama can move on to the REAL leaders for guidance.
Hey! Don't get your afropuffs in a twist! That is just hatemongering by the yellow journalists at Fox News! I heard his comment but I didn't yet see what he was upset about. But dang! A whispered comment about your outrage over something you disagree about IS NOT NATIONAL NEWS WORTHY!!!!
ReplyDeleteHater or not, this shouldn't even have been something that came up on the radar! That would be like you saying "I could KILL ______ for drinking the last of my damn juice!"
Not that I am trying to speak on his behalf or anything. I just think it is stupider that it got that kinda press than I think the comment was...
@ATLien Nikki...
ReplyDeleteI have never been fond of Jesse. He is one of our supposed few premier black leaders and he just seems to "po-mouth" like crazy. This right here bothered me pretty bad.
@2nd 68...
My afropuffs AND panties are in a twist. Come off it, man! Don't give Jesse a free pass.
And I think that's what REALLY got me all confused. Even I know not to go on FOX news. They are on some mission to trip Obama up. JESSE should know better. He don't get a free pass! He should've known they are sitting there waiting for SOMEBODY to trip up. Why do you think Obama's handlers won't allow him to go on the O'Reilly factor...
Yeah, we know it's just some media shenanigans. But I needs for Jesse, as the Old school leadership, to get behind Obama 100%, or go sit in the closet until after the election...
And who the heck was that dude that Jesse was whispering to? You know they always go get Jua.n Williams when they need a person of color? Who was that? I want to know what he says about this.
Yeah, we know everybody whisper under their breath. Heck, I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall at the Obama household. No telling what President Obama and First Lady Michelle are snapping about behind closed doors. But Jesse don't get a pass!!
Okay, 2nd 68... Boy, you got me about to burn up the chicken! Let me go back in the kitchen and finish dinner for you and the rest of the harem. LOL!!
Jesse is on that bullsh*t! He has been in the spotlight for 100 yrs (LOL) he should have known better then make a remark like that with a mic snapped on his clothes. I don't care if they told him the mic is on. You were on Faux News. They couldn't wait to air those comments.
ReplyDeleteI'm done with Jesse. How can he say that about the first possibly black president when young black men were castrated back in the day.
I think Obama hit a nerve with his Father's Day speech. Take care of your child Jesse!
Yep, Jesse's on the haterade big time! Must be hard to be forced out of the lime light though. I heard one of the writers from theroot.com on NPR yesterday say it was time to get the hook and drag Rev. off stage, like at the Apollo.
ReplyDeleteYeah...Jesse is definitely trippin!! [Ole' hatin' @ss self]
ReplyDeleteI'm just as confused as you are. I mean it seems to me like he said something stupid and Fox aired just enough of it to piss folks off.
ReplyDeleteSome Republican Bull crap To divide the Dems.
I'm not giving him a pass but I'm not putting much weight on it either.
i have never been a fan of jesse jackson. him and al sharpton talking about this and that but they are the biggest hypocrites i have ever saw. what he did just proves why i dont like the man!!!
ReplyDeleteim with you why in the hell cant we all just get along. anywho mami, i hope that you have a wonderful weekend
Yeap, the days of him speaking for black folks is over.