The current temperatue in the ATL is 44 degrees. That ain't bad. That's better than that 13 degree craziness back around January 8th and 9th. Man, I thought it was the end of the world.
So, 44 degrees is a GOOD thang.
My weekend. I had a very good weekend. I actually had dinner with one of my favoritie bloggers, Terry. He decided to hop out of his Los Angeles Cheap Seats and come alllll the way over to the ATL to see your friendly neighborhood Oldgirl.
Naw, he just happen to be in the ATL on bizness, and we hooked up. We had dinter at one of my favorite places, The Watershed. It was a bit difficult, since I'm not eating any meat, dairy or junk right now, but I am a MAVERICK, baby!! I didn't break down and get the grilled porkchop or the fried catfish that I LOVE so much. I had a veggie plate and a huge salad and some water. GO ME! I am a MAVERICK!
But I must tell you... Terry is a GREAT dude. Salt of the earth. He is good peoples, of the Celie variety! I tell you, he is a treasure chest of information. You DO NOT find that in people these days. Folks are shallow as HELL, and he is NOT one of them. It was great to be in his company, and the convo was amazing...
I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!!
*Lee falls prostrate on the hard concrete*
That has been one of the most important meetings of my year thus far. And I was happy for it.
So thanks, Terry, for hanging out. I know the man behind the Cheap Seats now! And yeah, you are all I thought you would be. I am blessed to have you in my corner:)
On Saturday, I attended another one of the Green Eyed Bandit's son's basketball games. They actually won the game. So, I am NOT a jinx. I had a good time, and I MAY attend one more!
And the Green Eyed Bandit didn't haul off and throw a shoe at the referee or anything. So it was a good day!
Sunday, I had a finance meeting with my Triple F (Financial Freedom Fighters) Posse. That was good. It always gets me motivated to handle my money right, and someone ALWAYS has a success story. ALWAYS.
I LOVE when people are doing good and meeting their goals. I really do!
Afterwards, me and my sister Kentucky went to the natural foods vegan store Sevenanda. That was a treat. There were a gazillion people up in there. It looked like Wal-mart on a Saturday afternoon.
I will have to write about this whole fasting thing... Uh, I have some stories to tell. LOL!!
Weird stuff. Keith has all kinds of widgets over on his blog. So I decided to entertain myself and play around with them.
Some of ya'll be complaining about how long winded I am. Hush up. I am terribly quiet in person, so all of what is stuck in my brain comes out on blog, lol.
But there was some site that calculates how long your blog posts are, or something like that. And here is the result.

Whatever!!! I don't agree with that! My posts aint THAT long.
Another one rates your blog:

My blog is NOT rated R. My blog is rated SMURFY.
One last one:

I really don't know WHAT they're talking about there. That makes it seem like I be cussin up a fire and burning down forests over in these parts.
I do NOT bring out my Book of Cuss to often. HUMPH.
Well, I decided to let it go after that. It was all messing with my smurfiness.
Really though.
And if if ain't smurfy, it ain't right.
Well, let me get back to the work. The boss, the Darth Sista, is messing with an Oldgirl.
We have foolishness going on already, messing up my Monday. EVERYBODY is gone to D.C. for training. Our work group Super Hero Hen Dog is gone. The Cowgirl Cre is gone. Lieutennant Meek-Meek is gone. UGH.
They are gone all week. I am lonely. I have no one to talk to. I might get some work done, lol.
I'm surprised Darth Sista didn't hit me with the HARD football tackle when I walked through the door.
She has this knack for calling me at the very moment I walk into the cubicle area. I mean, just as my butt is about to make contact with my seat. She must have a hidden camera in my cubicle.
"LadyLee, did you get a chance to look at that data? It is laying right there on your desk. Do you see it? Do you see it sitting there?"
"Hold on, Darth Sista! Gimme a chance to sit down and get my head right. I gotta smoke a cigarette and drank a little of this liquor here before I peruse this here data. Just give me a minute, man. You know how I am on Mondays."
*Darth sista hits LadyLee with the hard sigh*
"Whatever, LadyLee," she moans. Then hangs up on me.
Yeah... it's gonna be THAT kind of week.
Ya'll have a good week... on purpose!!
Yeah girl, your posts are long as hell. But you aren't R rated and you don't really cuss that much.
ReplyDeleteI like your long posts. I am glad that you had a great weekend, I was painting the entire weekend. I look lop-sided with one arm bigger than the other from using that darn
ReplyDeleteWell let me say this about that. ain't anything like I thought. You are far, far much more. Off the scale as a matter of fact. I really enjoyed that, I truly did. You're a beautiful and charming woman to say the least. Pretty damn smart I must say!
Ya all need to stop by the ATL and have dinner with Lee - most fun you can have with your clothes on!
And thank you for the kind words but really, I'm just a monkey with a typewriter.
@That Oldgirl Chele... You're a writer, Chele! That means you can read long! MAN UP!!
ReplyDelete*Lee ducks Chele's swiftly thrown high heel shoe*
@Ali... You like my long posts? What is wrong with you, gal?
I need to paint. But I can't settle on my colors! UGH!!
@Terry in his Cheap Seats...
*Ladylee holds back the crocodile tears*
*LadyLee wails, screeches and hollers, and falls out on the hard concrete... and wails some more*
Yeah, I'ma call you when I need someone to think some good thangs about me, Man!!
Have a glass of that GOOD scotch for the Oldgirl!
What a weekend. I wish I could meet a fellow blogger and have lunch, dinner etc. Awww..that's blog-luv for ya!
ReplyDeleteYou have a great Monday as well!
snickering @ 206% longer! lol
ReplyDeleteI don't even want to try the curse-o-meter on my blog. if all your smurfiness are @ 45%...mine will be MUCH higher!
sounds like quite the weekend...good stuff!
LOL..yeah, your posts ARE long, but you don't cuss that much, and it's definitely not rated R.
ReplyDeleteYou know you write long posts, but it's all for you. ;) I'm sure that meter was accurate.
ReplyDeleteMeeting Terry must have been something. So glad you were able to connect and share.
It won't really have effect, I think this way.
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